Lol, I still prefer the E bore cart suggestion, at least it will come faster ( 2017 ), now let's see who will come faster, my mod or the bore ;P Also, SpwnX, can you read Japanese ? :o
[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] IHL Tools & Machines
Why do you think i can? I can not read japanese. I've been to japan though :3
My english proved worthless when communicating... -
So if you can't read Japanese, and English doesn't help, how did you communicate with people?
My mother had to aid me there, she could speak some japanese and that was it.
At least all the signs orientating the train stations, bus stations and whatmore had english versions.
New version is finally reliased. A final goal is to create flexible cables production line. Currently it is not craftable without GregTech. May be it is not craftable even with GregTech - could be mising recipes or technological loops.
Wiki will help you:
Ask your questions. -
Currently it is not craftable without GregTech.
Awwwww -
I Get a crash with ihl-tools 0.527 and Fastcraft 1.19…559253#file-gistfile1-txt
with 0.526 it works
That's because IHL Tools is using IC2's internal logger which changed from some logging changes.
I recommend to create your own instead of using IC2.log, which is easily done by calling evt.getModLog() in the FMLPreInitializationEvent handler and assigning it to a field.
That's because IHL Tools is using IC2's internal logger which changed from some logging changes.
I recommend to create your own instead of using IC2.log, which is easily done by calling evt.getModLog() in the FMLPreInitializationEvent handler and assigning it to a field.
Ok. -
Is it safe to update from 0.527 to 0.528 with GT5? Or are you not supporting it anymore? I am asking because our server crashed with: when used Evaporator. Also i can't update IC2 itself because of IHL crashing with newer versions than builds 676 because of IC2 logger.
Is it safe to update from 0.527 to 0.528 with GT5?
No, it is not safe. My mistake, i switched to GT6 too soon. I can add config option to disable GT integration temporary (that would be fast) or make new version with old API (this weekend). -
No, it is not safe. My mistake, i switched to GT6 too soon. I can add config option to disable GT integration temporary (that would be fast) or make new version with old API (this weekend).
Making a diferent version with old API would be the best i think. -
So, your mom sorta speaks japanese ( a bit ) ^.^' ?
So, your mom sorta speaks japanese ( a bit ) ^.^' ?
So, your mom sorta speaks japanese ( a bit ) ^.^' ?
Don't forget the quote, and do that on the bored chat preferrably :3
and yes, she does.
As far as I know, the GT 6 API is different enough from the GT 5 API to have both of them in your Dev Environment at once, because both APIs use different Package Names.
As far as I know, the GT 6 API is different enough from the GT 5 API to have both of them in your Dev Environment at once, because both APIs use different Package Names.
Did this by this way:Codeboolean isGT_API_Version_5=false; try { Class.forName("gregapi.GT_API"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { isGT_API_Version_5=true; }
Everything work fine now, newest version (0.529) work both with GT5 and 6. -
The classes ihl.handpump.IHLHandPump and ihl.collector.CollectorItem override Item.getDamage(), which is a very bad idea for performance reasons. Please get rid of it if you can.
Not only for performance reasons, it was a terrible Idea to even add that Hook, since it completly kills the MetaData of the Item. I need to call Items.feather.getDamage(aStack) in order to get the MetaData properly.