If K1 can't be fixed then what would the evacuation Plan look like ?
[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
SpwnX I meant it - look at the space you will be able to build in
And maybe quite soon
If K1 can't be fixed then what would the evacuation Plan look like ?
Pack your bags and jump to another server? But I have hight hopes onQuickFastCraft, the problem is being worked on, it just takes a lot of time. -
I have updated fastcraft on K1, thanks to player (who is awesome) this should help a lot with the lag.
Now, as to the dreaded lag spikes every X (where X seems to be ~45sec). Please disable (destroy) your arcane matrices when you do not plan to use them anytime soon. The same goes for wand pedestals. Both of these seem to cause the spikes.
Impressive results Iinvultri. The LAG Horrors seem to be gone.
What I said was, that your Chickens created a CONSTANT lag on the Server, which was larger than BAs place of laggyness.
You should totally code a Quantum Chicken Farm block so that we can have a lagless chicken farming method.
Screw Eggplants.
All crops in the server lags less than a two chicken egg farm.
All crops in the server lags less than a two chicken egg farm.
Literal fact ? -
Literal fact ?Nah, just a probable exaggeration.
A comparison from the numbers i've heard from greg, like the 2000ish crops on the server causing less than 1ms lag and those 50 chickens on Ishi's farm lagging more than BadAlchemy's base. -
It would be nice if we just had a machine that produced eggs out of nothing. Not realist in any way or form, but for lag purposes.
A digital/quantum farmer sounds nice.
Instead of entities, you have general numbers.
Insert any animal to be digitalized, breeding resources and options (as in how many animals to keep, breed them as possible and butcher X animals {manual input}).
What do you think? -
I think, that something like that was Overmind doing in his mod, hm?
Why do you want eggs? i always thought it was the feather what we realy wanted, greg could add an artificial feather thing with plastic. but it was like that the crops, over 1k (bein prob 600 mine) and almost no lag. For egg uou could just trap one chicken on a closed 3x3 holow with an annilation panel below geting eggs 4ever.
greg could add an artificial feather thing with plastic.
PLease do. This is all I want and more. -
News from testing GalactiCraft:
They probably repaired bug with electricity
Found some special asteroid with the hole inside - and surprize:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/05l3…09-13%2001.00.51.png?dl=0Probably it will be good with it, no big issues at first-look yet
News from testing GalactiCraft:
They probably repaired bug with electricity
Found some special asteroid with the hole inside - and surprize:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/05l3…09-13%2001.00.51.png?dl=0Probably it will be good with it, no big issues at first-look yet
Looks like we might be able to add it to the server tomorrow or next week thenDepending on how much minetweakering is required.
while you will be minetweaking GC, don't forget about qcraft and IC² (disable the blast furnace).
by the way, you could disable the RC tracker block (B:residual.heat=true on blocks.cfg) to reduce the amount of TEs
It is safe to ocme back to k1 now?
Mostly safe. Reports are that the server is going better.
What happened to the promised update? You know, the one we already hoped to get 4 Days ago.
You shouldn't have promised it if you couldn't update that soon.