Yes that is what i said because im sure im not the only person that hates the uselessness of the electrolizer and as most people will know, to refine aluminium you need to electrolize it. This could open up new items, different machines and much more. Finally thanks for making such a great mod alblaka!
Another use for the electrolizer
- evolutionEPC
- Closed
so what machines and what items?
generally the addition of a new material is discouraged unless there are enough uses to justify the new id (and possibly a new map if it is to be gathered from the world)
Perhaps it could be used in a more efficient way of producing advanced alloy?
Or based on this It could also be used for the following.
Efficient Minecarts
Machine Blocks
Advanced/Regular Circuts
Coolents (Such asand
And other assorted stuffNow How to obtain it is a diffrent story altogether.
Perhaps it could be used in a more efficient way of producing advanced alloy?
Or based on this It could also be used for the following.
Efficient Minecarts (Because many people use minecarts in ic2 right?)
Cans (Tin)
Machine Blocks (Refined Iron)
Tools (Bronze/Refined Iron)
Paint (What?)
Advanced/Regular Circuts (Refined Iron)
Coolents (Such asand
) (Meh, Besides it would probably cheap up the recipe and we dont want that.)
And other assorted stuff (Like what?)Now How to obtain it is a diffrent story altogether.
Read the Bolded in the quote
there is something called the aluminium-air battery and they are one one of the most energy dense battery's we use today.
the way it works (via wikipedia) is (dumbed down look it up if you want the technical stuff) you get power from aluminum slowly turning in to aluminum oxide. and then you recycle the aluminum oxide to make more aluminum. as long as the battery doesn't make more power than it takes to recycle an aluminum-air battery could make a nice alternative to the electrolyzed watercell something like less efficient but could be used in normal machines like a battery if some one wanted to, or cut out the ability to recycle it and make it a new way to make single use batteries. -
there is something called the aluminium-air battery and they are one one of the most energy dense battery's we use today.
the way it works (via wikipedia) is (dumbed down look it up if you want the technical stuff) you get power from aluminum slowly turning in to aluminum oxide. and then you recycle the aluminum oxide to make more aluminum. as long as the battery doesn't make more power than it takes to recycle an aluminum-air battery could make a nice alternative to the electrolyzed watercell something like less efficient but could be used in normal machines like a battery if some one wanted to, or cut out the ability to recycle it and make it a new way to make single use batteries.
I cannot tell, how to use aluminum, but you will not need new map for it.
Aluminum got from clay. This means we can turn Clay to Aluminum in Electrolizer.
And if alucells will be added, we can use Electrolizer to recharge it.
But Clay is rare in MC world, so no waste aluminum to paint, can, picks, shovels. Find some better need for it. -
wel first off, welcome to the forums (nobody told you here yet)
to start off, aluminium. why? make better battery's?
battery upgrades have been denied before, so i dont think adding an new metal would continue, using it to replace items for advanced alloy? something like iron i gues, no. it is suposed to be the most commonly used resource making it hard.
and even after 15 minutes of thinking.... didnt find it to be usefull, i dont know how i would use this.
5 minutes later.... NO NEW MACHINE'S. they are being denied by alblaka anyhow..
battery upgrades have been denied before, so i dont think adding an new metal would work.
Denied and Implemented (WOOT). You can decharge Batpacks and Lappacks in Energystorageblocks (at least in 1.81) and that is definetly an Upgrade.
or we could use the electrolizer to make new metals for higher tiered stuff later at some point, like putting iridium plates in an electrolizer and after a few million EUs are put in it (no way to add items like scraps to speed it up) it would create an Electrolized Iridium Plate, maybe for making better Static Boots, or when Static Pants that recharge at a very excellerated rate but require almost the same materials as the Quantum legs, so you can either run faster when you sprint, to recharge your chest at like 128 EU/t when you sprint and 10eu/t when you walk, these however provide as much protection as leather.
