IC2 has remained closed source for so much time. The community could help fix bugs & speed up the development of the mod. Also, deobfuscated ic2 jars are publicly available, what kinda exposes the source code. So why not go open source?

Make IC2 open source
I'm guessing that right now they have "busy porting the mod to a newer version of Minecraft" as a decent excuse to postpone considering this. I realize we have no way to force them, but I'd be happy if they did open-source the mod after that, or at least post an official explanation of why they refuse (I've been unsuccessful at finding such an explanation previously posted).
Copyright IC2 Dev Team under the "It's Our Stuff, Not Yours!" License (formerly the "It's My Stuff, Not Yours!" License).
IMS-License 2.0 (It's our Stuff, not yours!)
Everything seen on this website/thread and directly related to the content of this post is copyright'd by the respective author of this mod (IC² Dev-Team, names mentioned above).
Any sort of files associated with this content (= the Download) is intended to be used for it's actual purpouse (playing IndustrialCraft²).
Modifying any or all of the files of IC is permitted without limitations for private use only.
The publication of modified or genuine IC² source files is prohibited.
The publication of modified IC² files (in compiled format) can be permitted under conditions noted here.
Except for the author and associated websites, third party's may redistribute IC²'s original files (for example in form of 'ModPack's) under the conditions noted HERE
Any of the limitations above can be nullified by an explicite permission of the author.
Addendum I:
Any individuum is allowed to showcase this mod in form of screenshots and/or videos on any platform/website/forum under following restriction:
-A link to this thread must be provided, clearly visible under/next-to the media element(s).The original developer's thoughts on open-source:
As all of my projects, it will go open source if it's not continued by its orginial team anymore.
Which probably means: No, never.
I'm not familiar with the development so I don't know what (if any) contributor license they are using. It might not be possible to open-source the project without consent from every previous developer.
Note that IndustrialCraft (IC1), MedievalCraft, and Mine4Dead are still closed-source over eight years after being discontinued. I'm not sure if anybody has asked Alblaka to release the sources during those eight years, though.
It might not be possible to open-source the project without consent from every previous developer.Visible source would be fine, too. At this point I'd accept any solution that lets me contribute, rather than having to watch this mod suffer.
Maybe it's time to start an open-source spiritual successor to IC2? I would definitely be interested because I've been discouraged by the speed of IC2 updates
It's a wonder that Su5eD plays IC2Exp, since he views anything "closed source" As maleware.
Oh yeah,before you feel attacked,
At least I am not creating lies.
Anyways open sourcing the mod would most likely lead just to a closed source license.
In other words: Viewing it is fine, Own forks or modification/Self distribution is not.
Nothing is wrong with closed Source IMO, it's sad if a mod dies.
But ownership also includes the right to take anything down if they so desire, or let it die.And that should be respected, if not then anything goes, and nobody wants that.
I could now mention something specific, but eh not worth it.
Already know the outcome. -
if the source was open it would be faster to port since more people would be allowed to help
No it wouldn't ensure that it is faster.
I have a few open source mods and some are really popular.
And yet there is 0 support for porting to newer versions.
Just requests.Open source is no magic bullet.
Open source is equal to closed source unless you are lucky to be in the 0.01% that gets help. -
No it wouldn't ensure that it is faster.
I have a few open source mods and some are really popular.
And yet there is 0 support for porting to newer versions.
Just requests.Open source is no magic bullet.
Open source is equal to closed source unless you are lucky to be in the 0.01% that gets help.Requests is what helps to iron out bugs and issues that arise during porting, and that's an important part of development. Not everything is about coding.
Requests is what helps to iron out bugs and issues that arise during porting, and that's an important part of development. Not everything is about coding.
Requests doesn't Improve the Code Quality.
Requests does Improve the Feature List size
There is a distinct difference between those two.
A public Issue tracker that anyone can reports to has the same quality as Open Source with the normal player.
In fact if the issue tracker is in the game it speeds it up even more since the Border of submitted bugs is not if the mod is open source but how easily you can report bugs.And QA can be much much more easily ensured with having dedicated testers that test more areas.
Unless you are actively involved with the project sourcecode access does not help in any form.
Again to the point of "Open Source is no magic bullet", yes more eyes on the project are better, BUT that requires you have these eyes to begin with.
And that is something you can either BUY, or have to HOPE that someone takes interest.
Which dedicated testers will do a lot more then having it open source in the first place (to repeat myself)
What i am trying to say is:
Don't make Open Source out to be the holy Grale.
Yes it provides a lot of benefits under specific conditions.But a Closed source project is not automatically worse then a Open Source one.
What makes a project worse/better is the coder behind it.Open source just adds 1 more factor to it, that can improve or fail drastically.
Depending on how much you rely on it.