Fusion reactor outputs 32768EU/t now.
I am thinking enderpearl/diamond due to the relative ease of acquisition once high teir tech is attained. Enderpearls from the end especially, my last map had chests full of them.

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- GregoriusT
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Fusion reactor is tier 6.
Maybe a little suggestion: Electronic Anchor (Chunkloader)
This block needs energy for each chunk per tick (config option how much eu / t and how much chunks it can load) :P?
Maybe a little suggestion: Electronic Anchor (Chunkloader)
This block needs energy for each chunk per tick (config option how much eu / t and how much chunks it can load) :P?
Greg has it planned, probably is working on more important features. Anyway, most servers disable them, it is not much worth coding it.
If only there was a config to change the massfabricator's power consumption so i could setup multi teir UU production
Well... I have a suggestion... rename this ubertech
joking aside this is an awesome addon for IC2, makes things more interesting and challenging. Tweaked the config so things aren't too hard but still difficult enough to present a good challenge for me. I've only scratched the surface of the mod but I like what I see happening
probably will force me to go mineshaft hunting sooner or later haha. Now to get the new advanced materials together for a first nuclear reactor.
I made 3 test worlds for Iridium search, but didn't find. What other ore from spendthrifts interrupts Iridium. I think its Silver Ore (or Lead ore) on Thermal Expansion mod, ID = 2001. This mod silver ore i have id 703. And im use FTB launcher.
I made 3 test worlds for Iridium search, but didn't find. What other ore from spendthrifts interrupts Iridium. I think its Silver Ore (or Lead ore) on Thermal Expansion mod, ID = 2001. This mod silver ore i have id 703. And im use FTB launcher.
I'm running the same mods as FTB (with a few extra) and Iridium Ore does generate it's just rarer than hens teeth 20% chance\chunk and can gen up to y=99? I think it is? so if you do the standard branch\stripmine at y=12 or so you will quite likely miss it even if it did generate.
at y=12
At what height (y=?) it is generate Iridium ore? 12=99?
I believe I've found a bug with the grinder:
If you run out of EU in your storage while it's running, it'll reset, and if you aren't producing enough EU to keep up with it, it'll just keep eating what you produce and then resetting when it runs out. This isn't really a big problem but it's inconsistent with all other machines. The actual bug part, however, is that I removed the wire, let my MFE charge to about 60k EU, then placed the wire back. The grinder now gets to about 80% done processing the ore, then resets back to 0% even though there's plenty of power. It just keeps doing it until it drains the MFE.
Breaking the machine and replacing it didn't fix it.Not Bug. It just stops when out of Energy. So get a better Energynet going
New techtree progression
Tier 1
Mortar/Iron Mortar
Industrial CentrifugeTier 2
Induction Furnace
Industrial Electrolyzer
Industrial Grinder
Industrial BlastfurnaceBlast Furnace BEFORE Grinder, as the Grinder needs Steel.
The Blast Furnace will also be needed to smelt Aluminium Dust into Ingots in the next Version. (Thats why you can make Standard Casing with refined Iron)
Is it possible for you to modify things like chests? It'd be really convenient to have a 2x2 hand crafting square in the chest GUI, for working with dusts.
Eg. I have 2 dusts in chest and 2 dusts in inv. I have to get the dusts out of the chest, close the chest, craft them into a normal dust pile, then put that back in the chest
Not possible.
1. Its a Basefilemod
2. Chickenbones already messes around with GUI's (for NEI)
3. My Addon highly depends on NEI so I cant get rid of it (And I dont want to).Maybe a little suggestion: Electronic Anchor (Chunkloader)
This block needs energy for each chunk per tick (config option how much eu / t and how much chunks it can load) :P?
Already planned but low Priority due to the constant changes in the Chunkload-API of Forge.
@Drill: Why do you want electric Tools so early? Is a Bronze Pickaxe not good enough? The only good thing on the Drill is that its unbreakable, and unbreakable Tools make regular Tools obsolete.
The main problem with making the diamond drill not work with tier 1 backpacks is, iirc, the lithium backpack works exactly like the normal batpack, so it would not work with the diamond drill. maybe instead raise the needed backpack for the mining laser, so it will only work with the lapotron pack.
Which is not really necessary. Just implement a Stone-Mining-Tool. I guess Greg can't change the name of the Mining-Drill, so how about a jackhammer, that is effective on stone, dirt etc., but destroyes all ores without mining them. Would be a good tool for digging, but not mining and the mining-drill would still make sense at a higher-tier. Also the hedge-trimmer could be a low-tier-version of the chainsaw. It is not effectiv on wood, but can sheer and harvest leafs and does some damage on mobs.
Chainsaw (better than a Diamond-saw) and Mining-Drill (faster than an Iron-Pick) were just too strong for early-game. But moving them back in the techtree without a replacement fells odd too, since it makes the Batpack completly useless (well... you can use the Batpack to transfer energy between batboxes... but thats a rather odd use).
The Mining-Laser is just too cheap. I would like a revamp of the laser so that you build the basic laser and add upgrades to it to enable the different fire-modi, but not sure if you can change IC2 that much :P. So upping the cost should be enough. You should at least require a Centrifuge for the Mining-Laser, so making the Hellium-Recipe standard and implementing a Lap-Crystal for it might even be enough. It should not cost something like iridium, but adding some tedium to built something as powerful as the mining-laser should be fine.