also maybe make Efficiency Generator called a Autmospheric Static to Ground generator. this would be made from 4 Electrolized Aluminium Ingots, 4 copper ingots and generator. this would generate power equal to the number of machines and playersin a 9by9 area, and the state of the weather. they would create more EUs when in a tundra biome since static of always worst in cold climates with low humidity. for each player in the area it would generate 1 eu/t, for each machine that's working it would generate .25eu/t, when it's raining you'd get 2eu/t and when it's a thunderstorm you'd get 5eu/t. so if you have 1 player, 4 machines in thunderstorm it would generate 7eu/t. or if there was not a player in the 9 by 9 area and your machines are off or done then it would not generate anything. so this would mainly be when a player is in their Workshop working on stuff or when they are AFK.
or even use it to make rust from iron bars and then use rust and biofuel to make Ferrofluid Cells, these could be used as an advanced type of Nuclear Reactor Coolant Cell. basically how these work is the tiny particles of iron are magntized to a higher heat resistance material and they disperse heat to the iron particles suspended in the fluid, once they iron hits a certain temperature they are no longer magnetic and the colder more magnetic particles get attrached and push the hot iron way from the dispenser and unltimatly to the back end of the Feerofluid coolant cell where there is either a coolant device or it stays there till it cools off. this is how Ferrofluid actually works and is used in stuff like megaphones. these could provide 1 coolant at low temperatures and 3 coolant at higher temperatures, this would make breeder reactors alittle easier. (kind of like the Molten Coolant Cell idea but alittle more realistic)
or maybe even an Elctrostatic Dummy. an Electrolizer, a magnetizer, and a pumpkin on top, contructed like a Snow Golem, is a stationary non moving construction, basically nothing special like a functioning defender, just a plain old "block on block construction. however: this would cause enemies to swarm around it thinking it is a player, or that there is a player under it. you could use these to lure enemies away from your base as long as it sees the Dummy first and not you. since the undead are supposibly drawn to the living by static electricity whether is it brainwaves or the brain sending signals to the muscles, or whatever it is that makes then detect living creatures, and skeletons can't even see so i'm sure they work similar, spiders are stupid and can't see properly, and creepers don't care if they die so they would rush in and explode on it.... on that note they should be blast resistant, not blast proof, but resistant atleast.
to start off, aluminium. why? make better battery's?
battery upgrades have been denied before, so i dont think adding an new metal would work.boiled down the idea would work something like this:
[undetermined block or item]+[coal dust]+[copper cable]=[unfinished battery]
[unfinished battery]+[electrolyzer]+[undetermined amount of power]=[undetermined number of single use batteries]or maybe even an Elctrostatic Dummy. an Electrolizer, a magnetizer, and a pumpkin on top, contructed like a Snow Golem, is a stationary non moving construction, basically nothing special like a functioning defender, just a plain old "block on block construction. however: this would cause enemies to swarm around it thinking it is a player, or that there is a player under it. you could use these to lure enemies away from your base as long as it sees the Dummy first and not you. since the undead are supposibly drawn to the living by static electricity whether is it brainwaves or the brain sending signals to the muscles, or whatever it is that makes then detect living creatures, and skeletons can't even see so i'm sure they work similar, spiders are stupid and can't see properly, and creepers don't care if they die so they would rush in and explode on it.... on that note they should be blast resistant, not blast proof, but resistant atleast.
spiders would not be fooled they are one of the few mobs that can draw line of sight through glass
spiders would not be fooled they are one of the few mobs that can draw line of sight through glass
all mobs can draw line of sight through glass. i've been having this as a pretty severe issue with my industrial house. if a door is left open and a creeper seeing me through the glass, he will run like 12 blocks around to get into me door and blow up my beds and MassFabs.
all mobs can draw line of sight through glass. i've been having this as a pretty severe issue with my industrial house. if a door is left open and a creeper seeing me through the glass, he will run like 12 blocks around to get into me door and blow up my beds and MassFabs.
oh yeah the new AI. well also spiders have like 8 eyes(they even drop them) while zombies and skeletons have rotted out eye sockets. so spiders still won't be fooled
oh yeah the new AI. well also spiders have like 8 eyes(they even drop them) while zombies and skeletons have rotted out eye sockets. so spiders still won't be fooled
spiders chase snow golems even before they throw a snowball, also if you've ever seen what it looks like through a spiders eyes, it not easy figuring out what is what really. kind of like flys. flys cannot tell when is what they just detecct motion really well.
