It would be really interesting if you could reprocess the cooled variants into plasma again.

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
With at least some of them you can, not that you get more energy out than you put in, but I suppose it might make an okay energy storage and transport system... I have some ideas for reworking the fusion system in general, which involve using helium->helium plasma to cool the reactor, but I've not worked out the details yet.
With at least some of them you can, not that you get more energy out than you put in, but I suppose it might make an okay energy storage and transport system... I have some ideas for reworking the fusion system in general, which involve using helium->helium plasma to cool the reactor, but I've not worked out the details yet.
That actually sounds really interesting!
Hi Blood, I finally got my account active again - yeah!
Say, I really want to be able to upgrade my world, but can't because GT5. I have to use version 1408 still, or otherwise I can't have multiplayer for my world. Are there any plans for updating to 1448+ so GT5 can work in Multiplayer mod?
I can't update my pack, unless newer mods supports forge 1408, which most have moved on to higher versions.
We run GT5.09.xx on Thylacraft with forge 1588. you just cant run the versions between 1428-1481. anything above is fine.
I had some ease-of-life questions about ingots, plates, etc
is it at all possible to hide the multiple versions (2x ingot, 5x ingot for example) in NEI? and possibly specific items from CraftingTable IV (which I'm having constant crashes from, I'll probably remove it if I can't find a goddamn fix)?
I had some ease-of-life questions about ingots, plates, etc
is it at all possible to hide the multiple versions (2x ingot, 5x ingot for example) in NEI? and possibly specific items from CraftingTable IV (which I'm having constant crashes from, I'll probably remove it if I can't find a goddamn fix)?
This is good question. I would like cleaning up as well (some recpies even, wont propably craft thorium/uran/plutonium weapons turbines etc.) Also same recipe for example for bronze (5x diferent copper & 3 different tin = 15 recipes). This is polutioning recipe search for ideal matherial since there is 100+pages of craft recipes with most of them irelevant. This bothers me whole time i am playing GT (sorry for lame english :D)
Well, making a config for metaitem blacklisting should not be too difficult. But I have no idea what you mean by 15 Bronze recipes. GT adds just 1 recipe, 3copper dust and 1 tin dust for 3 Bronze dust. All others would be added by other Mods.
First off pardon for asking any really stupid questions. I can normally figure things out on my own or with research but this is something I just can't seem to get.
What is the point of having the IC2 machines that can produce power when the IC2 power cables are disabled and hidden?
I did find in the topic about the Electricity wiki, which wasn't linked so I assume this is the one mentioned. I have no real problem with the explanation of why the GT5 machines don't use IC2 EU. It's the Energy Conversion part that I have a problem with. It shows IC2 cables being used.
So is there some other cable I'm missing that GT makes that will connect to IC2 generators? I've tried all of the insulated cables, at least as far as a 1x size, to connect to the Generator and nothing. -
The IC2 cables are not needed for energy conversion. Only the GT transformers. Just place a GT Transformer next to the IC2 Generators and the energy will flow.
First off pardon for asking any really stupid questions. I can normally figure things out on my own or with research but this is something I just can't seem to get.
What is the point of having the IC2 machines that can produce power when the IC2 power cables are disabled and hidden?
I did find in the topic about the Electricity wiki, which wasn't linked so I assume this is the one mentioned. I have no real problem with the explanation of why the GT5 machines don't use IC2 EU. It's the Energy Conversion part that I have a problem with. It shows IC2 cables being used.
So is there some other cable I'm missing that GT makes that will connect to IC2 generators? I've tried all of the insulated cables, at least as far as a 1x size, to connect to the Generator and nothing.1. IC2 power cables can be re-enabled in the config.
2. Alternatively, IC2 power producers can be placed directly adjacent to IC2 energy storage/transformer blocks that feed into GT transformer blocks which power GT cables.Edit: I'm not certain Blood Asp's suggestion of a GT transformer directly next to the IC2 generator will work, but it shouldn't hurt anything to try it, and if it doesn't work, you can add an IC2 transformer or energy storage block in between.
Edit #2: Apparently it does work. I guess I'd made some false assumptions based on that Electricity wiki page - evidently the IC2 transformers/energy storage blocks are only needed in the shown setup because IC2 cables won't connect to the GT transformer.
Hello guys, i bet some of you do use Custom ore generation and Geologica with Gregtech. Mind sharing your settings of choice for world creation? I am leaning towards settings with no useless ores and no oversimplification of GT (like with the "free" coal). But there are too much options.
Many rocks, much ore, wow! -
I just reimplemented the overclocking balance changes in a clean fashion and pushed them to my fork on github. There's also a build (with RF input for machines) at
The new overclocking system is disabled by default (MachineStats.cfg/B:newOverclocking_false) I've got it up and running on my server, if I don't find any issues within the week, I'll see about making a pull request for it. In the meantime, if anyone wants to look it over, try it out, and give feedback, that'd be great. Oh, and if someone wants to make an overclocker cover icon, that'd be awesome. I tried getting it to just use the ic2 overclocker icon, but it doesn't seem to work right. Otherwise I'll find some time this week to make one, but my artistic skills are sorely lacking.
Uploaded a new preversion(gregtech-5.09.22pre3.jar) with most the stuff working on onedrive. Link in first post.
Hopefully final release of .22 and full changelog with some guides for the new stuff tomorrow.
Some thoughts about last build (pre3).
1) Please, fix name of Assembly line controller. I guess, it's name should be "Assembly Line" (not "Assemblyline").
2) Also, check algorithm of Assembly line multiblock forming - it forms event it has length less then 5.
3) To obtain Radon (required for new components for Field Generators), I need to process 3 Plutonium ingots in Chemical Reactor. Also this recipe returns 3 Plutonium dusts. But it is dupe (3 Pu ingots => 3 Pu dusts + 50 mB Rn). Either the recipe should have large energy cost, or the recipe should consume items. -
1: Name fixed.
2: It can form shorter, but there are no recipes with less than 4 items, so it would be useless anyways.
3: That is intended. The limitation is time + having some Pu in the first place. -
In newer gregtech-5.09.22pre3.jar version charcoal from the pit is again unmineable with iron pickaxe.
Did you already try an earlier "pre" version, or did you use .21 before?
I ignited logs in .21 and got charcoal in the same mod version. Latter after upgrading to 22pre3 i tried to harvest coal. It did not work then i downgraded to .21 and harvested charcoal successfully.
right, the correct tool is axe. before the detection of the correct tool did not work and is now fixed. harvestlevel is 1, so stone and up. just tested and that worked.