[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Is red/black granite pickaxe removed? It is shown in the listbut cannot find a way to craft it.
iirc, red/black granite tool heads have been uncraftable since the beginning of GT5, and the same applies to wood and stone, unless added via Minetweaker script (vanilla-style wooden and stone tools are still craftable, though).I'm not sure if GT4 allowed crafting red/black granite tools, but the changelog made no mention of that, so probably not; it did mention adding the red/black granite, so presumably it didn't exist to make tools from in GT1-3.
iirc, red/black granite tool heads have been uncraftable since the beginning of GT5, and the same applies to wood and stone, unless added via Minetweaker script (vanilla-style wooden and stone tools are still craftable, though).I'm not sure if GT4 allowed crafting red/black granite tools, but the changelog made no mention of that, so probably not; it did mention adding the red/black granite, so presumably it didn't exist to make tools from in GT1-3.
While their usages are unmentionable.
Rubber tools can be crafted.
Shall I mention a rubber drill tip is of a particular interest? -
While their usages are unmentionable.
Rubber tools can be crafted.
Shall I mention a rubber drill tip is of a particular interest?
I was aware rubber hammers/mallets could be crafted, though I'm not sure they offer any advantages over wooden ones.Wait, which build of GT5 allows crafting a rubber drill tip? With 5.09.22, I've got the "show all meta-items" option turned on, and I don't find a rubber drill tip shown in NEI. Epoxid, Polycaprolactam, and PTFE, yes, but not rubber.
So there is not much way to get Lv3 pickaxe on early game? Only diamond ones?
Cobalt is also an easy tier3 Material. With Thaumcraft installed also tools made from shards.
Cobalt is also an easy tier3 Material. With Thaumcraft installed also tools made from shards.
The choice is indeed limited and Thaumcraft may not always be available.
Maybe you could move Steel to tier3 and steel alloys to tier4 and above.Rational is: When Gregtech has no other mods available for materials or tools, GT Tools are very painful to get with decent tier or durability.
Early game means lots of building, exploring, prospecting.
Doing this on bronze or iron tools, is not a good enough option,
even if you travel with a stack of tool-heads and sticks.Early game Gregtech Tools's life is so short and weak tiered, that players end-up using your few ores in tools,
rather than machines or infrastructure.When other mods are added: Thaumcraft, Botania or other mods with materials and tools,
players tends to avoid Gregtech tools entirely. -
I agree - personally im using tools from Tinker Construct, but Greg did not tolerate that mod. Ofc, GT is mentioned as quite hard mod, however its sometimes a bit too hard; it seems that is very hard to make a perfect balance between other mods. Hope it wont end like Beter Than Wolves.
And one small thing, which could be missed from few pages earlier - is possible to create gold plasma from gold dust? As i know, plasma is fouth state of matter, smiliar to gases therefore to fluids, which are simulating both fluids and gases in GT, moreover has very high temperature. GT5U has such machines to make that?
PS. And one more thing - i sometimes think why some items are disappearing if energy is disrupted during processing. Imho something shoud remain if processing fails.
So there is not much way to get Lv3 pickaxe on early game? Only diamond ones?
Even if you add Minetweaker recipes to allow crafting red/black granite tool heads, there's two problems with that: 1. you need a level 3 pickaxe, such as cobalt or diamond, to harvest red/black granite in the first place, and 2. red/black granite tools have such low durability that you'd only be able to harvest about 10 or so red/black granite blocks with a red/black granite pickaxe before it breaks. (just guesstimating here, though) -
[gregtech-5.09.21.jar] question - how exactly do I enable naquadah? I've gone into several test worlds with what I thought would be an enabled config, and not found a single block of it yet.
[gregtech-5.09.21.jar] question - how exactly do I enable naquadah? I've gone into several test worlds with what I thought would be an enabled config, and not found a single block of it yet.
Open the file at config/GregTech/WorldGeneration.cfg and change the line "B:ore.mix.naquadah_false=false" to "B:ore.mix.naquadah_false=true". -
I'm not sure why but that didn't get me naquadah veins, just palladium/platinum added to the regular beryllium, nickel, bentonite, etc
EDIT: I did a /cofh clearblocks and this is what happens
now, unless some of these unnamed, untextured, weird grey blocks are naquadah, it's just not generating for me.
