BTW Why do we have no achievement no crafting Fusion Computer?
[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Hello. I apologize if the question has already been.
Q: Is there an option in the configuration of the mod for forced generation veins(B:ore.mix.*) or no generate ore veins in problem chunks, despite the fact that this was the chunk than the busy, often popping exceptions and crash the game when the ore vein tries to generate in large dungeon or other underground construction.
E: GregTech 5.08.30+3x mod gen underground dungeon(size 2x8 chunks)+UBC+others = crash game in new world gen, but generate overworld.stone.redgranite, ore.small.*,etc, and no problem and no crash.
Disabling the entire generation a ore.mix.* or all underground dungeon solve the problem, but then why do we need the ore veins or underground dungeons if they can not be generated? All remaining ore in gregtech or other modes generated normally without problems.Log in custom modpack(problem increases with increasing of number of mods on dungeons):…master/logs/date/051015-1 (big spam exceptions)
Memory is not clogged, the CPU is not fully loaded. -
That would need 4 IC2 fluid regulators.
Im still not sure how to do this, how do i get those 2000mb/t from the regulators to the input hatch? A huge toungstensteel pipe would have enough capacity, but the sloshing (is that a thing with a sinlge piece of pipe and 2 inputs/one output?) would greatly reduce the flow rate, wouldnt it?Edit: I found a solution, now im using TC transvector interfaces. Now the turbines run at full power, but im still having to much steam and im loosing distilled water. It seems that the LHE is producing more SHS than is stated in the wiki...
A huge toungstensteel pipe would have enough capacity, but the sloshing (is that a thing with a sinlge piece of pipe and 2 inputs/one output?) would greatly reduce the flow rate, wouldnt it?
"Sloshing" do not occur with only one pipe.
Bloody, Do the boilers/LHE calculate all hatches as one?
If a have a 16 and 24, it will see as 40B available space, and even if it fill the 16 hatch, it will only void output if the second one is full as well, right?In that case, Elthy, you could use two output hathes. From each hatch, follow a pipe line to the two regulators each turbine. Eventually, it will fill up the hatches and balance the system.
I read about those "TC transvector interface" thing and I'm interested. I wonder If I can use it to attach controller and maintenance covers to a boiler. Still wouldn't help with turbines...
It doesnt work with covers, sadly. My setup doesnt use any GT pipes anymore, those are to buggy: turbines now work at full power output, also theri input hatches arent filling up, so it seems that they work perfectly with 40000mb/s each as it should. But why do i get to much steam and have a loss of distilled water?
The sloshing does occur with one pipe. The fix is to use an EV pump on the output of the pipe. I tried two input hatches on the turbine in 5.08.29 and it wasn't working. I don't think pyure has fixed it yet.
It doesnt work with covers, sadly. My setup doesnt use any GT pipes anymore, those are to buggy: turbines now work at full power output, also theri input hatches arent filling up, so it seems that they work perfectly with 40000mb/s each as it should. But why do i get to much steam and have a loss of distilled water?
Are you using a regulator on the LHE input? If the last LHE output hatch fills up it voids steam. -
According to the wiki the LHE will use a maximum of 2000mb/s of Lava, and thats what i saw as its consumption rate...
According to the wiki the LHE will use a maximum of 2000mb/s of Lava, and thats what i saw as its consumption rate...
Oh I think the wiki numbers are off by a factor of 2. For shiggles try limiting the input to 1 B/s of lava. -
Using 5.09.06 - Thanks for keeping this going and adding more features.
Printed Silicon can still be made using a Silicon Plate in the Inscriber Press, but not in the Adv Forming Press. Is this a feature, or a bug? Kind of throws a wrench into my expansion plans, since the Inscriber Press is so bloody slow.
Using 5.09.06 - Thanks for keeping this going and adding more features.
Printed Silicon can still be made using a Silicon Plate in the Inscriber Press, but not in the Adv Forming Press. Is this a feature, or a bug? Kind of throws a wrench into my expansion plans, since the Inscriber Press is so bloody slow.
You know, inscribers AE could take up to 3 speed upgrade cards, also they almost do not consume energy and i recommend make like for 16 inscribers for each of press and 32 inscribers for making processors.
You know, inscribers AE could take up to 3 speed upgrade cards, also they almost do not consume energy and i recommend make like for 16 inscribers for each of press and 32 inscribers for making processors.
You know, inscribers AE could take up to 3 speed upgrade cards, also they almost do not consume energy and i recommend make like for 16 inscribers for each of press and 32 inscribers for making processors.
Understood, but not really the point. Both gold plates and diamond plates still function in the Adv. Forming Press, but silicon plates do not. Does not seem consistent to me, hence my post. Also, what might work best for you will not for everyone, so your "recommendation" does not address the issue. Thanks anyway.
Just tested LV and MV forming press and both worked for me.
Though as of latest version you required to provide Empty Circuit Board, rather then silicon plate. -
Speaking of silicon for AE2, I've tried un-disabling the quartz smelting to silicon in recipes.cfg, and it doesn't seem to have an effect - either way, the inscriber (or the forming press with GT 5.08 ) requires the GT silicon plate to make printed silicon, and the AE2 silicon item doesn't even show up in NEI. Is there something done on the AE2 side to prevent that from working? If so, is there any point in still having that option in recipes.cfg?
Speaking of silicon for AE2, I've tried un-disabling the quartz smelting to silicon in recipes.cfg, and it doesn't seem to have an effect - either way, the inscriber (or the forming press with GT 5.08 ) requires the GT silicon plate to make printed silicon, and the AE2 silicon item doesn't even show up in NEI. Is there something done on the AE2 side to prevent that from working? If so, is there any point in still having that option in recipes.cfg?
Yes, that is AE2 doing it. When it detects another mod adding a oredict "itemSilicon" it disables it's own and uses that other.
More Wiki!
The first location I tried to oil-drill in test world contained natural gas. Natural gas is only 15 EU/l, (15 000 for a bucket), so energy "profit" was negative (needs more energy to pump out than it can be gained by burning gas). Intentional?
The first location I tried to oil-drill in test world contained natural gas. Natural gas is only 15 EU/l, (15 000 for a bucket), so energy "profit" was negative (needs more energy to pump out than it can be gained by burning gas). Intentional?
Is it still possible in GT 5.09 to distill natural gas to get methane? That has a fuel value of 45 EU/L.
The first location I tried to oil-drill in test world contained natural gas. Natural gas is only 15 EU/l, (15 000 for a bucket), so energy "profit" was negative (needs more energy to pump out than it can be gained by burning gas). Intentional?
Yes, you must search for an big enough source with enough output. For natural gas it that would be >300L/cycle. About 5% of all sources have that much, so it needs a bit of search. Also noticed that some processing recipes for gas/oil are still missing, so next update will bring some more alternatives.
Just tested LV and MV forming press and both worked for me.
Though as of latest version you required to provide Empty Circuit Board, rather then silicon plate.Understood, but still does not answer the question - bug or feature?
Since gold plate and diamond plate still are able to be processed as in earlier versions in the forming press, should not the silicon plate also be able to be processed? As currently stands, seems inconsistent.
If anything, the added steps for the processor should apply to the engineering processor, as it is made from diamond and is used in higher tier devices, and silicon remain craftable with fewer steps.
Is my logic off? Is there something I am not seeing here?