[Addon][1.6.2+] Unidye - Get more awesome for your IC²!

  • The apatite gem in BoP is used decoratively or for some kind of teleport device. That doesn't sounds like something that should be in the Crystallizer. Does Forestry register it?

  • At least with GT. Well then, I'll need to find the hook in the Forestry API. There should be IMC things to get other mods items, that would be great.

    Oh, there's something in GameRegistry..nice..
    By the way, planned for the next update is a config option for every Crystalliser Recipe

    edit: oh, this is post 500!

  • Just realized infused gold recipe for circuits/overclockers is pretty much totally not worth:

    1 Circuit:
    - Normal recipe: 1 iron, 2 redstone, 2 copper, 6 rubber
    - Unidye recipe: 2 gold, 4 redstone, 4 glowstone, 4/3 copper, 4 rubber
    - GT recipe: 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 copper, 3 rubber

    1 Overclocker upgrade:
    - Normal recipe: 12 tin, 1 circuit, 2/3 copper, 2 rubber
    - Unidye recipe: 4 gold, 8 redstone, 8 glowstone, 1 circuit

  • I think a better ratio would be 5 gold + 2 redstone + 2 glowstone = 9 infused gold dust, and have recipes consume dense plates for 2x output (2 circuits/2 overclockers). It'll obey the conservation of mass (9 dust in 9 dust out instead of 5 dust in 0.5 dust out), and the new ratios would be something like:

    1 Circuit:
    - Normal recipe: 1 iron, 2 redstone, 2 copper, 6 rubber
    - Unidye recipe: 2.5 gold, 1 redstone, 1 glowstone, 2/3 copper, 2 rubber
    - GT recipe: 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 copper, 3 rubber

    1 Overclocker upgrade:
    - Normal recipe: 12 tin, 1 circuit, 2/3 copper, 2 rubber
    - Unidye recipe: 5 gold, 2 redstone, 2 glowstone, 0.5 circuit

    So the gold cost goes up, but redstone/glowstone are no longer consumed in huge quantities.

  • I thought of a couple more uses for the non-dense infused gold parts, if you're interested:

    Infused Gold Dust:
    - Silver Dust substitute in Glass Fibre recipe

    Infused Gold Ingot:
    - Iron Ingot substitute in Coil and Electric Motor recipe
    - 1 infused gold + 8 rubber -> 4 Insulated Gold Cable (craftingWireGold).

    Infused Gold Plate:
    - Battery Alloy substitute in RE-batteries

  • Seems like a really good way to open other recipes for the use of infused Gold too. Suggestion accepted :P

    Also, which mods add Steam and what are their modIDs (if there are any besides GT and RC)?
    Also, why is there no FluidDictionary? :(

    EDIT: also, what is the new fibre glass recipe? Xx

  • Also, which mods add Steam and what are their modIDs (if there are any besides GT and RC)?

    Pretty sure RC is the primary steam mod. Factorization Solar Boilers also make steam, but I think that's it.

    Also, why is there no FluidDictionary? :(

    There's a FluidRegistry. Works similarly to the oredict, which is why GT oil/diesel will burn in everything that takes BC oil/fuel.

    EDIT: also, what is the new fibre glass recipe? Xx

    G G G
    E S E
    G G G

    G = Glass
    E = Energium Dust
    S = Silver Dust

    This makes one cable. Have you not updated GT and ic2 in your dev environment? Might be a good idea to do so, due to a lot of recipe/item changes in recent GT.

  • FZ...hm...
    Well the FluidRegistry is sadly not as intuitive to use as the OreDictionary and I haven't really concerned myself with Maps yet, but I see how it is possible to look for a steam fluid that's registered.

    About the recipe: I follow GT changes mostly (and IC2 changes a bit) but it didn't change anything yet that was of my concern. I'll most likely update when I got spare time (which will not be next month), because then I'll also start updating Advanced Reactors (which needs a new workspace anyways) ;) Thank you for the recipe though.
    Now I need to update anyways to the new API.

    • Official Post

    Gregtech said you did something:
    unidye -> ingotIron
    unidye -> plateIron
    unidye -> dyeBlack
    unidye -> dyeBlue
    unidye -> dyeBrown
    unidye -> dyeGreen
    unidye -> dyeWhite
    unidye did something very bad! The registration is too invalid to even be shown properly. This happens only if you register null, invalid Items, empty Strings or even nonexisting Events to the OreDict.
    unidye -> ingotInfusedGold
    unidye -> dustInfusedGold
    unidye -> dustSmallInfusedGold
    unidye -> dustTinyInfusedGold
    unidye -> plateInfusedGold
    unidye -> plateDenseInfusedGold
    unidye -> stickInfusedGold
    unidye -> nuggetInfusedGold

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.