Ishi, you have to start rebalancing next addons:
Forbidden Magic
Tainted Magic
Thaumic Horizons
Thaumic Warden
Thaumic Bases
Warp Theory
KAMI (if it's in)

[Kirara 3.0] - A series of well-made GT hardmode servers. --- Official Random Thread.
Did people actually vote any of those in?
Did people actually vote any of those in?
They did, but some very intelligent person removed those for some reason. -
What are the general opinions of Grimoire of Gaia for additional mobs?
What are the general opinions of Grimoire of Gaia for additional mobs?
I only have two problems regarding Grimoire of Gaia as of now :
- Unless you have a mod to give you more powerful weaponry, preferably ranged ones, they are too resilient and too powerful to handle for a GregTech modpack.
I can't tell if Thaumcraft have weaponry powerful enough to handle these guys, excluding the thaumostatic harness, but if it's not the case, you might want to add mods like QuiverBow or the infamous Tinker's Construct.- If used alongside another mob-focused mods like Special Mobs, they will spawn way too rarely, given the observations that have been made on Kirara Hardcore.
Otherwise, if you don't mind the overall theme of the mod, it's fine.
I personally kinda ditched it for Special Mobs because Zombie Awareness works way better with it, BUT Grimoire is the mod you need if you want to make mob hunting worth it.
Also, Ars Magica 2 for the win. -
I found out two things about the GoG mob spawns:
1. They are extremely biome and height level dependent (without customizing spawn conditions like with JAS). If you do not live near both an ocean and a tall mountain you're going to have a hard time finding them on default configs. If I was the only one on the server I was able to farm most of the mobs by flying to Y=250 and force-despawning all the ground level mobs in that biome, so they do spawn in the right spots.
2. The cross-mod spawning compatibility is fixed by having Just Another Spawner, which we should have anyway even without GoG just so we can properly customize mob spawning. I on't want to deal with having to fight tough mother cave spiders when I'm above ground in a perfectly neutral biome, or have nothing to hunt because two people are logged in on the server.The weaponry thing is a problem (this is partially aggravated by the modpack lacking proper not-TC armor, since nano sucking and quantum being 100% damage reduction means you go from being totally helpless to completely invincible with nothing in between) but idk how to fix that - even with lategame weapons the mobs still murder you unless you have proper shelter, because for the most part they move significantly faster than the player. Thaumcraft have ranged wand foci, but they deal low damage and IMO aren't great until you have a jetpack of some kind.
Considering what said above about GoG I'd rather vote against including. Addressing the problems you mentioned about mobs from this mod will most likely require adding more mods to KR list and it's already growing somewhat big.
Considering what said above about GoG I'd rather vote against including. Addressing the problems you mentioned about mobs from this mod will most likely require adding more mods to KR list and it's already growing somewhat big.
I agree. With this whole TC package coming in, it feels like GT will be only an obstacle on a road to play TC based modpack. -
Smart Moving actually allowed you to kite faster mobs, as well as the increased mobility, but it won't be on KR I guess.
Otherwise, yeah there's no middle ground for these mobs given how much damage they inflict.
I wonder with what mods in mind GoG3 has been balanced...------
Kirara will not be TC focused, with the work Nonotan is putting into tweaks for it to not blatantly overpower GregTech like Kirara v2.
It should be another progression next to the GT one, so it should be fine. -
I wonder with what mods in mind GoG3 has been balanced...
Probably to be used with mods like TiC (with addons), Metallurgy and TC (with addons).
Also, last time I checked voting was in favor of having Smart Moving on KR. -
The biggest problem with smart moving is you can randomly fall through the world, but it can be fixed by making the bottom five layers of the world bedrock -> air x2 -> water -> bedrock.
I don't know how to kite the faster mobs with smart moving - maybe it's because my ping to the server is high because I'm in NA, but Minotaurs/Valkyries always caught up to me no matter what even when sprinting with hover boots and speed potions to try and gain distance. I had to trap them in water or fight them from a 1x1 hole.
