Name: Pneumatic Tubes for Personal Transport (PTPT)
Description: Remember going on those slides at playgrounds that were big tubes? Imagine that we could move people through such tubes, propelled by compressed air! At one end of the tube is an air compressor that pushes air through the tube, propelling anyone in it along at a fairly good speed (somewhere around minecart speed, perhaps faster). At certain points there are hatches that allow you to get in with a simple right click. You travel through the tube and come out at the open end of the tube. There's even the possibility of multiple compressors required for certain lengths of tubes.
(G) ( ) (G)
where (G) = Glass; makes more than one tube, perhaps two
Hatch: (H)
(G) ( ) (G)
where (H) is a trapdoor and (G) is glass. Makes one (?).
Air Compressor:
Not sure what recipe it should be other than requiring a Compressor (obviously enough). Maybe a Wind Mill as well, for blowing.