Got no pipes in IC2 only world. What's steam even for with no Railcraft for 1.7.10 (ignoring Factorisation's amazing generator)
Bored? Random IC2/Forum chat
- SirusKing
- Closed
I'm pretty sure you put in water (maybe coolant too?) and it outputs steam (Hot coolant?). quite simple.
After splatting in Ender IO, no, it doesn't accept coolant at all, and doesn't output steam, or even accept heat. Guess the GUI was right. -
new reactor
^my reactor manual^ -
You hadn't spent may hours making the nice guide, for Thunderdark to chance half the things and make it obsolete
You hadn't spent may hours making the nice guide, for Thunderdark to chance half the things and make it obsolete
most of the dynamics of my manual are still valid...i'm just trying to figure out why a reactor with no rods in it continues to heat up at this point.(probably bug) -
most of the dynamics of my manual are still valid...i'm just trying to figure out why a reactor with no rods in it continues to heat up at this point.(probably bug)reactor with no rods in it continues to heat up
hm setup ?
got it to trigger again.
reactor is off, pulsed for just a moment with a quad adjacent to a single rod, a thermal plating was added, then removed, and the coolant is out but not removed from the housing.i'll submit a bug report.
[submitted, 0001095] -
got it to trigger again.
reactor is off, pulsed for just a moment with a quad adjacent to a single rod, a thermal plating was added, then removed, and the coolant is out but not removed from the housing.i'll submit a bug report.
[submitted, 0001095]#502 (07.07.2014 20:55:56)
very hot hotfix (MantisID: 0001095) fix Reactor self-heating and BBBOOOOMMMM —Big THX inucune
and you reactor manual is still current only in Fluidmode changes EU*t -> hU/s ....see IC2 Reactor Planner V3 "Vent Cooling" * 2 and you have hU/s Output....
I C wat u did there...
Aaaaahhhhh -
I apologies if this looks like its a spam post. Something that you may or may not have heard about (and admittedly, only affects Australians so why would most of you care), and trust me when I say I hope i never have to do something like this again.
we need something like that system here in the US. NC-17 and R are reversed from what their roles should be.
and NC-17 is a death sentence for most movies. -
1 new maschine finished to day... 6 still to get ready
Reactor Cooling Full System shall a little more complex than originally planned
7 New machines? Oh god, all the new stuff!
we need something like that system here in the US. NC-17 and R are reversed from what their roles should be.
and NC-17 is a death sentence for most movies.
The rating system, while flawed, isn't the problem with this. The problem is that people are ignoring the rating system and complaining when kids are behaving in a way they shouldn't be (you all know the kinds of kids I'm referring to with this, the kids who curse you when they loose and insult you using language they shouldn't know exists when they win). -
He sounds like the kinda person who doesn't use IC2. Tell him to remove it
As for his comment on the wiki, it takes time, patience is a virtue. bring in the ban hammer
Also: Read the following and tell me which point in the statement you say to yourself "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"
Disney's working on a new Dumbo movie, in live action similar to Alice in Wonderland and Melificent, written by the current writer of the Transformers and the one who gave us Skidds and Mudflap in Revenge of the Fallen.
For me, they lost me at "in live action"