Mininglaser will be crafted of Titanium, so you need a Level 02 Blast Furnace to get it.
A "just Stone, Netherrack and Endstone"-Miningtool is a good Idea.
Mininglaser will be crafted of Titanium, so you need a Level 02 Blast Furnace to get it.
A "just Stone, Netherrack and Endstone"-Miningtool is a good Idea.
To be honest I just got so used to not wearing body-armor because of the batpack, that I now carry a batpack with me although I have no tool to use it
Actually fighting zombies with a jackhammer and a hedge-trimmer sounds like lots of fun
I actually always disliked the strength of the chainsaw... it did 10 damage (5 hearts) which is a lot compared to a diamond-sword with 7 damage. Giving the Hedge-Trimmer 5 damage like a stone-sword would make it a somewhat-useful weapon to carry around and I would have two tools to use my batpack with *g*
And well Blast-Furnace for Mining-Laser sounds good.
Grinder use Ore, but the only way to harvest some ore is sill touch. Yes the rock cutter may help, but it is slow and only work manually. We definitively need an automated way to harvest ore with silk touch. Silk Touch Miner, Silk Touch Quarry or anything else.
So : this is a suggestion :
Particle Mining Bomb.This Device need 1.000.000 EU (? 10.000.000?), and some reagent that are consumed in the process (With the reagent you "balanced" the device). We can set it from 3 second to 60 second. Then there will be a silent implosion, and all block in a 15*15*15 area centered arount the device is instantly droped with silk touched effect. There is aslo 7% chance the device create an instantly black hole, and that the device, the reagent, the energy and all the block instantly desapear.
This Device can accept upgrade :
- Chest upgrade, this internal chest is small (9 slots) but it add a chest option to the device, the device will then "harvest" for you 9 random stack of matter.
- OV Chest upgrade, this internal chest is very small (3 slot) but it add a chest option to the device, the device will the "harvest" for you 3 stack of the "Best" value ore.
- Fortune Upgrade, this upgrade add 20% to all "valuable" ore, but decrease stone, dirt, gravel, sand, netherack and all basic matter to half.
- Range Upgrade, this upgrade set the harvested area to 21*21*21
- Liquid Upgrade, this upgrade destroy any lava/water/oil in the process, and more, they stack them in cells if cells are placed in a "chest" upgrade before.
- Well upgrade, this upgrade center the area of the implosion 8 level under (11 if Range upgrade placed). This will really help speeding the mining process. The device will not desapear in case of a black hole. Not Compatible with chest upgrade.
All upgrade have a 100%chance to be destroyed each implosion,
- Safe Upgrade : This upgrade set all upgrade destruction to 50%, except himself that remain at 100% Black hole chance are reduced to 4%.Of course, moving the device, placing it, setting it, will take time, so this is not really an automated.
Ignore this post... I'm being derpy @_@
Not Bug. It just stops when out of Energy. So get a better Energynet going
You completely missed the BUG part. After running out of energy, even when I let my MFE charge so I had way more than enough energy, it kept resetting when it got to about 80% finished processing. -
Can you make:
-advanced miner that mine with a greater range and use more energy.
-advanced upgrades for advanced machines like industrial centrifuge etc... (upgrade are non stackable) ?
-some sound for some machine ?
-electrified fences
-advanced generators (1-10eu/ticks) with a chargup time same for geothermal generator with different value for the EU output.
-extreme furnace that can smelt 4 or 3 different items at the same time (with advanced upgrades) same for macerator/extractor
-extreme compressor can compress 2 diff item at the same time and advanced mass fabSorry for my bad english
You completely missed the BUG part. After running out of energy, even when I let my MFE charge so I had way more than enough energy, it kept resetting when it got to about 80% finished processing.If its resetting, then you didnt apply 128EU/t constantly. You may missed that Part, as its completly intended.
Can you make:
-advanced miner that mine with a greater range and use more energy.
-advanced upgrades for advanced machines like industrial centrifuge etc... (upgrade are non stackable) ?
-some sound for some machine ?
-electrified fences
-advanced generators (1-10eu/ticks) with a chargup time same for geothermal generator with different value for the EU output.
-extreme furnace that can smelt 4 or 3 different items at the same time (with advanced upgrades) same for macerator/extractor
-extreme compressor can compress 2 diff item at the same time and advanced mass fabSorry for my bad english
1. Nope
2. Nope
3. Have to wait for IC², to fix its Sounds.
4. Nope
5. Maybe
6. Nope³, I wont make regular Machines obsolete, I will only make more Powerful ones, which are needed for some Items (see Industrial Blast Furnace for example)
7. Nope
8. Its not that bad english -
For 1 Hybrid solar panel need 8 Iridium ore OR 20 iridium ore for Matterfabricator. I play 1 week on my map, and find 0! iridium. You couldn't make more regeneration of iridium on the map?
For 1 Hybrid solar panel need 8 Iridium ore OR 20 iridium ore for Matterfabricator. I play 1 week on my map, and find 0! iridium. You couldn't make more regeneration of iridium on the map?
Hmm... what hybrid solar panels? is this from another addon?
also why don't you tweak the config for iridium ore? The base amount is 20% but considering how large the world is and how large chunks are 20% is a low rate. You'd be better off managing to get iridium ore by using a quarry.