EDIT> v0.4 of the tweak is done. This should be ready for KR launch barring any gamebreaking problems that need fixing.
// v0.4:
// - Minor cleanup to reduce file size
// - More lore changes
// - Pixies can now be macerated and centrifuged
// - Nerfed thaumium recipe
// - Adjusted the cost of Void tools/armor to compensate for a problem with the GT API
// - Glowstone duplication recipe is now properly removed
// - Nerfed mirrors again
// - Further increased runic shielding costs
// - Shard clusters are now required for the elemental golem upgrades
// - Buffed the native clusters to actually be useful and not give less metal than a macerator
// - Golem tech tree now linear
// - Golem crafting now tiered, infusion-based
// - Chop core removed (may be readded later if a good idea for tiering it happens)
// - Core costs completely redone: now requires OC parts
// - Empty animation core now less prohibitively expensive to make
// - Fixed a bug that was making some upgrades display the incorrect crafting recipe
// - Core copying recipes removed
// - Motus replaced by electrum in golem core infusion recipes
// - Added a few more transmutations
// - Tweaked research costs
// - Added ways to obtain some BoP items that are no longer available -
"Macerating pixies".. you are evil, it like smelting villagers for emeralds
"Macerating pixies".. you are evil, it like smelting villagers for emeralds
Before you quoted it, I actually missed it from changelog. But now it makes me wondering what will happen if you drop a cow atop working Railcraft's Rock Crasher.
Some last minute issues before the rebirth of Kirara: RLD is out - doesn't work with custom chest loot anymore, and nobody other than me and Kosyak seems to have interest in it. IHL is very likely going out at least temporarily, unless it can be tweaked or configured or fixed. If you have any more requests or objections get them in fast because KR will be released early this week.
Few words about IHL.
We had quite long discussion about it yesterday on IRC and I still fail to see what's so buggy or OP people find about it. Here is a list gathering all what it was said about it. Please feel free to add to it either here on forum, or to spreadsheet in tweaking section.
1) IHL hammer counts as toolForgeHammer (same as IC2 hammer) allowing to 1:1 plates from ingots. First of all I'm pretty sure it's fixable by either removing respective recipe for toolForgeHammer or as last resort by removing hammer itself from oredict. Second thing is that in order to craft this hammer you need water cell which requires you to have bending machine to begin with. So if you have bending machine you already can make plates at 1:1 ratio and the issue itself is somewhat irrelevant.
2) IHL processing chain for chalcopyrite and pentaldite resulting in small amounts of osmium and iridium. It can be tweaked directly via IHL config file to adjust chances of getting tiny piles of respective materials. There was a suggestion to count how much energy this process requires and bring it on par with obtaining iridium and osmium via UU replication.
3) Transdimensional teleporter for items. Default setting is 12k EU storage and 12k EU to move 1 full stack which is extremely cheap. It can be tweaked via config file. Looking for suggestions what numbers to set. How about something like 4M storage and 1M for moving 1 stack?Looking for your ideas and suggestions.
Few words about TC.With partially unnerfing TC start to MV era instead of HV I think about suggesting "binding" TC progression to GT. Since TC wands are sort of milestones often locking some TC stuff behind it how about producing wand cores in assembler, for example, requiring them to be infused with certain metal before they could further used in TC itself? Like basic iron wand right now requires MV machines to make its caps. Then in order to make core from Greatwood you first need to add some liquid stainelss steel to it. For 2,5 tier wands (bone, reed, blaze etc) it would require titanium and for silverwood core it would require tungstensteel.
The main reason why I bring this topic back is because I just made some testings on current KR build and sadly thaumium pickaxe, pickaxe of the core or voidmetal pickaxe enchanted with eff10 beat both IC2 Iridium drill and GraviSuite Advanced Diamond Drill badly in terms of speed. Not to mentioned that it TC picks could also be enchanted with fortune/silktouch, are virtually indestructible due to void metal and Unbreaking/Repair enchants and do not require any energy to use unlike their Tech counterparts.
