Bug found, bug fixed.
Dyed quantumsuits have the same ItemID as normal ones, right?
Well it is NBT, like with Leather Armor, but even though the Suit is colored it still remains white. I have no Idea why it is like that and can't fix it.
Bug found, bug fixed.
Dyed quantumsuits have the same ItemID as normal ones, right?
Well it is NBT, like with Leather Armor, but even though the Suit is colored it still remains white. I have no Idea why it is like that and can't fix it.
Just gist.github.com it and we'll see how we can help you. You're doing the "getColorFromItemStack(ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2)", right?
Just gist.github.com it and we'll see how we can help you. You're doing the "getColorFromItemStack(ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2)", right?
Yes, but I want to make the Stack Transparent in case of Gems aswell, so I need to find out how to do that.
mak are you sure this is the only addition to a class that extends Item? It doesn't seem to work for me. Do I have to do anything different in the crafting recipes?
By the way, Yellow yellowcake Cake is still textureless
By the way, Yellow yellowcake Cake is still textureless
textureless textureless or still-the-same-as-vanilla textureless?
textureless textureless
That one, purple and black
That must be some kind of reobfuscation/recompilation bug I guess. I'll look into it.
Still need to know how to make a Container Item currently, it's getting consumed.
So, the code part is finished, I am only waiting on the Crystalliser Textures from Sirus now.
The version after that will most likely feature every machine having a hidden Steam tank and a Steam upgrade similar to GT (if railcraft is installed) and infused gold ore in the nether.
Does GregTech have an API that lets you make your machines compatible with GT covers/upgrades?
I guess I could with some effort, but I don't like the upgrades saving to NBT..maybe only the transformer upgrades.
Does GregTech have an API that lets you make your machines compatible with GT covers/upgrades?
Well, it has that indirectly. You just need to implement your TileEntities to do that properly, and to see how to do that you have to look into the BaseMetaTileEntity Code, which is also Part of my API.
That must be some kind of reobfuscation/recompilation bug I guess. I'll look into it.
Still need to know how to make a Container Itemcurrently, it's getting consumed.
Here's my Nano Hammer.
Hope it'll help. Just a random guess: did you override your hasContainerItem() to always return true?
Here's my Nano Hammer.
Hope it'll help. Just a random guess: did you override your hasContainerItem() to always return true?
I already fixed it (sorry, should have edited that)
Unidye 1.4.0:
- fixed the CommonProxy bug (invultri, it should work now)
- Added the Crystalliser (placeholder texture I quickly assembled using other textures until Sirus is finished with the actual ones)
- Added a log message if unknown gems are detected so I can make recipes for them (please report that to me or other gems who might not be oredict-registered)
- Added Crystalliser Recipes
- Without GT: Dyes + uuM -> gems
- With GT: mostly just reversal of centrifuge/industrial electrolyzer recipes
- Added a config option to toggle the use of UU-Matter
- Rephrased the license
Whoops, forgot a little Ninja update. Can someone see if it works or if a file is missing or something?
Yellow Yellowcake Cake still has a missing texture
Calcium Silicate doesn't have a texture either
My logs said I have to do this as well:
Thanks for the log.
Calcium Silicate should not actually be in there, oops.
Apatite is the fertiliser component from forestry
Certus Quartz is the A&E quartz
Crystal Flux is from Thaumcraft I assume?
Crystal Flux is from Thaumcraft I assume?
Project Red apparently. Not sure what though.
Do you have a way to enable OreDict tooltips in NEI?
Project Red apparently. Not sure what though.
Yeah, I'll try that. Was looking at Gregtech's ore dictionary logs.
EDIT - Found it, wasn't Project Red at all. It's Redstone Arsenal's redstone infused diamond used for making flux infused tools