Hello! This is the Bulk Recycler. It does what it sounds like, It has a bigger Recycler Bay, it also eats up 8 items at once, and always produces a scrap. Will not operate without 8 items. It requires 16eu/t for it to operate.
Currently it is only SSP, I tried to port to SMP but I have a problem. It is probably something simple that I forgot, but it is keeps saying: There is no block with id 186, and when I craft it it crashes and says end of stream. If anyone knows whats going on tell me.
r1: Initial Launch
r2: Eats 8 items at onces, and always produces a scrap.
r3: fixed bugs with tubes and pipes
If I fail to update this or port it to bukkit, or anything, you all have the right to use and manipulate and redistribute my source code.