yeah motion electro dummy doesn't move. also spider can tell between you and almost any other mob IRL sure they are dumb but IMC they are one of your most intelligent threats
yeah motion electro dummy doesn't move. also spider can tell between you and almost any other mob IRL sure they are dumb but IMC they are one of your most intelligent threats
first off, MC isn't neccissarily realistic, as i'm sure your aware. also, if a spider can't even figure out "oh it i turn sideways i can fit" then i don't think he's smart enough to figure out if an "Electorized Dummy" if different from an AFK player through a wall.
first off, MC isn't neccissarily realistic, as i'm sure your aware. also, if a spider can't even figure out "oh it i turn sideways i can fit" then i don't think he's smart enough to figure out if an "Electorized Dummy" if different from an AFK player through a wall.
Please let's not forget one of the best inventions of IC2 - the TESLA COILS! This sweet piece of metal could fry everything outside your door, open or not, after you have gone through it. With some clever circuitry, of course! I think there are already solutions to the creeper problems mentioned above. What I hate dealing with are the noisy door-banging zombies. Super annoyingly loud, even louder than a room full of macerators.
Anyways, going back to the topic: Aluminum is a very cool metal. However, while it is durable, it is terrible at maintaining shape and is generally pretty soft. The battery idea is a neat chemical idea, but unfortunately we don't need more batteries (we have fancy crystals!). So that leaves us with rust-proof non-utility items. I'd like to point out that IC2 has no real purely aesthetic blocks/items, so we are sort of out of luck with the Aluminum idea. I would like to see at some point in the future (unlimited block ID's maybe?) the level of scientific realism given a boost in IC2 and even vanilla minecraft. But I don't think IC2 is ready for more metals.
yeah motion electro dummy doesn't move. also spider can tell between you and almost any other mob IRL sure they are dumb but IMC they are one of your most intelligent threats
Spiders? Nope. Creepers can see through walls like them and stalking you, until you leave your Base and BOOM, Baseentrance exploded.
Please let's not forget one of the best inventions of IC2 - the TESLA COILS! This sweet piece of metal could fry everything outside your door, open or not, after you have gone through it. With some clever circuitry, of course! I think there are already solutions to the creeper problems mentioned above. What I hate dealing with are the noisy door-banging zombies. Super annoyingly loud, even louder than a room full of macerators.
Anyways, going back to the topic: Aluminum is a very cool metal. However, while it is durable, it is terrible at maintaining shape and is generally pretty soft. The battery idea is a neat chemical idea, but unfortunately we don't need more batteries (we have fancy crystals!). So that leaves us with rust-proof non-utility items. I'd like to point out that IC2 has no real purely aesthetic blocks/items, so we are sort of out of luck with the Aluminum idea. I would like to see at some point in the future (unlimited block ID's maybe?) the level of scientific realism given a boost in IC2 and even vanilla minecraft. But I don't think IC2 is ready for more metals.
tesla coil are rather useful however they also tazer you if you get to close and if your not careful and forget to turn them off they usually cause more harm in SMP the safety.
as for aluminuium. you obviously have seen or tampered with military aero-grade aluminum, that stuff is as strong as druable as most steels as long as it's not heated to like 1,500F.
as for new metals, i'm sure once people can come up with enough decent ideas for a new higher tier of machines/generators/tools, then there will be new metals, wether they are mass fabricated or mined. maybe they should be mined but as rare or rarer then uranium and require Iridium Machine Blocks?
tesla coil are rather useful however they also tazer you if you get to close and if your not careful and forget to turn them off they usually cause more harm in SMP the safety.
as for aluminuium. you obviously have seen or tampered with military aero-grade aluminum, that stuff is as strong as druable as most steels as long as it's not heated to like 1,500F.
as for new metals, i'm sure once people can come up with enough decent ideas for a new higher tier of machines/generators/tools, then there will be new metals, wether they are mass fabricated or mined. maybe they should be mined but as rare or rarer then uranium and require Iridium Machine Blocks?
Yeah, but what do you make at this point? No point of including a new super high-grade material if there is nothing to make from it. And, I still think there are better options for a high-level iron replacement. I personally think that carbon fiber should have a new role as graphene, which could be made into graphene sheets which are extremely strong.