[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3!

  • Thanks guys for your patience. Now new version of Gravitation suite is ready !
    What is new:
    + Porting to Minecraft 1.3.2 and IC 1.106 / 1.107
    + Now addon is Universal (same file for Server and Client)
    + Added Ultimate Solar Helmet (only available with addon "Advanced Solar Panels")
    + Added disable recipe options in config flie for all items in addon
    + Added disable option for hud display (if you use other HUD addons).
    + Changed recipe for "Cooling core"
    + Optimized source code

  • Oh... Thats COOL ! But it is OP ,becouse chestplate with new solar helmet at daytime = unlimited flyght ,so you need to tweak it :D ,but it is cool) 8o Didnt expect that)

  • HEhe Zgravi and advanced solar panels Epic mods, thank you friend, i want add advanced solar panels and gravi suite for my modpack if you permission. My suggestion maybe you change color items , white is no fine :D

  • Quote from BlaskSun

    Oh... Thats COOL ! But it is OP ,becouse chestplate with new solar helmet at daytime = unlimited flyght ,so you need to tweak it :D ,but it is cool) 8o Didnt expect that)

    You can change output values of Ultimate Solar Helmet in config file, also you can disable crafting recipe.

    Quote from Kris

    HEhe Zgravi and advanced solar panels Epic mods, thank you friend, i want add advanced solar panels and gravi suite for my modpack if you permission. My suggestion maybe you change color items , white is no fine

    Shure, you can use it. If you want you can change texture independently.

  • I've been waiting for this addon for 1.3.2, then I get THIS,

    Little Help?

  • you should add a thing that's better than a nano saber and it would be called something like a quantum saber

  • you should add a thing that's better than a nano saber and it would be called something like a quantum saber

    GregTech has the TeslaStaff which is pretty much that

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

    • Official Post

    Found a bug NOT game breaking! Using NEI and viewing a recipe on any item the grav suit gets put in one of the slots if I am wearing it.

    Sorry for the big image :)

    NEI-Bug. Happens with every Armor.

    Edit: SeNtiMeL please dont leave your Items Unnamed. I'm referring to your Gravisuitcomponents, which have no Itemname (a nullpointer) in the Code. See this Debug-Log.

    I wanted to add support for your Superconductoritem (without reading probably unstable Configs) but now i cant do so. Just give it a simple Name via "setItemName" like "Gravisuitecomponents".

    Double-Edit: Would you register some Items at the Oredictionary and then use the IC²-Crafting-Recipe-Integrated Oredicthandler to use it? I'm speaking of the following two Items: "itemSuperconductor" and "10kkEUPack" (as Oredictnames). The Superconductor and the Ultimate Lappack to be more precicly.

  • I've got the some Problem and I can extend it.
    When wearing gravity-chestplate and ultimate-solarhelmet and looking for reciepts in NEI for about 6-10 (didn't measured it exactly) times the games crashes with following error:

    With looking for a reciept I mean pressing R-Key (Looking up crafting reciept by default)
    I have tested it multiple times
    1. Putting empty G.Chestplate and U.Solarhelmet in character so U.Solarhelmet is not full while loading G.Chestplate.
    2. Some as above but solarhelmet is filled up first
    3. Just a single U.Solarhelmet loading itsself
    4. Just a single G.Chestplate loaded a bit and using fly mode
    I hope you can fix it quickly.

    Edit: I read GregoriusT's thread aber posting mine and I tried the some pattern while wearing Quantum Suit and Nano Suit. This Error does not occure with those Armor.

  • Double-Edit: Would you register some Items at the Oredictionary and then use the IC²-Crafting-Recipe-Integrated Oredicthandler to use it? I'm speaking of the following two Items: "itemSuperconductor" and "10kkEUPack" (as Oredictnames). The Superconductor and the Ultimate Lappack to be more precicly.

    I will fix it in next update.
    But now you can use this code for work with my items:

    In next update i will try to add items in Oredicthandler.

  • I've got the some Problem and I can extend it.
    When wearing gravity-chestplate and ultimate-solarhelmet and looking for reciepts in NEI for about 6-10 (didn't measured it exactly) times the games crashes with following error:

    Sorry, this is NEI bug. NEI not correctly display active update items. I will try to fix it with stop active update while NEI window is open.