[Suggestion-Planning Ahead] Testificates Sells Technology

  • Never intended for steve to not know at least the basic of IC2. But you should work for the more complicated stuff.

    In moments like this, i wish that Coal fueled tier we discussed a few months ago were added XD

    unfortunately both are archived and social norms forbid us from recovering them with out at least a powerpoint scale presentation or a proof of concept addon

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

  • Cool, but would make this more like the annoying Blueprints in Total Miner: Forge. You have to wander around until you find what you want.

    Haikus are poems

    They don't always make sense


  • The basic idea is having the "Villagers" sell the blueprints based on their level of technology:

    -Bigger Cities, better techs to sell: for this pre-generated cities should be coded, up to 3 lvls of villages you could say from smaller to bigger OR

    -Building a House for the "researcher testificate" in a nearby village, and the more items you place inside the house the better the tech he sells.

    Some other choose the first option because it was "More realistic" and shit. All in all you can buy everything from the researcher NPC without having to move too much (Aside from getting the Emeralds or whatever it wants for the blueprints).

    Also as a bonus, dungeons/pyramids (New building in 1.3) chests have a random chance to have a blueprint in it.

  • I am strongly disagree with getting industrial knowledge from outside of yourself.

    Why would Villagers have technology if they do not use it? No way!
    Why would treasure chests contain industrial blueprints instead of old/forgotten/forbidden/ancient/magical ones? No way!

    The only ways to open some recipe for use for crafting are:
    1. Research it yourself by using some blackboard/lab equipment ...
    2. Get it from other player, who researched it or bought himself ...
    3. Feed the builded autoresearch complex and hope ...

    I can describe some variants better if someone interested.

  • Im not interested to copy Thaumcraft and thats why i was suggesting that the testificates should do the researching.

    As for them not using the technology, i just find that to be something entirely unnecesary that could produce lag in servers, it could be done but what purpose does it serve? Just to be pretty?

  • I do not want Vilagers to use industrial things. They do not need it.

    Thaumcraft research is interesting but not the only interesting way. IC need other way.
    How about a"Lab" block, where you craft some equipment like on crafting table. But all recipes are "experimental" and "Lab" block spend some time to craft and test the result. If result pass testing, you get it unlocked at crafting table and get result item. If recipe unlocked already you get "recipe" to sell (provided paper). Unsuccessful test leads to components loss. I think this is quite industrial way of research. Try and errors.

  • Who said anything about using them... *sigh*

    Third Approach, Testificates find "Strange" artifacts from around the area, They do not know what they are or how to use but see that Steve got an interest in these artifacts so they are willing to trade those for some coins.

    After steve buys these artifacts he can go to his house and try to repair them, and when he does he find what appears to be plans to build some complex machines from a strange civilization that lived in the planet long ago or some aliens. (Artifacts still can be gained from the dungeon chests).

    The joke of this suggestion is making use of the testificates new ability to trade stuff, so stick with that >.>, if you want a new table to investigate like thaumcraft you are free to make a new suggestion.

  • I know how you feel - all this vanilla minecraft garbage is ruining the game. I hope a way can be found to just disable vanilla features like brewing potions and enchanting..and villagers..and snow golems..and mooshrooms...

    At this point I dont even see this as notch's game anymore. Its albakas and space toads and eloraams game and notch is just some rogue trying to mess things up with his half baked, overgrown man child ideas.

    Thats my what I think, and thats what I think of this suggestion. And even more if the villagers don't go all techy around(with implants, mechs and stuff).

  • Testificates find "Strange" artifacts from around the area, They do not know what they are or how to use but see that Steve got an interest in these artifacts so they are willing to trade those for some coins.

    After steve buys these artifacts he can go to his house and try to repair them, and when he does he find what appears to be plans to build some complex machines from a strange civilization that lived in the planet long ago or some aliens. (Artifacts still can be gained from the dungeon chests).

    It's stupid. I mean more stupid than most of MC. Artifact can fit mystique, magical, ancient, forbidden, forgotten but not industrial.


    The joke of this suggestion is making use of the testificates new ability to trade stuff, so stick with that >.>, if you want a new table to investigate like thaumcraft you are free to make a new suggestion.

    Let them sell simple stuff. It is bad to hunt a Vilager in attempt to build a reactor.

    It seems I'm unable to present suggestions good. If anyone like it feel free to suggest it yourself.

  • Thats my what I think, and thats what I think of this suggestion. And even more if the villagers don't go all techy around(with implants, mechs and stuff).

