I blame NEI for taking too much time to show the produce. Thus i assumed they were the same.

[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
No, NEI is failing hard here.
Just tested in Creative: Electic Compressor from GC uses 4 ingots for 2 compressed plates. For desh and meteoric iron it is even showing 1 ingot to 2 plates, but it really uses 2 ingots for 2 plates.
So I was right woohoo!
Update done
Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.0.1 - MC 1.7.10.jar
Morpheus-1.7.10-1.5.24.jar (server only)
eirairc-mc1.7.10-v1.7.52.jar (optional)
forge-1.7.10- jenkins is down ic2 and forestry will be updated later.
Forestry fertilizer should last twice as long in multifarms -
May I suggest a GregTech Update? I fixed all Issues with the new Recycling System by now, so there shouldnt be anything wrong.
Oh, and you should remove the Recipes which I added for the Compressed Plates of GC in order to keep the Minetweakered Hard Mode alive (my Recipes are 1 Plate in a Compressor = 1 Compressed, so you should really remove those cheap ones).
I added those cheap Recipes to mirror the also cheap GC Recipes, nothing more.
Which recipes need to be removed? everything that has to do with compressed plates? -
Has anyone figured out what causes the NEI crash for some people ? It happens when I look at recipies or uses for the item.... If you know how to fix it then please share !
Has anyone figured out what causes the NEI crash for some people ? It happens when I look at recipies or uses for the item.... If you know how to fix it then please share !
Solution #29182: Remove NEI.
You can't really play without NEI. That would be crazy hard.
Got advice from someone( not sure who as my memory isn't the best ) but removing TC plugin did it for me ! Hope it helps anyone else struggling. By the way is there any tutorials out there for GT ?
Got advice from someone( not sure who as my memory isn't the best ) but removing TC plugin did it for me ! Hope it helps anyone else struggling. By the way is there any tutorials out there for GT ?
At the speed gt is moving.. nope. The official wiki moved to the ftb community wiki. -
And here is the extra update:
forestry_1.7.10- -
NEI works fine for me.
Also I gonna Quote my Q/A about "dropping NEI"
Q: Where are the Recipes?
A: Use NEI, if you don't want to use NEI, then use NEI, if you hate NEI for good reasons, then use NEI, if NEI crashes for retardedly stupid reasons, then use NEI, you have no other choice, Chickenbones has the Monopoly on this. NEI is available here "http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-145146-smp-chickenbones-mods" -
NEI works fine for me.
Also I gonna Quote my Q/A about "dropping NEI"
Q: Where are the Recipes?
A: Use NEI, if you don't want to use NEI, then use NEI, if you hate NEI for good reasons, then use NEI, if NEI crashes for retardedly stupid reasons, then use NEI, you have no other choice, Chickenbones has the Monopoly on this. NEI is available here "http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-145146-smp-chickenbones-mods"
Brilliant.You could go for the Samuel L. Jackson: Use NEI motherfucker.
Got advice from someone( not sure who as my memory isn't the best ) but removing TC plugin did it for me ! Hope it helps anyone else struggling. By the way is there any tutorials out there for GT ?
[WIP] Gregtech Survival Guide [v2, GT5, 1.7.10]
Happy birthday
Do not use either of the NEI plugins provided with the new NEI version. They break. I would really recommend using NEIPlugins instead, as they are superior in stability.
Tell me what do you guys think of Rotary craft compared to GregTech? Do you think they weigh similar in end game items ? Do you think rotary craft has a good balance? (I know that there are no permissions to change recipes ) In general what's your thoughts about the mod?
Do not use either of the NEI plugins provided with the new NEI version. They break. I would really recommend using NEIPlugins instead, as they are superior in stability.
Is this about the optional plugins advertised in the OP ? If so I will remove them.Tell me what do you guys think of Rotary craft compared to GregTech? Do you think they weigh similar in end game items ? Do you think rotary craft has a good balance? (I know that there are no permissions to change recipes ) In general what's your thoughts about the mod?
It certainly looks like an engaging mod that looks nice. However, in terms of the kirara pack its power system is way cheaper to run than anything we have. -
Yes it is the TC plugin suggested in the OP... i would advise removing it! The forestry plugin works though...
I honestly would prefer if you linked NEIPlugins in the description. Ported by Tonius (http://www.minecraftforum.net/…acks-fluxedfeederunit-nei), it is actually quite stable and offers additional mod support (AE2, Forestry, Railcraft...).
DreamMasterXXL has chased up a fix for TC NEI plugin. Thanks.
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