I'm having a problem with knife crafting, in that weaker knives are breaking way too easily. For example, if I craft bread and a neutronium knife, it takes 100 durability as normal, but if I use a flint or bronze knife (with full durability) the knife is consumed instantly snd has no breaking sound.
I'm having a problem with knife crafting, in that weaker knives are breaking way too easily. For example, if I craft bread and a neutronium knife, it takes 100 durability as normal, but if I use a flint or bronze knife (with full durability) the knife is consumed instantly snd has no breaking sound.
Early game Gregtech Tools's life is so short and weak tiered, that players end-up using your few ores in tools,
rather than machines or infrastructure.When other mods are added: Thaumcraft, Botania or other mods with materials and tools,
players tends to avoid Gregtech tools entirely.
This just adds arguments for way increased durability amount and less durability hit per use on Gregtech Tools.Examples:
- Slicing bread/cheese shall cost at max 1 durability point.
- Slicing vegetables/plants... shall cost at max 2 durability points.We also need better durability on material with enchants. This game has magic built-in by the mean of enchant and potions.
Allow applying enchants to non magical material tools by the mean of chemical bath with potions/molten magic material.
By printing enchanted books on tools.
Print enchanted books with molten materials (as ink) containing said intrinsic magical property. (print a book with molten silver: circuit 1 = Smite I + 288 molten silver, circuit 2 → Smite II + more molten silver... -
The thing I mentioned is actually a bug. Flint knives have 6400 durability and it should take 100 durability per bread slice, so the flint knife should work for a stack of bread. Your suggestion would make it so that the flint knife, the lowest possible tier, can slice 100 stacks of bread @_@
The thing I mentioned is actually a bug. Flint knives have 6400 durability and it should take 100 durability per bread slice, so the flint knife should work for a stack of bread. Your suggestion would make it so that the flint knife, the lowest possible tier, can slice 100 stacks of bread @_@
100 stacks of bread slices is indeed overkill. In the stone age, bread did not exists, so n neither bread slices. That flint knife was good to peal leathers, cut meat, chase animals. (in reverse order).
I have seen real antique flint tools, I can't see how you could slice bread with these ⇒ I was wrong then. You cannot slice bread at all.Now, if you take a dented stainless steel bread knife, one will last for your whole life without sharpening with a few slices a day, likely 50k+ slices before it becomes useless. You have more chance to loose it in the trash or unknown place, ore replace it for a prettier new before it dies.
( I realize I wrote so much about bread slicing knifes ;D )
I'm not sure why but that didn't get me naquadah veins, just palladium/platinum added to the regular beryllium, nickel, bentonite, etc
EDIT: I did a /cofh clearblocks and this is what happens
now, unless some of these unnamed, untextured, weird grey blocks are naquadah, it's just not generating for me.
IIRC, things such as the cofh clearblocks commands wont update the GT ore blocks properly which is why they don't have their assigned texture or localized name. Naquadah ore should be enabled to spawn, but ore mixes have a weight so veins like Naquadah which can only spawn on the end island(I think?), might not necessarily spawn. It's intended that your main source of Naquadah should be from Fusion. -
It's intended that your main source of Naquadah should be from Fusion.
well I just wasted half of a real day trying to find naquadah, then. super.
IIRC, things such as the cofh clearblocks commands wont update the GT ore blocks properly which is why they don't have their assigned texture or localized name.
GT Ore Blocks are very simple non-ticking TileEntities that don't actually know what Ore they contain until they are block updated (i.e. made visible by mining the adjacent block) or generate with at least one uncovered side. Console commands like that wouldn't trigger those visibility updates. However, given that you're finding Palladium/Platinum there, that's a Sheldonite vein, not a Naquadah vein, so you'll need to look around some more.
Naquadah ore should be enabled to spawn, but ore mixes have a weight so veins like Naquadah which can only spawn on the end island(I think?), might not necessarily spawn. It's intended that your main source of Naquadah should be from Fusion.
-However, if you have Naquadah Ore generation enabled, it is reasonable to expect to get a haul of it at some point. The difficulty with finding any ores in The End is that the main island is finite size, and Asteroids aren't all that common. It's perfectly legit to find Naq. in asteroids though, if the Asteroids generate at the right altitude. (It's not restricted to the island, it's just dimension and height restricted as with other ores.) Getting Naq. from Fusion is the intended source if you have generation disabled, but if you choose to have it you should have it. -
Sorry to bother, but I am too lazy. How feature-complete is the port? "almost"?