It's in the topic title. Just installed IC² 106, for MC1.3.2, and it's completely silent for me; not hearing any of the generator or machine noises, and frankly it's rather saddening. I miss the roar of machinery; any idea what's up?

No sounds at all
The MC-Soundsystem bugs sometimes, so that you cant even hear vanilly Sounds, that could be the case. Or you just forgot to turn Volume on.
Thing is, I and all my chums are having the exact same issue. However, there is ONE sound which does actually play, and that's the "wrooonk" sound of when a machine stops due to lack of power.
SMP problem, perhaps?
Thing is, I and all my chums are having the exact same issue. However, there is ONE sound which does actually play, and that's the "wrooonk" sound of when a machine stops due to lack of power.
SMP problem, perhaps?
Probably, if I recall correctly, sounds have always been weird in SMP.
Yeah they were, I noticed a while ago that the emitters for positioning the sounds in 3D space lagged a bit, causing an odd "wub" effect in the volume if you moved towards or away from active machinery. First time something like this has happened though, and I gotta say, silent machines are depressing. :<
Alright, did some proper testing. I opened a creative map, and I lined up a macerator, extractor, compressor, electric furnace, and a recycler. I gave each one a stack of random material to process, and fueled them with one-shot batteries. None of them produced any sound, EXCEPT for when the material they were processing was removed mid-operation, inducing the "wrooonk" sound of the aborted job.
Then, I tested the generator types, by hooking up a regular generator, a geo, and a reactor to the working macerator (via glass cable, naturally). I fueled each of them in turn, and not one produced any sound at all. I then blew up the reactor for shiggles, and... No explosion sound. The crater simply materialized before my eyes.
The "wrooonk" proves that the mod is indeed producing sound. I performed these tests with all the other mods removed from my \mods folder, to make sure it wasn't some cross-mod calamity. I also checked the IC2.cfg file just to make sure that sounds were in fact enabled, and found that yes, they are. I suspect this may be an issue with Forge; some months ago, we had a similar audio problem wherein explosions were producing no sound, and the issue resolved itself with a later Forge update. I'm currently using Forge 4.1.1, if anyone's wondering. Any other thoughts or suggestions on this?
I just wanted to confirm that I cannot get any sounds in either SMP or SSP. As you mentioned only when a job stops from loss of energy.
Alright, did some proper testing. I opened a creative map, and I lined up a macerator, extractor, compressor, electric furnace, and a recycler. I gave each one a stack of random material to process, and fueled them with one-shot batteries. None of them produced any sound, EXCEPT for when the material they were processing was removed mid-operation, inducing the "wrooonk" sound of the aborted job.
Then, I tested the generator types, by hooking up a regular generator, a geo, and a reactor to the working macerator (via glass cable, naturally). I fueled each of them in turn, and not one produced any sound at all. I then blew up the reactor for shiggles, and... No explosion sound. The crater simply materialized before my eyes.
The "wrooonk" proves that the mod is indeed producing sound. I performed these tests with all the other mods removed from my \mods folder, to make sure it wasn't some cross-mod calamity. I also checked the IC2.cfg file just to make sure that sounds were in fact enabled, and found that yes, they are. I suspect this may be an issue with Forge; some months ago, we had a similar audio problem wherein explosions were producing no sound, and the issue resolved itself with a later Forge update. I'm currently using Forge 4.1.1, if anyone's wondering. Any other thoughts or suggestions on this?
I'm also having the issue, sadly.
Currently I'm hoping that a later version of either forge or IC2 fixes it, but until then I'm playing around with the new reactors and waiting for my favorite addons and Redpower 2 to update~
I honestly don't care if sounds broke. No offense
The nuke sound is another story. I tried vanilla methods, custom packets, vanilla explosion packet... all of them work with TNT but not with us.
I have this issue too, I think this is Forge bug.
Thing is, I and all my chums are having the exact same issue. However, there is ONE sound which does actually play, and that's the "wrooonk" sound of when a machine stops due to lack of power.
SMP problem, perhaps?
same for me and the guys on my server.
Same problem here. the latest version doesn't play any machine sounds, except the sound when you stop a machine or it runs out of power.
Same problem here. the latest version doesn't play any machine sounds, except the sound when you stop a machine or it runs out of power.
Just guessing here:
It seems like sounds are server-sided now (soundlag and all that - pretty annoying if you ask me)
But i have actually no idea what is really happening -
The whole server-side sounds thing is one of the silliest things I've ever heard x.x Why on earth should the server tell the client when to play sounds when the client can figure it out itself? Things like footsteps and machine sounds DO NOT need to be synchronized between all clients (and network latency would screw this up syncing sounds via the server anyway...) It's just a waste of bandwidth.[/rant]