I just got into using logistic pipes to set up some automated crafting tables, which was pretty cool. However ran into some issues when creating solar panels, the "system" would always mess up on refined iron for some reason and you'd have to request the solar panel twice before you actually got one.
Anyways was looking into RP2+tubestuff and it looks kinda neat but... it's a lot more complicated. I can imagine if set up a computer using a ton of wires and stuff(like someone pointed out up top) you could get one running nicely I guess. Would be a lot of work compared to using logistic pipes tho. Beside logistic pipes I really don't use much at all from buildcraft, except maybe the quarries. I use IC2 and Forestry a lot however. I wish the miner had a "quarry" function. Nothing like seeing a big hole being dug out.
I've tried to learn how to use frames properly and thanks to DireWolf20 he made some sense how some of it works.
Setting up a RP2 system with sorting, pipes, automated crafting would be more a lot more material intense then doing it using say logistic pipes? I can imagine it being quite complicated if you for instance don't have a material at hand, say refined iron and you'd need to smelt some iron bars first.