Speaking of 1.4.5 how long till this is updated to 1.109 do you think?

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3!
Speaking of 1.4.5 how long till this is updated to 1.109 do you think?Literally the last couple of posts before yours talks about how asking this is a bad idea...
Like! Like! Like!
I had no chance to build such a suit until now but I definitely will try in my current world
Pantheis, you know that you can report People, because of asking for Release Date, right?
Patience guys. I will update soon as posible
*applause to sentimel*
Patience guys. I will update soon as posible
And that will be the happy day.
Addon is updated !
+ Updated to Minecraft 1.4.5 and IC 1.109
+ Added rarity colors for all items
+ Added "Disable DoubleSlab recipe" in config file.
+ Partially fixed bug with slab recipe -
Addon is updated !
+ Updated to Minecraft 1.4.5 and IC 1.109
+ Added rarity colors for all items
+ Added "Disable DoubleSlab recipe" in config file.
+ Partially fixed bug with slab recipeThank you very much, good sir!
hey sentimel, surely the advanced lappack to ultimate lappack recipe should be cheaper than the lappack to ultimate lappack recipe? i mean you do put an extra lapatron and advanced circuit.
SeNtiMeL, have you considered about uploading src? (IElectricItem and armor are in some way interesting things..)
It is normal that you get damage with the Gravsuit?
In 1.4.2 it was not so im asking.EDIT: Nevermind it's a Ic2 bug.
Even the Nano and Quantum Suit dont work. -
Hi!. can you add translation support file?
hey sentimel what do you think about ultimate static boots? i don't know how you'd balance it but i though it was a cool idea!
hey sentimel, surely the advanced lappack to ultimate lappack recipe should be cheaper than the lappack to ultimate lappack recipe? i mean you do put an extra lapatron and advanced circuit.
Recipe of Advanced lappack not expensive (only 1 lapatron and 1 adv circuit). I don't like idea with cheaper upgrade recipe.SeNtiMeL, have you considered about uploading src? (IElectricItem and armor are in some way interesting things..)
I will upload it.Hi!. can you add translation support file?
Maybe in next release.hey sentimel what do you think about ultimate static boots? i don't know how you'd balance it but i though it was a cool idea!
What are the features of this boots ? -
I will upload it.
Yay! That's great news!
Found a bug: when vajra destroys snow, it doesn't drop it due to technical being pickaxe-only device. (maybe, most probably)
Hm, i think that adding superconductor to the oredictinary was wrong due to gregtech. you can use both gravisuite's superconductor and gregtech's superconductor in all recipes, but gregtech's version is more expensive that gravisuite's.
As i think, ultimate static boots should be cool. It could generate 512 EU every 2 blocks you have gone.
Anyone can update faithful TP for this? Here i can find only 1.2-version of this.
hey im going to suggest the you add a config for the tools, some people might not like them for servers but really like the gravi suit
just a config to disable the recipes or something
hey im going to suggest the you add a config for the tools, some people might not like them for servers but really like the gravi suit just a config to disable the recipes or something
You mean: "It makes my addon useless" ?
You mean: "It makes my addon useless" ?
no not at all, i mean to disable any items that people dont want like on servers and stuff, if they find them overpowered or dont wont them
no not at all, i mean to disable any items that people dont want like on servers and stuff, if they find them overpowered or dont wont them
We know your motives!