This is my 5 months work. 6 x 512 solar panels.
There is mass fabricator under the tower.
On server: (only czech server for now)
Solar madness. 3072+ solar panels at survival
That, is, madness!
I can see your secret on the left. You use buildcraft, the number one way to get lots of resources without it feeling like cheating (aka not EE). I use it too!
As another note, I'm going to be going a similar thing, using solar panels to power a mass fab.
Thats 30 000 iron ingots right there
I can see your secret on the left. You use buildcraft, the number one way to get lots of resources without it feeling like cheating (aka not EE). I use it too!
As another note, I'm going to be going a similar thing, using solar panels to power a mass fab.
Cool, i'm quoted in your Signature. (And Redpowerframe-TBM's are much better than BC)And now add Advanced-Solarpanels-Addon to reduce that horrible Lag to 6 Panels.
I can see your secret on the left. You use buildcraft, the number one way to get lots of resources without it feeling like cheating (aka not EE). I use it too!
As another note, I'm going to be going a similar thing, using solar panels to power a mass fab.
I actually use classic IC miners. I've tried build craft quarry but it is slow and it likes to explode
Wow, impressive.
i'm a little suprised the server can handle the lag monster 6000 there. -
Impressive, but I would recommend HV solar panels.
Also you know Kane is working to get like 50 of them? That comes to 25600 solar panels! Right now I think he has about 25. -
: Thats a nice solar farm you got there!
: O damn a creeper! *Unfortunatley drops the nuke*
: SsSsSssS.....
I built 1 HV solar in 2 days. Doesn't take 5 months. If I really really wanted to, I could build 512 HV solars in said 5 months.
U no experience devastating and steady lagstorm at this number of solars ?
O.e sooo many solars *dies*