With what we have right now, progression will look like this - pass Bronze Age, build EBF, make your iron wand, forget about any GT pickaxes, drills, shovels and chainsaws, use TC tools till the end of the game. Probably not excatly what we want. -
Few words about TC.
With partially unnerfing TC start to MV era instead of HV I think about suggesting "binding" TC progression to GT. Since TC wands are sort of milestones often locking some TC stuff behind it how about producing wand cores in assembler, for example, requiring them to be infused with certain metal before they could further used in TC itself? Like basic iron wand right now requires MV machines to make its caps. Then in order to make core from Greatwood you first need to add some liquid stainelss steel to it. For 2,5 tier wands (bone, reed, blaze etc) it would require titanium and for silverwood core it would require tungstensteel.
The main reason why I bring this topic back is because I just made some testings on current KR build and sadly thaumium pickaxe, pickaxe of the core or voidmetal pickaxe enchanted with eff10 beat both IC2 Iridium drill and GraviSuite Advanced Diamond Drill badly in terms of speed. Not to mentioned that it TC picks could also be enchanted with fortune/silktouch, are virtually indestructible due to void metal and Unbreaking/Repair enchants and do not require any energy to use unlike their Tech counterparts.
With what we have right now, progression will look like this - pass Bronze Age, build EBF, make your iron wand, forget about any GT pickaxes, drills, shovels and chainsaws, use TC tools till the end of the game. Probably not excatly what we want.Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I knew, knowledge of doing an efficiency 10 tool was not widespread. The reality is there's not much that can stop an exploit such as this besides gutting the entire enchanting aspect of TC, which I'd really rather only see as a last resort. I would suggest either nerfing the tool recipes themselves to need higher tier metals and/or the repair enchant to use more vis per point of repair, if its possible, to make extended use of them prohibitvely expensive. Any enchantable tool can be broken in this fashion, so just trying to nerf the TC tools wont have that much effect to anyone who knows what they're doing.
Im not against tiering wands to different ages, but if the intent is to try stopping an unfixable exploit, its not going to get all that far. Requiring higher tier metals to make the TC tools will push them to later in the game, but anyone able to use the exploit is going to have the issue regardless of when you obtain them.
Efficiency X? I had a pickaxe with efficiency 68 on Kirara and on a direwolf20 server I made a sword sharpness 110.
Thaumcraft tools require titanium to make, so it's not exactly something you instantly get after an EBF.
I could bind TC progression to GT by simple adjustment - though it will still be crafted in a TC fashion (Arcane worktable or infusion) rather than with GT machines, to prevent someone who hasn't done any TC from making TC tools as GT recipes are not tied to your TC research. That doesn't really address the tool enchanting exploit which I thought had been fixed already given that I reported it many months ago when it was first demonstrated by Nexey and reproduced here. Enchantments are designed to only go up to the level that they get up to in vanilla - for the case of efficiency, V.
This will never be fixed, Azanor no longer supports TC4.
Also I've found a better way of doing it so as long as TC4 is in the pack I can get OP enchants. I even made a balanced shards setup to fulfill my demand to get crazy weapons.
Using those OP enchants is boring, I know, but keep in mind the last time I did it, I was already running out of time to play, and I couldn't be bothered by taking 3 secs per block of stone. If I ever get back, I don't think I'll need to get such enchants (or enchants in general) because it would mean I have time to play.
Generally speaking, I say "time to play", I can play as much as I want on easy modpacks like infinity or agrarian skies 2, which are very interesting and easy to rule. Playing on Kirara is a no, I mean you guys have made a really hard core/ time sink modpack - by adding GT6 - and thanks / because of arch.
So yeah, Kirara is in my opinion wasting my precious time to focus on studies, everything being slown down and getting killed every 5 minutes by a valkiry. -
Well, if TC tools are indeed requiring titanium now and titanium is somewhat harder to get in gt5ex especially with our ore configs I guess it's sort of all right. Would be great if we could do something about enchantment abuse but otherwise we'll have to live with that.
As for IHL, I've uploaded latest config to spreadsheet and also posted some calculations. They are under "some calc" spreadsheet.Good to see you Nexey, havent been here for a while.