Vanilla MC script changes
Originally took DM's script from here:…zons/scripts/Minecraft.zs
- Removed BoP, ExtraUtilities, TiCon and other recipes from mods that are not in KR modpack.
- Removed painting recipes of carpet, clay, glass and glass panes.
- Returned back carpet, clay, glass and glass panes painting recipes.
- Removed Diamond Tools recipes.
- Removed ThaumCraft stuff.
- Removed ranaming.
- Removed Forestry recipes.
- Removed Charcoal furnance recipe.

Kirara Reborn Official Announcement Thread
Reminder to update scrip dl link as the old one is out of date.
I keep getting OOM during texture load. Java8, 1200M Heap size, 4GB ram total, windows 10. Sometimes it results in crash, sometimes textures are flickering, sometimes I get no textures for blocks and items (solid white color). Tried both with and without fastcraft. Can anyone help me?
Edit: I did not know about 64-bit Java.
beeanalyzer recipe with water in carpenter is broken, you cannot put water in carpenter.. and no admins online to trade/fix with..
edit: the alternative recipe require mv age.. alu plate.. who made these recipe changes?
Keda, we need help with GT lv pump, the recipe (ic2 pipe) requires mv age.. (mv extruder) - can you talk to OrdoFree and reload scripts on server?
Random changes should not be made without consulting the actual players... Not even the actual developer of GT5ex wants these recipe changes.
Random changes should not be made without consulting the actual players... Not even the actual developer of GT5ex wants these recipe changes.
I agree with Nono this time. Airambo is going too far. KR was planned (by Arch at least) as GT5-centered modpack with some stuff from KHC without hardcore mods and with default recipes (not talking about mods rebalancing around gregtech). As you might noticed Arch disabled almost all recipes on KHC, and he planned to re-add all of them while players doing progression and GT6 becomes completed. KR was planned as server where players can play while KHC is evolving. In end of august, Arch worked on new oregen and told something like "KR will be KHC without hardcore part with new oregen, like old K3. It should replace Kirara Vintage servers". I know, Arch dissappeared, and maybe KR became something bigger, but IMHO it should provide similiar gameplay experience as old Kirara 2.0 servers. GT5 is already hardcore enought for Kirara, and Grag spent a lot of time year ago to balance it and avoid dumb loops like ones mentioned above (a lot of them was detected while playing on Kirara 2.0 btw, and even one by me), redoing GT5 recipes is hard, thankless and useless work.
tl;dr: Airambo, please do not touch GT5.
I understand your point and it's definetly my mistake.
How Bloody said, we should evolve from GregTech and partly vanilla to tweak mods, respecting their nature.
The thing is, server was released in a hasty manner - everyone wanted to simply play already thus there was a little time for me to test and double-check all the recipes I modified in DreamMaster's script (big credit to him). I also would like to ask all players to check all (or most of) GregTech, Industrial Craft, Forestry, GraviSuite, Gendustry, Applied Energistics, ExtraCells, Greg's Lighting and Ztones recipes and tell what they don't like/what they like to be fixed.
Back to Kirara1-3 times, there were no scripts and there were no such problems like someone spots some SCRIPT loop/mistake every day. (except, maybe Forestry fertilizer script and small Qcraft tweak).Edit: Anyone is up adding back Vanilla script (with some changes, of course)?
My point was to make craft less efficient at the start of the game and then, when you'll get tech stuff it'll be way more efficient to craft. Also, in my opinion, assembler is underused for trivial stuff (such as chest, clock etc). -
I also would like to ask all players to check all (or most of) GregTech, Industrial Craft, Forestry, GraviSuite, Gendustry, Applied Energistics, ExtraCells, Greg's Lighting and Ztones recipes and tell what they don't like/what they like to be fixed.
I would recommend using normal GT5u9 recipes, also those who change ic2 stuff (re-battery)..
My point was to make craft less efficient at the start of the game and then, when you'll get tech stuff it'll be way more efficient to craft. Also, in my opinion, assembler is underused for trivial stuff (such as chest, clock etc).
i agree with this point and in fact suggested the very same thing for KHC - the problem is, this isn't KHC. Most players want the vanilla/IC2/GT experience to be what it says on the tin (which allows them to follow the many tutorials available), rather than having to look through NEI for 9 hours to figure things out. Things like nerfing rain tanks/RC iron tanks/Forestry machines make sense from a balance perspective - you will notice I never complained about those changes unless there is a big problem like carpenter not taking water liquid.
I love the tweaks as they are, and I think it's rude to tell Airam staying away from the scripts for one (or very few) problems you've encountered. The fact only one person actually complained about it proves it's more of a personal problem towards Airam than actually asking kindly to remove / redo these tweaks, and propose a solution that is not keeping the tweaker from GT5.
Kosyak, since I'm speaking of you, I hope no offense is taken but telling someone how to do his job isn't a great act. And keep in mind Airam isn't Arch, so you can't expect him to be as great as Arch.
