You are already in Quantum Age? Wow.
[Kirara 3.0] - A series of well-made GT hardmode servers. --- Official Random Thread.
I mined the entire end and got enough iridium from small ores. Quantum age isn't that bad to get to, since recipes are the same and I already had MFSU.
Also I found workaround to get basic machine casing, which is ITNTing some IC2 machines. Not optimal, but worked in the meantime.
EDIT> One issue with enviromine that I noticed is that you can still randomly get heatstroke III even while wearing Qsuit because it doesn't understand the fire resistance aspect of the Qsuit bodyarmor (Hazmat suit actually gives the status effect of fire resistance, but Qsuit only makes it deal 0 damage). Maybe it's possible to add morpheus script to give fire resistance when Qsuit is equipped and take it away when it is unequipped?
Also a couple of steps to avoid dying in a stupid manner like me:
- Never log out while crawling through a 1 block tall tunnel. Upon login you will fall through the Earth.
- Turn Smart Moving off when traveling to/from Twilight Forest.
- Avoid using smart moving crawls if traveling over large quantities of half-blocks or other blocks with a non-full collision box. -
All asteroid ore veins in the End also generate as "Empty Ore".
Long fixed in GalacticGreg. That version is just not yet on kirara...
- Never log out while crawling through a 1 block tall tunnel. Upon login you will fall through the Earth.
Never have the Server Crash while you are in a 1 block tall tunnel. Otherwise you will die like I did.
- Turn Smart Moving off when traveling to/from Twilight Forest.
So that is why people complain about falling through the world.
Kiraria 2 is the old Kirara 2.0 with the K1/K2/k3 sub-servers, right?
Kiraria 2 is the old Kirara 2.0 with the K1/K2/k3 sub-servers, right?
Right! We still have BadAlchemy playing on K3! His base is so great! Come back sometime and check it out!
Test server up:
Display Moreappliedenergistics2-rv2-stable-10.jar Aroma1997Core-1.7.10- AsieLib-1.7.10-0.4.3.jar bdlib- BetterRecords-1.7.10-1.2.0.jar BiblioCraft[v1.11.2][MC1.7.10].jar BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty][v1.9].jar BiblioWoods[Forestry][v1.7].jar BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10- Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.7 - MC 1.7.10.jar Chisel- CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- Computronics-1.7.10-1.5.8.jar CustomChestLoot-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar eirairc-mc1.7.10-v1.7.56.jar ExtraCells-1.7.10-2.2.73b129.jar fastcraft-1.22-ctest15.jar FastLeafDecay-1.7.10-1.3.jar forestry_1.7.10- ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- GalacticGreg-0.7.jar GalacticraftCore-1.7- Galacticraft-Planets-1.7- gendustry- GraviSuite-1.7.10-2.0.3.jar GregsLighting-1.11.2-mc1.7.10.jar gregtech_1.7.10-5.09.09.jar GTTweaker-1.7.10-1.0.9.jar IC2NuclearControl-2.3.1a-Butt.jar ihl-tools_n_machines-0.578-1.7.10.jar immibis-core-59.1.2.jar industrialcraft-2-2.2.781-experimental.jar InventoryTweaks-1.59-dev-152.jar ironchest-1.7.10- malisiscore-1.7.10-0.12.9.jar malisisdoors-1.7.10-1.10.jar MC 1.7.10 - Smart Moving MicdoodleCore-1.7- MineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.10B.jar ModTweaker2-0.9.4.jar NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- Railcraft_1.7.10- redlogic-59.1.11.jar roguelike-1.7.10- RTG-1.7.10-0.0.12.jar SpecialMobs-1.7.10-3.2.0.jar StevesCarts2.0.0.b18.jar twilightforest-1.7.10-2.3.7.jar UndergroundBiomesConstructs-1.7.2-0.7.jar Ztones-1.7.10-2.2.1.jar
KR? What? Who even made this?
What about configs? Also a look at MT scrips would also be nice...
And what exactly are the plans about a real start? Who is taking care of the server and how garanted is longevity? I personally want to start playing GT5.09 on a server soon, but currently i'm a bit unsure to trust in kirara...
When trying to start up the Kirara 2 instance with all mods up to date, it gives me an error that it's missing "gregapi", seems to be something with GalactiGreg as it ceases crashing when I remove that, but then I can't join the server, so, I guess I need a solution also I did try to put a z in front of the GalactiGreg jar so it may or may not load last; after GregTech(Been doing a lot with SimCity4 mods lately, where that's often important) and that didn't help.
GalacticGreg 1.x is for GT6. For GT5 you need GalacticGreg 0.x
GalacticGreg 1.x is for GT6. For GT5 you need GalacticGreg 0.x
Then what version do I actually need? It does say 1.6 on the list, so I'm kinda confused about that. -
I would guess that the old Kirara world is still on GG0.5 but that version runs server side only, so it should be possible to connect without. So likely there is another mistake in the modlist. Also i had quite a bad time in the past to get the right configs. Some were broken and i could not join with them.
Someone post the actual modlist and configs please so I can verify my Thaumcraft tweaks work in a live environment.
