IC2 does not detect humidity and temperature. Its type based.
Can crops beat out MFR and Forestry tree farms for energy production?
- CraftyFellow
- Closed
Never fear, Mine_Sasha! (maybe this should be its own thread) Here are the exact values of crop humidity bonuses per biome type:
And here are the nutrient bonuses per biome type (there are none):
I'm 100% sure this is a bug or just not yet implemented. Calls through the IC2 API to add a nutrient OR humidity biome bonus will affect the humidity bonus, therefore calls to get the nutrient bonus always return 0 because they are never properly recorded, and if you try to use a nutrient bonus it will mess up the humidity bonuses. Internally (I cheated) IC2 tries to add nutrient bonuses for biomes (which results in humidity bonuses), and the humidity bonuses are probably commented out. I'll probably make a bug report later tonight.These biome types are from a list provided by the Minecraft Forge API, and each biome can have multiple tags. Theoretically, someone could add a swamp-jungle biome which would get a total bonus of 20. The tags are defined per biome when the mod registers the biome with Minecraft Forge, specifically a call to registerBiomeType(). Here are the possible tags:
Display More// From net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeDictionary$Type /*Temperature-based tags. Specifying neither implies a biome is temperate*/ HOT, COLD, /*Tags specifying the amount of vegetation a biome has. Specifying neither implies a biome to have moderate amounts*/ SPARSE, DENSE, /*Tags specifying how moist a biome is. Specifying neither implies the biome as having moderate humidity*/ WET, DRY, /*Tree-based tags, SAVANNA refers to dry, desert-like trees (Such as Acacia), CONIFEROUS refers to snowy trees (Such as Spruce) and JUNGLE refers to jungle trees. Specifying no tag implies a biome has temperate trees (Such as Oak)*/ SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, /*Tags specifying the nature of a biome*/ SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, OCEAN, RIVER, /**A general tag for all water-based biomes. Shown as present if OCEAN or RIVER are.**/ WATER(OCEAN, RIVER), /*Generic types which a biome can be*/ MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, /*Deprecated tags, kept for compatibility*/ /**Replaced by SANDY**/ DESERT(SANDY), /**Replaced by SNOWY**/ FROZEN(SNOWY);
If you are ever unsatisfied with how IC2 handles biomes (for example, you want the MESA generic type to have a humidity bonus of "-5"), you can make a small addon to add a biome bonus. The IC2 API gives addons the ability to do this from ic2.api.crops.Crops. For example, in your PostInitializationEvent EventHandler:
Display More@EventHandler public void postInitializationEventHandler(PostInitializationEvent event) { // Safe if(Crops.instance.getHumidityBiomeBonus(BiomeGenBase.mesa)) addMesaHumidityBonus(); // Bug in the implementation, getNutrientBonus() currently always returns 0 if(Crops.instance.getNutrientBiomeBonus(BiomeGenBase.mesa)) ; // Pretend we did something in this case // Bug in the implementation, will actually overwrite the humidity value we tried before instead of affecting the nutrient bonus. Crops.instance.addBiomenutrientBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MESA, -3); } public static void addMesaHumidityBonus() { // Safe usage, this particular line probably should be added to "vanilla" IC2 Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MESA, -5); // Not specified in the API, but (implementation-specific, #964) multiple calls will actually overwrite the value Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MESA, -3); Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MESA, -5); // But we actually wanted -5 }
Pretty sure EBXL used to do this, but the API changed so it broke.
Yeah, here: https://github.com/Extrabiomes…ule/amica/ic2/IC2API.java
Or maybe here: https://github.com/Extrabiomes…/amica/ic2/IC2Plugin.java -
Thanks, that might get handy
MFR biofuel is probably not in front anymore, now that Advanced Generator's Syngas producer can take sugar charcoal.
9 sugar -> 9 sugar charcoal -> 1 block of sugar charcoal -> 4000 carbon in syngas producer (add small amount of steam) = 800 mb of syngas = 200,000 EU
so 1 sugar can basically get you 22,222 EU
The Syngas producer can also get 32,000 EU from a single piece of wood, if you use a carpenter to turn it into wood pulp first.
With an MFR Fertilizer, Harvestor and Planter, you can produce this wood pulp really fast, I have a setup like this in my base, I haven't finished breeding good sugar yet. The output from the wood is good, but we'd only need to produce sugar at 1.5x the speed of a single block of wood on the same land, should be easily doable, and I didn't even want to count the apples and the sapplings to make forestry biofuel, I set that up, and it's yield is a little disappointing.
Granted I could have better trees, but still. I'm looking forward to making lots of sugar into lots of Syngas.
You get 150mb/plant item at highest efficiency in the bioreactor. when you have TE, you can always get 925000RF/bucket biofuel.
(And now, math!)
1000/150=925000/rfperplant | *rfperplant
1000/150*rfperplant=925000 | *(150/1000)
rfperplant=138750RF/tso it is more efficient to use sugar in the bioreactor, as long as you don't count in the need for other plants(but as other plants are just as easy to get as sugar with crops, that's not important), and as long as i calculated this correctly in my head.
Note: you can get up to 1500000RF/bucket biofuel, so you can get even more out of one plant item.
