The Ultimate Industrial Frame Engineering Challenge(s) - TUIFEC
Programming in forth is a pain, can you pleeeeeeeeeeease add ComputerCraft to the list of allowed mods.
Or maybe I'll try the whole thing with just redpower logic...
no kidding... some of us can't get our head wrapped around RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) and the language designed around it (forth) -
no kidding... some of us can't get our head wrapped around RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) and the language designed around it (forth)I agree, I'll be excited when someone writes a python interpreter for the red power computer.
can some one please put up a video on how to make a caterpillar engine
can some one please put up a video on how to make a caterpillar engine
Here is a video of a basic caterpiller engine that I found on YouTube. Remember, google is your friend.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_I8UwLjYug -
Think i just found a major error for the solar panel spammer
For the industrialcraft 2 solar pannels we need rubber to make the copper wiring that needs to go in the batteries and in the circuits
farming ressin cant be really done automaticly or you need to cut the rubber trees and a autmatic tree farmand for redpower 2 solar pannels we need to make a diamond handsaw which requires sticks so we need trees again
and i doubt it that we can stack diamond handsaws in the autocrafting table so when its used how do we know if it goes in the right place to produce silicon waffers
and for redpower 2 bleu alloy wire how are we supposed to get the wool (or rubber in the future hope thats gone be farmable with a machine from eloraam).for industrialcraft 2 an automated ressin farmer would fix the problem or using the matter generator.
for industrialcraft 2 an automated ressin farmer would fix the problem or using the matter generator
Why did you think you that it is not allowed to use the mass fabricator. You can use anything in industrial craft 2 and redpower 2. In fact the idea of the challange is to use the mass fabricator as the main source of materials.
And note the Solar spammer challange is for IC2 solar panels only ( you can use rp2 solar panels to power the machines ).On a side note : it is possible to use non-stacking items in autocrafting, if you want to see how, just search around ( i.e. on buildcraft forums ).
damned made a production line for redpower 2 panels poh geuss i just destory that and change it into storage room for crap that needs to go in the recycler
since the IC 2 cabeling doesnt work for some reason yet. Are we then allowed to put batteries or crystals in the machine with the cabeling in place for when the update fixes the cables.
or do we need to make a system that creates crystals and delivers them to the machines -
I agree, I'll be excited when someone writes a python interpreter for the red power computer.
Probably not going to happen, not a fast enough CPU for something like that.
best I could see would be a C compiler but I wouldn't hold out much hope there either. -
Probably not going to happen, not a fast enough CPU for something like that.
best I could see would be a C compiler but I wouldn't hold out much hope there either.No C/C++! Everything i know, which is written in that, crashes randomly for no important reason (especially most of the Computergames)
No C/C++! Everything i know, which is written in that, crashes randomly for no important reason (especially most of the Computergames)
Than your doing something wrong, likely with memory management. Only problem I had was the dreaded semicolon I kept forgetting to use. Random error 2-4 lines down leaving you going "WTF"? -
Than your doing something wrong, likely with memory management. Only problem I had was the dreaded semicolon I kept forgetting to use. Random error 2-4 lines down leaving you going "WTF"?I've never really written stuff in C/C++ (except for exams and such things), so its not my fault. Every single Game i know, which is written in C/C++, can easyly be crashed, without giving you any hint about what exactly went wrong (best example "Access Violation" in Gothic I-III, Risen and Skyrim)
Doesn't help that placing cable with a deployer seems to NPE...
(at xd.a(World.java:3825)
at ic2.common.ItemCable.a(ItemCable.java:114)
at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.tryUseItemStack(TileDeployBase.java:151)...)So, moving the massfab is out, using cables won't work either... Leaving the only reasonable strategy to create a new massfab, stock up on UUM, remove the old massfab, then place as many panels as possible, using a line of MFSU to transfer power, then once the UUM runs out, place the (already created) new massfab and start over? Expensive...
Doesn't help that placing cable with a deployer seems to NPE...
(at xd.a(World.java:3825)
at ic2.common.ItemCable.a(ItemCable.java:114)
at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.tryUseItemStack(TileDeployBase.java:151)...)So, moving the massfab is out, using cables won't work either... Leaving the only reasonable strategy to create a new massfab, stock up on UUM, remove the old massfab, then place as many panels as possible, using a line of MFSU to transfer power, then once the UUM runs out, place the (already created) new massfab and start over? Expensive...
Keep your massfab on your moving platform. You can successfully move the machines and cables. The only irritation is having to log out/back in before the energy starts moving again. I haven't tried deploying any IC wiring yet.
any idea how to pull the produced items out of tubestuff autocrafter ? know that for BC we used the wooden pipe with a wooden engine but for some reason BC is in conflict with redpower 2 for me think its block ID (have the same problem between thaumcraft 2 and IC 2)
I've never really written stuff in C/C++ (except for exams and such things), so its not my fault. Every single Game i know, which is written in C/C++, can easyly be crashed, without giving you any hint about what exactly went wrong (best example "Access Violation" in Gothic I-III, Risen and Skyrim)
I think that you know just enough to get yourself into trouble on the programming front. Once compiled, there is no significant difference between the code from different languages. It is mostly a matter of how much you want the complier to hold your hand through the process. C compilers/development environments typically don't hold your hand much/at all so you can do whatever you need to get your code to run as you want it to.
If you are having that much trouble with a variety of games, you probably have something wrong with your computer or just need to play games from makers with a better reputation for making quality games (Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind/Fallout3 may be fun, but Betheseda can manage to crash a console).
any idea how to pull the produced items out of tubestuff autocrafter ? know that for BC we used the wooden pipe with a wooden engine but for some reason BC is in conflict with redpower 2 for me think its block ID (have the same problem between thaumcraft 2 and IC 2)
I believe imbis made his mod work better with RP/BC in a recent release, so try updating or just hooking a pipe up to the table. I also noticed that Eloraam put some of the new block IDs square in the middle of BC's range. Open up redpower/redpower.cfg and edit the offending block ids to new numbers.
I believe imbis made his mod work better with RP/BC in a recent release, so try updating or just hooking a pipe up to the table. I also noticed that Eloraam put some of the new block IDs square in the middle of BC's range. Open up redpower/redpower.cfg and edit the offending block ids to new numbers.Actually, RP2 will, the first time it's run (or if you change a certain configuration setting) wait until the other mods have loaded, and then pick from the unused block IDs. You might still have issues if you install something later, but there probably was a gap in the BC IDs, and RP just filled it.
i wait for basic.. thats the only think i programmed with as a kid on my C64 (which i still have).
everything else i know is bash, html, css, php.. so only script stuff.
I think I'm going to try to make mine with only redpower logic. FORTH is just to much of a pain.