    Villagers are there, and i seriously doubt they are going away anytime soon, might as well use them.

    It's stupid. I mean more stupid than most of MC. Artifact can fit mystique, magical, ancient, forbidden, forgotten but not industrial.

    It can fit into Sci-Fi setting. Steve stranded in the planet with only basic knowledge of tools and technology. Artifacts long forgotten in the planet either by a ancient advanced civilization that suffered from some kind of bullshitting apocalypse kind of end or aliens that for one bullshit reason or another decided to investigate the planet and then leave the planet/Died like morons due to some bullshit disease while leaving most of their technology or something along those lines.

    And why not chase a villager to make a reactor? Its not like we can (always) get uranium or other materials for building it sitting on our asses doing nothing.

  • Then make the villagers drop resourcers or make me do some archaeologist
    thing, dont make me dependent of some retarded NPC for gods sake

  • Then make the villagers drop resourcers or make me do some archaeologist
    thing, dont make me dependent of some retarded NPC for gods sake

    And this is what i say that people on the internet need a frigging crash course on how to fudging read. I have said like 5 times the Artifact/Plans/Blueprints/W/E you want to call it can also be obtained at random from dungeons/pyramid chest, thats as close as archeology im bothering myself to suggest.

  • When I said "archeologist thing", I mean something more worked and fun than roaming around searching for boring and dull vanilla dungeons or whatever <insert desire object> container.

  • When I said "archeologist thing", I mean something more worked and fun than roaming around searching for boring and dull vanilla dungeons.

    Because archeology its totally like a indiana jones movie right?

    Bring in the nazis! Lets make Archeology in Minecraft interesting!


  • Yup(it's a game, should be fun), but instead of nazis bring some old and forgotten centinels bots, or whatever robo-baddies that would make me use my nano saber and all the future weapons to get the goodies.

  • Because archeology its totally like a indiana jones movie right?

    Bring in the nazis! Lets make Archeology in Minecraft interesting!


    cause any game is better when you can kill some nazi's :D

    old A.I. vending machines in a large post apocalyptic industrial dungeon/bunker/abandoned city made of construction foam, glass, depleted luminators, and full of zombies. you give the machines what they want and they will make you things with the surplus so you'll comeback. just saying :D

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

    • Official Post

    Yup(it's a game, should be fun), but instead of nazis bring some old and forgotten centinels bots, or whatever robo-baddies that would make me use my nano saber and all the future weapons to get the goodies.

    If you have already a Nanosaber, and Hightechstuff, then WHY THE HECK DO YOU WANT TO INVESTIGATE A RUIN?

    Whats about finding Circuits, Rubber, Batteries (also Singleuse to give that a Sense), Foodcans, Fuelcans (also empty ones) and refined Iron inside Dungeon/Pyramid/Stronghold/Mineshaftchests, and removing the StickyresinSmelting2Rubber-Recipe and the RefinedIron-Recipe from the Furnace/Ironfurnace, so that you have to build an Extractor or to investigate more Ruins, to get Rubber and you need an Electric Furnace to get Refined Iron.

    As for the Aliens/Nazis: Why are Aliens, who can build Spaceships in Industrialage? Or is it like in that Film, where Nazis have build a Base on the Moon, to make an intressting "Comeback" with strange industriallooking Inventions?

  • This suggestion is kinda getting out of hand...but its fun to read 8)

    Ephesians 4:29
    Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up,
    as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

  • old A.I. vending machines in a large post apocalyptic industrial dungeon/bunker/abandoned city made of construction foam, glass, depleted luminators, and full of zombies. you give the machines what they want and they will make you things with the surplus so you'll comeback. just saying :D

    This way less stupid than pyramid chests. It also has a reason for traders in single play. May be obtaining some object would allow you to build it yourself.
    Dependency of Villagers is bad.

  • You read it right, if you have been following the news, testificates will actually be useful in the game with Trading, so why not use that with IC2?

    Let's remove the Einstein title off steve and remove his omnipotent recipe knowledge so he actually have to look how something its made in the first place before doing it?

    You could add a "Researcher" Testificate who sell plans of how to build stuff like generators and the like, steve just need to buy one of these plans, right click it and boom he can make whatever was in the plan. (thats just a little example of how it could be)

    No, trading to be honest sucks. And I will be writing a plugin to blow up NPCs who try to trade as soon as Bukkit comes out. I hope this is not implemented.