Someone post the actual modlist and configs please so I can verify my Thaumcraft tweaks work in a live environment.
Even though I would like not to see TC on KR(not on another servers), there's config.
With Arch not present. How to apply to whitelist? I'm interested in Kirara Reborn server.
Also, shame no Buildcraft present. Would be great to have it even for builder and blueprints only. -
With Arch not present. How to apply to whitelist? I'm interested in Kirara Reborn server.
Also, shame no Buildcraft present. Would be great to have it even for builder and blueprints only.You can replace buildcraft blueprints with schematica mod. Not that fair and interesting as BC, but still a nice thing to have.
Give us your IGN and we will test you if you're the chosen one.Mu-ha-ha
Finally finished the initial iteration of my Thaumcraft tweaking script. Some screenshots (spoilers for anyone unfamiliar with TC4):
Any feedback is welcome - I am aware I may have made mistakes or poor balancing decisions, or the tweaks may not match the thaumonomicon lore. Please tell me if you would like anything changed/fixed!
// Changelog:
// v0.1:
// - Initial release
// - Thaumium ingots now require a balanced shard to craft
// - Thaumometer initially requires HV Assembling Machine
// - Scribing tools now requires Assembling Machine, but are also refilled more efficiently
// - Iron Wand Cap requires HV Precision Laser Engraver
// - Iron Wand assembled in HV Assembling Machine with Sealed Wood Stick
// - Charcoal transmutation removed
// - Gunpowder now under Alchemical manufacture and consumes saltpeter instead of being a duplication
// - Significantly increased the barrier of entry for golem automation
// - Warp has been added/increased for a large number of researches
// - Added many additional transmutation and alchemical recipes that can be unlocked, including
// ways to obtain non-generating Railcraft decorative blocks
// - Tallow candle now requires significant time to manufacture, done so via Assembling Machine
// - Enchanted fabric has an alternate Assembling Machine recipe requiring molten Thaumium
// - Enchanted fabric is woven into clothes more efficiently in Assembling Machine
// - Deconstruction table can be made in Assembling Machine with molten gold and thaumometer
// - Arcane Keys created more efficiently in Forming Press
// - Essentia Jars created more efficiently in Assembling Machine
// - Fill Essentia Jars with lava in Fluid Canning Machine to transform them into Void Jars
// - Empty Void Jars in Fluid Canning Machine to get regular Essentia Jars back
// - Brain in a jar can be uncanned in the Canning Machine
// - Additional useful Alchemical Duplication recipes introduced
// - Goggles of Revealing now requires Thaumium (and therefore the Thaumium research) instead of Gold
// - Phials are now more expensive to craft in a worktable, Assembling Machine needed for old efficiency
// - Arcane lamp now crafted from a floodlight
// - Added Assembling Machine recipes for certain basic Thaumcraft blocks
// - Basic infusion tools now take an appropriate titanium tool head instead of a diamond
// - Bone bow is now an unstable infusion recipe that takes a long titanium rod
// - Boots of the Traveller infuses from Hover Boots
// - Thaumostatic Harness now infused from IC2 Jetpack
// - Thaumostatic Girdle now requires infusion and consumes two boost engines from GraviSuite
// - Wand caps now have a linear progression
// - Silverwood wand core now requires all intermediate wand cores researched
// - Voidmetal recipe now yields 1 nugget instead of 1 ingot
// - Voidmetal caps now require 5 ingots instead of 5 nuggets
// - Staff cores now only require Greatwood wand core research, to improve their location in the tech tree
// - Sceptre research now requires Thaumium Wand Cap and Silverwood Staff Core
// - Most affected Thaumonomicon entries have been updated
// - Thaumonomicon research locations moved around for improved aesthetics
// - Arcane Bore more expensive to craft, to bring it in line with other auto-mining methods
// - Mirrors now more expensive to craft, to bring them in line with other forms of item transport
// - Wand of Equal Trade now an Eldritch tab research
// - Added appropriate aspects to certain Railcraft and Twilight Forest items
// - Runic shielding components (mundane accessories) are now dungeon loot only
// - Apprentice accessories can be deinfused into mundane accessories
// - Apprentice accessories are now craftable via new research
// - GT crop metaitems nerfed
// - Metallum replaced by Herba
// - Lucrum replaced by Terra
// - Blast Furnace metal transmutations yield tiny pile of dust or oxidized metal instead of the nugget;
// (Note that the Thaumonomicon will show the output as nugget in some cases - this is a problem with
// the ModTweaker API and there is literally nothing I can do about it. The text of its Thaumonomicon
// entry will specify the proper form of the output.)
// - Runic shielding regen, cost, and cooldown nerfed (via separate Thaumcraft config)
// - Taint rate of spread nerfed (via separate Thaumcraft config)
//*************************** -
You can replace buildcraft blueprints with schematica mod. Not that fair and interesting as BC, but still a nice thing to have.
Give us your IGN and we will test you if you're the chosen one.Mu-ha-ha
For whole night I thought IGN is some kind of communicator application
My in game name is same as on forum "Ultimoos". -
2.3 million EU and 4 minutes just to make the first wand caps, dread to think what the top tier one takes.