Another note: I took the values out of a post on page 3, so don't sue me if they are wrong -
I would say that IC2 fermenters are a great way to get a lot of power out of a nuclear reactor, I would not say they are a competitive means to get a lot of power out of plants.
dunno , i have a 5x5 reed patch (growth is arround 15-20) and it supplies an automated fermenter/semifluidgenerator/semifluidheater array, produces 500 eu-tick like forever, cost me arround 180 blocks of iron and cooper, and twice of that for tin
(And now, math!)Yes, you are mostly right and I was mostly wrong. I've been meaning to correct this post, thank you for beating me to it. A caveat worth mentioning: MFR Bioreactor does not take sugar.
I'm currently setting up a bioreactor to use:
1. mushrooms
2. red mushrooms
3. carrots
4. potatoes
5. netherwart
6. melon seeds
7. pumpkin seeds
8. wheat seeds
9. cocoa beansAll of these will be provided by well bred IC2 crops, except for the wheat seeds, which I will probably get from a phytogenic isolator.
And yes Ragh, I like that set up too, it's a good setup. I've sort of got a goal of producing huge amounts of energy in relatively small amounts of space. That is why I like advanced generators so much. By the look of things, each MFR bioreactor supplying my Advanced Generator gas Turbines will supply about 400 eu/t. Not bad, and each gas turbine I have set up to be 1x1x53, stacked side by side. Each will generate 1,250 eu/t.
But if you're willing to sprawl out a huge number of semifluid heat generators and fermenters and semifluid generators, and all the piping and wiring, then yes, it's a potent tool.
how much energy does a semifluid generator provide? 128eu/t? because then, as you could fit height of gas turbine(12 blocks i think)/2 semifluid generator setups(counting the fermenters), meaning you'd get 128*6eu/t=768eu/t, so advanced generators does appear to produce power more quickly in less space. but i guess a not quite optimal 5*5 reactor plus one or 2 sugar crops are easier to set up than 9 different high gain(and growth) crops. Anyway, how much space do you need for your plants? if it is more than about 50 blocks, 5*5 reactor plus fermenters should be more space efficient, on the assumption that they produce 128 eu/t.
1/8 of what you've guessed, I'm afraid
http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Semifluid_GeneratorBioreactor would stl be more efficient per plant than biogas
Biogas production you net 30,000 eu per plant ( minus cost of macerator and canning machine usage )
Bioreactor to efficiency augmented compression dynamo = 37,000
Or to advanced generators gas turbine 32,000
I think it would be very cool if IC2 had a very expensive and very potent heat source for a fermenter. It still wouldn't be quite as efficient per plant, but that would be fine.
I think the semifluid generator is seriously underpowered eu/tick wise then.
Does anyone know the mechanics of this "fertile soil", and what exactly it could be expected to do for IC2 crops, or for trees? I've seen it mentioned that it's from different mods, but I think I'm getting it from MFR, I know that it uses MFR fertilizer as a crafting ingredient as well as podzol
I guess the first thing is whether you can even put IC2 crops sticks on it.
I guess the first thing is whether you can even put IC2 crops sticks on it.
Good question. The answer seems to be no, but the question regarding what it can do for trees my still be very important, especially because I think we've overlooked something: The Reactant Dynamo
An efficiency augmented Reactant Dynamo can get just under 7,400 EU out of 1 sugar. Obviously that's less than most crop comparisons, however this would be enabling the reactant dynamo's VERY efficient use of biomass. Usually you can get 69.375 eu out of 1mb of biomass in a distiller, or if you're on gregtech 115.625 from a distillation tower. In the reactant dynamo you'd be getting 210.9
I've been breeding an excellent tree (I think it's as good as one can get on basic forestry, I cannot vouche for how it goes if you have mods that give more tree options)
It would be interesting if the most efficient use of land turned out to be:
Tree farm producing wood pulp for syngas, and apples and sapplings for great biomass, and a small sugar patch to enable biomass......We'll see, but I still doubt it'll beat pure IC2 crops in a MFR bioreactor.Edit: Actually I'm not positive that the Syngas Producer is the best way to get energy from wood, it might not be.
charcoal in survivalist generator/stirling generator with octadic capacitor(according to dire, about the same, if not better, efficiency than the survivalist generator, at 80rf/t).
Hmm 80,000 per charcoal for survivalist, or 128,000 per 4 wood pulp for SynGas producer. But the SynGas producer also needs a source of steam (or it can be it's own source at the cost of more solid fuel.) I haven't crunched numbers on cheapest steam sources, because i get mine "free" using lava and water in AG's heat exchanger, the lava coming "free"from blood magic serenade of the nether + well of suffering.
railcraft steam boilers are pretty efficient i think, but probably way too much for what the snygas producer needs. but as you're going to make quite a few of them, the railcraft boiler might work.
The AG heat exchanger is a great source of steam, demonic bees can bee a very impressive source of lava with some good breeding, if you're not running blood magic.
When it's all said and done my 12x10 patch of high sap, fast growing tall trees produces about 17.6k EU/t, and a lot goes into that. The breeding of course, a carpenter setup for wood pulp, syngas production, lava and steam production, and a setup of spectral bees, conveyor belts, blaze rods and looting swords in autonomous activators to pump out enough blaze powder to match the heavy biomass production.
A 12x10 patch of industrial craft crops into bioreactors would only have to supply 540 plants items (4.5 per block of farm land) per minute to match that. I imagine under the right conditions they can obliterate that. Does anyone have some helpful yield numbers to report from their crops?