[Addon][1.6.2+] Unidye - Get more awesome for your IC²!
After my exams I'll decide if I update it to 1.6.4 or wait for 1.7, depending on things such as my free time, my motivation and other plans. Can ask me then again.
After my exams I'll decide if I update it to 1.6.4 or wait for 1.7, depending on things such as my free time, my motivation and other plans. Can ask me then again.
Okay, sure. I guess...
Gregtech said you did something:
unidye did something very bad! The registration is too invalid to even be shown properly. This happens only if you register null, invalid Items, empty Strings or even nonexisting Events to the OreDict.
It's already fixed in the newest version (just waiting for the crystalliser textures by Sirus the King!), but you are correct, I did something (silly). -
I am just going to add this to my single player world soon but before I do I was just wondering if green dye had its own variation in your mod because I do not want this making obtainability of pipe waterproofing easy. If not could you add a config.
P.S. Theres some mods out there that support use of 1.6.2 mods in 1.6.4 I'll post them later. Your mod seems to work with this.
I am just going to add this to my single player world soon but before I do I was just wondering if green dye had its own variation in your mod because I do not want this making obtainability of pipe waterproofing easy. If not could you add a config.
Every dye has its own dye version. And a cactus farm is trivial to make anyway :p -
The newest version would most likely work with 1.6.2 since the differences of Apis/forge isn't too big (at least not in the parts that I use), but I wouldn't be properly able to fix bugs when one occurs due to this.
Also, in the spoiler "exploit free dyes" in the second post you see the colours I added a dye for - not all of them. Otherwise, I hope you have fun with this!
Is there an option to insert unidye into a wool dyeing plant to output a random piece of colored wool, or plans to add another use for unidye (maybe a dye-based generator with 16 slots for colors and one slot for unidye, and generates EU based on how "colorful" the inputs are? 1 EU/t per dye and consumes a random color every 1000 ticks, and if unidye is used makes double output but always consumes one unidye in addition to the random color.) What about adding unidye as a scannable material for the UUM production route?
My little pony"Rainbow Generator" that uses dyes to produce energy? -
The dye generator idea is a bit older (I registered every dye as a fuel once but decided not to release that because it's pretty dumb), but it seems a fun thing to do
why not.
About the random wool with Unidye: I literally thought about that this morning and, seeing as the wool dyer needs some tweaks either way (as well as the crystalliser so the order of the inputs does not matter), so it will likely get added.The generator wouldn't be too bad since I was planning on taking a look at ic2 power sources either way because I'm planning stuff.
We could totally call it the "Chromatic Generator".
"Sucks the color straight out of dyes and returns worthless scrap!"
Not on a computer with MC right now so I'll have to improvise, but here's my idea for the GUI layout:
16 dye slots on the left (maybe colored to match the dyes?), and an unidye input slot as well as scrap output slot. 1 EU/t per filled dye slot, and output doubles if you put unidye in (maximum of 32EU/t, consuming one random colored dye and 1 unidye if available every 50 seconds. With all 16 colors each dye achieves maximum efficiency of 16k EU, whereas with only one dye type (say cactus green) you only get 1k per item.)
I see the reverse happening.
"Hey guys, how do you get your scrap?"
"Oh, I just use the chromatic generator, put some worthless dyes in it and it creates energy and scrap! woo!" -
1 scrap per 50 seconds shouldn't be too imbalanced, since it only outputs scrap if you put unidye in (a difficult to acquire component especially without GT).
Just noticed you dont use the OreDict Name of Rubber "itemRubber" for your Recipes.
I am currently rewriting a lot of things to not use .getItem and .getGregTechItem, but thanks, I might have overlooked that.
I see the reverse happening.
"Hey guys, how do you get your scrap?"
"Oh, I just use the chromatic generator, put some worthless dyes in it and it creates energy and scrap! woo!"[Colour Intensifies]
What about making the chromatic generator "steal" the color of the world in order to generate energy?
MonoChromatic Generator:
Consumes dyes and/or unidye as color catalyst.
Affects a volume of 127x256x127 (8x8 chunks).
Will slowly "steal" the colors of all blocks in the affected area, turning them into scrap blocks (worth 4 scrap when mined). Liquids (water/lava/oil) becomes liquid scrap.
Scrap blocks has the hardness of cobblestone and can be mined with any tool.Numbers:
(uni)dyes are consumed every 30 seconds.
Generates 2 EU/t * Number of different dyes^2 (Unidye is also a "different dye") * Unidye Value (1 without unidye, 4 with unidye)
Turns 50 blocks every second into (liquid) scrap block, regardless of generation. -
Turns 50 blocks every second into (liquid) scrap block, regardless of generation.
In an 8x8 chunk area? That'd either cause lots of lag, or be used as a greefing tool. Like the idea, but seems very distructive -
seems very distructive
Thats the idea.
Nothing that a config to disable it can't solve.
Thats the idea.
Nothing that a config to disable it can't solve.
Prefect. I support it completely.