on the subject of lava IMO the only place you need it is the nether which is magical so how about we let mojang add their own magical lava boat.
on the subject of lava IMO the only place you need it is the nether which is magical so how about we let mojang add their own magical lava boat.
on the subject of lava IMO the only place you need it is the nether which is magical so how about we let mojang add their own magical lava boat.
Why not make a composite boat with metal and carbon fibers. Since lava is ( least in real life here) below the melting point of metal(let's use the alloy plate for str:weight) we could use that as an outer hull layer and then use carbon fiber insulating layers along with integrated heat dispensers to regulate on-board temperature.
So a carbon fiber boat in the center, then form an alloy boat shape in the crafting field with a heat dispenser in the top middle for a lava boat? Sorry to go a bit off topic but it does use the suggestion as a base
d'oh! the answer was in our face the whole time. just make the lava boat out of this stuff
Wow that must be a good Suggestion if we got 4 Pages of Posts for a Lavaboat.
The first Suggestion was an unbreaking lightweight Carbonboat for Water only.
yes some one should start a lava boat suggestion so the conversation can be off loaded there (unless cider adds lava boats to the OP)
I'm still +1 for carbon fiber non-breaking boats
The first Suggestion was an unbreaking lightweight Carbonboat for Water only.
Glad someone remembered!
yes some one should start a lava boat suggestion so the conversation can be off loaded there (unless cider adds lava boats to the OP)
I prefer to keep my suggestions as focussed on one element as possible. What would I like to see? Does it feel like it fits with IC? Does it already exist? Has it been previously denied? Has it been suggested at all? What materials do we already have* that could logically be used?
Lava boats do sound popular though, so if someone wants to take that ball and run with it (and come up with sensible ideas), feel free!
* Since my suggestions are for a single item/mechanic, adding a material specifically for that one use is excess effort (goes for whoever ends up coding it, and myself having to come up with a new material that fits in with IC).
none denied that i could find im going for it (the lava boat)
Quick check over the thread so far, rubber idea makes sense, OP updated.
QuoteDisplay MoreYes, yes it would but that wasn't the point being made.
Let's put it this way.
Two steves see lava. Steve #1 puts a minecart in the lava to use as a boat. Said cart being made of metal,
the heat of the lava easily is transferred from itself..to the cart,
and then steve #1 cooking him like one cooks a steak in a pan.
#2 puts his carbon fiber boat in the lava. The boat near seconds later
melts and burns leaving him with a sense of maybe he should just go
around. Or if he does manage to get in before then he'll drown and burn
in the lava rather then be cart fried.
Steve #3 Drinks lava resist potion, equips quantium armour and screams HAYO jumping in the lava
Steve #3 Drinks lava resist potion, equips quantium armour and screams HAYO jumping in the lava
That's nice, but this still isn't the lava boat thread.
+1, but maybe the removing of the collision bug is a lot of code ?
+1, but maybe the removing of the collision bug is a lot of code ?
Thats not a Bug, it's a Feature that the Woodboat breaks.
+1, but maybe the removing of the collision bug is a lot of code ?
That's the main reason for the "drop itself" part. If it's not possible to prevent or control boats breaking, it's more than likely to be simpler to change what drops.
Interesting, this humble idea now has more than 25% of the views that the compendium has. Someone needs to give the compendium flashing lights or something.
I don't have access to the MC code here, but I guess boats flag themselves dead and drop the sticks/planks if they collide with a motion value above a certain limit.
I don't have access to the MC code here, but I guess boats flag themselves dead and drop the sticks/planks if they collide with a motion value above a certain limit.
Just checked the 1.1.0 MCP I have here - that is indeed the case. The exact threshold is when it has a horizontal speed of greater than 0.2. Boat breaking along with the item drops happen in two separate sections of code - one where it takes damage from attacks over a certain threshold and one where it collides when it's travelling faster than 0.2 units. The item drops are specified explicitly in both cases.
Making a boat that either doesn't break on collision and drops itself when whacked should be possible by extending the EntityBoat class and over-riding the "if(isCollidedHorizontally...)" and "attackEntityFrom" functions (disclaimer: I have never coded in Java, only a small bit of C++ and some UnrealScript back in 2001). Making it destroy lilypads and/or impale squid would be a bit harder, as I'd need to figure out how the functions that set isCollidedHorizontally in the base Entity class work, then figure out how to add an exception for lilypads/apply damage to squid.
Just checked the 1.1.0 MCP I have here - that is indeed the case. The exact threshold is when it has a horizontal speed of greater than 0.2. Boat breaking along with the item drops happen in two separate sections of code - one where it takes damage from attacks over a certain threshold and one where it collides when it's travelling faster than 0.2 units. The item drops are specified explicitly in both cases.
Interesting, haven't coded in ages (outside X3TC's script engine, and never java) so I'm a bit rusty on these things, but could something along these lines work?
Ok the first you have to learn about java is GOTO is a forbidden word! You should use Pseudocode or something that has Functioncalls, if you want to show something for Minecraft. But you explained it right if the code does what i think.
Ok the first you have to learn about java is GOTO is a forbidden word!
Noted. Like I said, never used java and the closest I've been to programming since my C64 is X3TC's script engine. Meh, everyone makes a mistake. Hopefully only once!
QuoteYou should use Pseudocode or something that has Functioncalls, if you want to show something for Minecraft. But you explained it right if the code does what i think.
Ok, quick rewrite. The speeds are up for debate (and frankly beyond "speed" I have no idea about their magnitude), but both boats should be tougher than the wooden one.
set variable "item" to zero
when boat is damaged
if damage source is a punch
set variable "item" to "rubberboat" (drop intact version)
if horizontal speed > 0.6
set variable "item" to "punctured rubberboat" (drop damaged version, for carbon use this speed to test for intact drop)
otherwise if speed.horizontal > 0.4
set variable "item" to "rubberboat" (drop intact version)
if variable "item" is not zero
destroy the boat
drop the object named in variable "item"
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Well since everyone but the devs (aside from RichardG) seems interested in this, I might as well poke around and have a stab at making this myself. Time to learn java methinks!
Cool add-on can't wait for its first release after i heard about it o the irc.
Oh and
and you know why