Here's my plan to avoid any more drama : Kosyak, post a comment saying what's bothering you, why it causes you a problem and what would be the best solution to solve it. And stay opened for questions / discussions. You (and everybody else) must stay respectful, write kindly and recognize the stuff Airam has done, even if he's provoked some accident recently and did some mistakes.
Arch was overbuned with all the people saying what was going wrong and complaining ALL THE TIME, so overbuned that he actually thought of leaving Kirara and stop funding the servers. I don't want to see another admin / mod / tweaker / whatever Airam is being infuriated, stressed out or even on the verge of throwing everything away.
It starts with one person pointing out how to do stuff correctly to the person who's actually in charge of the stuff. It ends up catastrophically.
Please avoid any comment like that in the future.EDIT : SORRY AIES, can't read properly the names
I love the tweaks as they are, and I think it's rude to tell Airam staying away from the scripts for one (or very few) problems you've encountered. The fact only one person actually complained about it proves it's more of a personal problem towards Airam than actually asking kindly to remove / redo these tweaks, and propose a solution that is not keeping the tweaker from GT5.
Aies, since I'm speaking of you, I hope no offense is taken but telling someone how to do his job isn't a great act. And keep in mind Airam isn't Arch, so you can't expect him to be as great as Arch.
Here's my plan to avoid any more drama : Aies, post a comment saying what's bothering you, why it causes you a problem and what would be the best solution to solve it. And stay opened for questions / discussions. You (and everybody else) must stay respectful, write kindly and recognize the stuff Airam has done, even if he's provoked some accident recently and did some mistakes.
Arch was overbuned with all the people saying what was going wrong and complaining ALL THE TIME, so overbuned that he actually thought of leaving Kirara and stop funding the servers. I don't want to see another admin / mod / tweaker / whatever Airam is being infuriated, stressed out or even on the verge of throwing everything away.
It starts with one person pointing out how to do stuff correctly to the person who's actually in charge of the stuff. It ends up catastrophically.
Please avoid any comment like that in the future.I saw some weird recipes that did not make sense in my GregTech world, like a ic2 generator that could be build with steam machines - and a lv basic GT pump were the pipes needed an MV extruder. but Ordo/ariam and keda fixed that within 24 hours, so thats ok
- and the vanilla recipe changes on day 4 of the server was weird, but that was also fixed, no np..
the only thing I dirrectly thought was weird from OrdeFree's/Airam's side, was that he teleports around to players and spawn radio/recorder/meat treat and other stuff - that I can live with.. but when he began to spawn skeletons in my base that killed me, it was "enough" (when I try to minimize my deaths)- but luckely I havent seen anything like that around me anymore.. so im good with OrdoFree.. - its just that a think I join a real pro server, and the first thing I see is an Admin that spawn stuff and changes time.... but that is the past now
and now the nasa bench recipe is broken? - you cannot craft GT "schematic" in the recipe.. - so I just write it in this thread or chat, so that admins can see there is a problem..? - isnt that a good thing I do that?
Sorry Aies my message was not directed to you, I've fixed it afterwards
Please fix Personal Safe from ic2, there is no recipe, just allow normal recipe?
the only thing I dirrectly thought was weird from OrdeFree's/Airam's side, was that he teleports around to players and spawn radio/recorder/meat treat and other stuff - that I can live with.. but when he began to spawn skeletons in my base that killed me, it was "enough" (when I try to minimize my deaths)- but luckely I havent seen anything like that around me anymore.. so im good with OrdoFree.. - its just that a think I join a real pro server, and the first thing I see is an Admin that spawn stuff and changes time.... but that is the past now
You should get to the point, Spooky Scary Skeletons are simply spawning skeletons around you.
It's anavoidable.
You can't run.
End.Someone lacks sense of humor and dad jokes.
When you macerate battery hull you only get ½ battery alloy, compared to vanilla recipe, where you get full return of used metals.. isnt this a core-feature in GT, and should not have been changed? <- from vanilla gt
edit: my mistake.. the newest vanilla gt apparently do only return ½ of before
When you macerate battery hull you only get ½ battery alloy, compared to vanilla recipe, where you get full return of used metals.. isnt this a core-feature in GT, and should not have been changed? <- from vanilla gt
edit: my mistake.. the newest vanilla gt apparently do only return ½ of before
I think your math is a bit off there. 2 battery alloy dust seems like full return of that material to me. With a furnace and a Basic Bending Machine, one could make enough battery alloy plates from that to make a new small battery hull (at least using vanilla GT recipes; I haven't looked at the KR recipe changes). How do you figure that as being half return?
I think your math is a bit off there. 2 battery alloy dust seems like full return of that material to me. With a furnace and a Basic Bending Machine, one could make enough battery alloy plates from that to make a new small battery hull (at least using vanilla GT recipes; I haven't looked at the KR recipe changes). How do you figure that as being half return?
this is from KR - you see ?
AE2 storage component does not take pure certus quartz as an option, isnt that a mistake?
this is from KR - you see ?
Your previous image didn't make it clear, but that's a bug in GT5e (my single-player game with GT 5.09.12 showed the same issue), which I have filed here: