Can you give a summary? thinking about adding it to my world.
Tiered energy and item storage. New power system compatible with AE, MPS, Engineer's Toolbox, Rotarycraft, MFR, amongst other mods. Item ducts.
Can you give a summary? thinking about adding it to my world.
Tiered energy and item storage. New power system compatible with AE, MPS, Engineer's Toolbox, Rotarycraft, MFR, amongst other mods. Item ducts.
Item and Liquiducts might be handy since they probably are stronger and cheaper than GT's and less laggy than enderio.
Oh, about AE: Is it just me or does the mod feel like something server only? I don't really see a reason to use it in single player, but I might also just underestimate its value.
New power system compatible with AE, MPS, Engineer's Toolbox, Rotarycraft, MFR, amongst other mods.
Item ducts.
Well, they are working in a slightly different, but much more laggy Way than GT Item Pipes. That thing has not only to render the Items inside, it also has to update the Items position as if it were an Item laying on the ground causing Connection Lag, like Redpowers Tubes and Buildcrafts Pipes do.
Are GT and Extra-Utils the only Mods with non-transparent Pipes or am I wrong? (AE doesn't count as Pipe)
Item and Liquiducts might be handy since they probably are stronger and cheaper than GT's and less laggy than enderio.
Liquiducts (It was either 80 or 160 Liters per tick) are in no way stronger than GT Pipes (120 - 960 Liters per tick). And the Item Ducts only have the round-robin Feature making them a slight bit more intuitive, but without the many Features my Cover System adds they are useless.
But they are both cheaper indeed.
And I was soooo excited for TE3. Well..Tesseracts.
Played a bit more, and:
- Retrogen (CoFH Core)
- Strongboxes (portable storage)
- Network code rewrite and GUI refactor
- 5 tiers of portable tanks
- Friends list (Player sharing system)
- Machines can only accept what they can process
- Special pressure plates (Redstone - remote RS signal; Glowstone - jump 16 blocks in specified direction; Ender - teleport 16 blocks in specified direction)
- TE still requires CoFHCore. However, it requires CodeChickenLib now (auto-DL)
- Deployers (Autonomous Activator), Block Breakers (Terrain Smasher), and Void Pipe (Nullifier)
- Florbs (throwable buckets)
- Pyrotheum (Super lava) and Cryotheum (Temporarily uncraftable, super icewater)
- Blizzes (Ice Blazes)
- Some creative mode and server admin features (item duplicator, liquid duplicator, "zero-point generator")
- Opaque item and fluiducts. T2 item ducts have round-robin, input filters, vacuum, dense and speed modes.
- Invar Battlewrench
- Redstone Flux is compatible with Minecraft Joules, a Redstone Energy Conduit (or Leadstone, the weaker variant) carrying RF can connect to MJ-powered machines and convert it. 10 RF => 1 MJ. (One-way only)
- Redstone Flux is generated by Dynamos (There are 3 types currently, Steam, Magmatic and Compression (analogue of Combustion Engine). All produce 40 RF/t, which is equivalent to 4 MJ/t or 10 EU/t)
- Redstone Flux is supported by 7 other mods (Minefactory Reloaded, Modular Powersuits, Ender IO, Rotarycraft, Engineer's Toolbox, Tinker's Construct, Applied Energistics)
- Single-use batteries, Flux Capacitators, crafted with potatos. Potatos become baked after use.
- Tesseracts are combined now.
- Tiered energy storage. There are 5 tiers, with T1 (Leadstone) storing 400k; T2 (Hardened) storing 2M; T3 (Redstone) storing 10M; T4 (Resonant) storing 50M; T5 (Creative) storing infinite.
- Advanced version of Cyclic Assembler (Autocrafting), with blueprints
- Terrain smasher uses Diamond Pick if configured
EDIT: According to KL on the FTB forums, he created RF because MJ is an unsuitable power system, partly because of some unnecessary computing lag and some design mechanics.
Greg, since GT machines can take UE, any chance of RF? 10 RF => 1 MJ, so that means 4 RF is 1 EU (using the lossless conversion), possibly nerf to 5 RF => 1 EU?
And I was soooo excited for TE3.
You probably know that GT also have them, in a much improved way (and expensive aswell), allowing you to automate almost any kind of block with covers, remotely.
I kept TE for the liquids. They are so fun. Especially when you pair florbs with the autonomous activator.
GregTech Tesseracts are scary and unknown to me (like everything that's past mid game), otherwise I have to say, in my opinion it seems a bit liek TE missed its window. But if it's less laggy than Buildcraft, I might try that in my next world.
GregTech Tesseracts are scary and unknown to me (like everything that's past mid game), otherwise I have to say, in my opinion it seems a bit liek TE missed its window. But if it's less laggy than Buildcraft, I might try that in my next world.
Laggy? I don't think it's possible for TE to be laggy, unless you try really hard.
And you can add it to your world right away, it has retrogen.
EDIT: And the resources it uses (Copper, Tin, Lead, Silver, Nickel, Platinum) are all provided by GT and IC2.
EDIT2: Yay, 1k posts!
Laggy? I don't think it's possible for TE to be laggy, unless you try really hard.
And you can add it to your world right away, it has retrogen.
I bet i can make it be laggy, anything, even GT.
@GregTech Tesseracts, they are as laggy as any of its machines on its own, almost nothing.
- Florbs (throwable buckets)
Liquid UU in the world legit without Mystcraft
Liquid UU in the world legit without Mystcraft
You can use BC floodgates.
You can use BC floodgates.
You can't throw UU with floodgates
Laggy? I don't think it's possible for TE to be laggy, unless you try really hard.
And you can add it to your world right away, it has retrogen.
I said if it's less laggy than Buildcraft, but i think i will go for GT automation (not rendering items and liquids is great)
In comparison with GT, there is no concrete evidence yet, but I'm sure they're on about the same level. However, TE3 does have opaque itemducts and fluiducts to prevent items from showing.
15 years of Half Life today! And a few really old Call of Duty Players.
Again, lets play Ingress! (Niantic, Google) My town is known as the green city, even more since i've joined the enlightned.
Is it just me, or does the forum have a hit record counter today?
Seems to be today, although thats a bit strange, unless IC² forum became more popular due the new experimental versions.
And GT Thermal Expansion bugs, people must be following King Lemming around