Eeerr...sorry if this is a stupid question but im relativly new to the Minecraft Modding scene so...
I just noticed you don't use Buildcraft or Minefactory Reloaded,Steves Carts ,Magic Bees, Extra Bees, Thaumic Tinkerer or Project Red.Are they op (just didn't played with them much so I don't know it ).

[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
Eeerr...sorry if this is a stupid question but im relativly new to the Minecraft Modding scene so...
I just noticed you don't use Buildcraft or Minefactory Reloaded,Steves Carts ,Magic Bees, Extra Bees, Thaumic Tinkerer or Project Red.Are they op (just didn't played with them much so I don't know it ).Project red and extra bees have been considered. I think we decided to wait for RP3, and extra bees is still being updated.
MFR has it's magic, do anything blocks which people don't seem to like, Thaumic Tinkerer I'm not completely sure about, but the KAMI stuff is really just Thaumcraft's own Quantum Suit and I'm pretty sure Buildcraft was so that you used Gregtech's piping over Buildcraft's much cheaper ones.
Eeerr...sorry if this is a stupid question but im relativly new to the Minecraft Modding scene so...
I just noticed you don't use Buildcraft or Minefactory Reloaded,Steves Carts ,Magic Bees, Extra Bees, Thaumic Tinkerer or Project Red.Are they op (just didn't played with them much so I don't know it ).
Do not care about what's op or not, if you enjoy the way some mods works, why not using them ?
You could also change recipes with Minetweaker to make them harder, if you think they are too easy.To be honest :
- We almost have everything we need for automation, so Buildcraft is a bit superfluous.
- MFR actively sabotages GregTech users because its maintainer decided being a douche was the way to go.
- Extrabees is fine if you can remove the machines, and IC2/GT crops do the job fine I guess.
- We're not using Project Red because Immibis' Redlogic (+ Microblocks) is more fit to our needs.Also Kirara was intended to be a server with a light modpack, so...
Also Kirara was intended to be a server with a light modpack, so...
We are kinda starting to drift a little from "light" -
By the way, I got 21 TPS while almost nobody was online, meaning Chunkloaded Bases are not lagging the Server, yay.
I just wanted to know how these mods work together with Gregtech because I really like the nerfs and the progression it gives you.If I for example would make farm with mod y and then get that it's really op it would really take away a lot of the fun.
gregtech-1.7.jar 5.03aNew:
A second server will be launched on the default port. This server will be without the UB stone override, unfortunately I can not pregen this world. -
No immibis microblocks ?
There is Galacticraft for 1.7 for download again! ( but still BETA for now) -
No immibis microblocks ?
I wanted to avoid the clutter, besides we have coloured cables to put them close together ?
There is Galacticraft for 1.7 for download again! ( but still BETA for now)
Oh nice, but we are kinda filling up on mods as it stands .... -
I totally want GC by the way, i didnt forget my space station!
However, we should wait for a more stable version.
As for modpack cluttering, we're adding stuff that has really playable content. I don't think the pack is getting big.
I totally want GC by the way, i didnt forget my space station!
However, we should wait for a more stable version.
As for modpack cluttering, we're adding stuff that has really playable content. I don't think the pack is getting big.
SpwnX pls no Galacticraft.
It's really a nice and fun mod, but you can not really speak of any form of stability with it... -
Btw, since we are up to clustering now with the qCraft added, what will be the "parts" which are clustered? Just squares, to make it easier to split? or could we make flying-islands-kind of thing?
If "liquid physics" is too annoying ask invultri to set enableExtendedLiquidPhysics=false. Also i can change liquid behavior in a way, you more like it.
The point is, it turned out, these "extended physics" make sourceblock disappear just for the sake of lulz, which makes any kind of farms unstable.
Also, it can be quite destructive with sourceblocks moving down.
I'd rather have the liquid part disabled. -
If "liquid physics" is too annoying ask invultri to set enableExtendedLiquidPhysics=false. Also i can change liquid behavior in a way, you more like it.
The only wrong thing with the Fluid Mechanics is that it is god damn SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. It should be much faster.
The only wrong thing with the Fluid Mechanics is that it is god damn SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. It should be much faster.
Not only this. Marilsanya is kinda angry, because it is hard to take water to end dimension and every time she broke a block it flows down, so setting up enderman farm become a complex task.
I had to read a lot of text from her. -
It is a bad Idea to use Water as Enderman killer anyways, since as soon as someone builds close to it the Endermen will teleport out en mass. Fall Damage is much better since you can switch that to 1 hit kill for an EXP Farm.
It is a bad Idea to use Water as Enderman killer anyways, since as soon as someone builds close to it the Endermen will teleport out en mass. Fall Damage is much better since you can switch that to 1 hit kill for an EXP Farm.
+ golem and a brainjar