Most people play modpacks. Most people play IC + forestry.
No single living playing person would make IC bronze, which is twice as expensive as Forestry bronze, but complete idiot. So we better balance things to 4 bronze dusts to make up for ingot recepie.

up Bronze recepie
- Sliderpro
- Closed
How about you just keep using forestry recipe instead? same shit after all.
I dont think even upping the recipe would be enough as to make the bronze dust you need to macerate the ores as well, when creating the bronze in forestry you do not need to worry about that.
I think that even if we upped the output, people would still make the forestry bronze due to the fact you do not have to create the dusts to produce it.
LilGimli -
Disable the Forestrybronzerecipe like me, period. I like the IC²-Recipe like it is now.
Or simply disable Forestry. Forestry: how to get closer than EE-EMC generation.
Or simply disable Forestry. Forestry: how to get closer than EE-EMC generation.
Another option can be leaving forestry ore generation instead of IC2 one. Copper and tin is less common in forestry, but with wider mining level distribution. Forestry is mostly OP with power converters.
I mean than automating Farms is a bit like EMC-generation. Because it can easily be used with others mods to get cheap energy (IC², if well done), cheap renewable materials ...
Okay, maybe it's a bit too much saying it's making the game closer than EE but ... playing with is ACTUALLY making you closer than EE, since it generates all sorts of things for you without that much work, isn't it ? I guess we could same the same with IC², but UUM generation isn't really a good way to do it ... you'd better use fot that BC-quarries or things like that.
And I would add a few words, that says all: Transformer/CrossoverMod.Edit: sorry to the guy who posted 1 min before me, I repeated what you said
No need. Some play forestry with recipe disabled. Some don't play forestry. And even if there are two recipes present, no problem - you don't "up" smelting ores just because there is a way to get double from them using IC2 (or Thermal Expansion, or Thaumcraft etc)
Even IC² can be considered something like "EMC generator". Just consider green generators as Energy Collectors Mark 0.
"1KK EU" = 2048 EMC [UUM -> Glowstone].Forestry is fine as it is, except that it can get OP if you use it in conjunction of other mods like IC² + BC + RP + PC (PowerConverters or any other IC/BC energy mod)...
Just like people say suggestions shouldn't be denied because another mod covers them, I don't think suggestions should be made because "well this mod does this, so IC2 should as well", not everyone uses forestry, therefore I don't think we should change how (insert resource here) is made because another mod offers an alternative
Or simply disable Forestry. Forestry: how to get closer than EE-EMC generation.
I agree, can somone make a mod that adds more uses for wood. I use my Tree farm as a Apple gen but i need a use for the excess wood and Saplings. i have them right now going to either a Anti-Matter relay in 1.2.5 or into a void pipe in 1.3.2 (which is kinda a waste, but i have nothing else i can do with it)
I agree, can somone make a mod that adds more uses for wood. I use my Tree farm as a Apple gen but i need a use for the excess wood and Saplings. i have them right now going to either a Anti-Matter relay in 1.2.5 or into a void pipe in 1.3.2 (which is kinda a waste, but i have nothing else i can do with it)
This mod is called IC2. Just burn wood in Generators as scaffolds or coal, or recycle it as wooden slabs. -
This mod is called IC2. Just burn wood in Generators as scaffolds or coal, or recycle it as wooden slabs.When you getting power from the sun and the nether, you have a jet pack and full quantum armour, you don't need anything from a recycler and three full crystal chests of wood blocks?
When you getting power from the sun and the nether, you have a jet pack and full quantum armour, you don't need anything from a recycler and three full crystal chests of wood blocks?
Then you start making other things from UU. Recipes list can be found on Techninc wiki, for example. -
Then you start making other things from UU. Recipes list can be found on Techninc wiki, for example.Or instead of using their wiki you could just google UU matter and this pops up
Density of Copper, Tin and Bronze almost equal (9, 7, 7-9).
So Forestry recipe more sane.
Anyway it will not change much while you need macerator to get bronze. -
About upping bronze recipe :
There aren't many reasons to do so (if you consider only IC²).
It is (mostly) used for crafting Advanced alloy plates, IC² recipe provides enough (and balanced) bronze for it.About forestry :
Its recipe is "upper" than IC² ones maybe since its machines uses lots of it.Adv Machines (atomicstryker) :
Rotary Macerator has the ability to turn 4 copper ore + 1 tin ingot into 8 bronze dusts.
Use this if you really want lots of bronze. -
Also Forestry doesn't have an ore-doubling device and as stated isn't used in IC2 as much Forestry.
Even IC² can be considered something like "EMC generator". Just consider green generators as Energy Collectors Mark 0.
"1KK EU" = 2048 EMC [UUM -> Glowstone].Of course. But trying to get all your ressources by UUM is pretty hard (no plz, do not talk about your super-Windmill-Towers). Because what you need to get enough ressources not to mine is more expensive than what EE or Forestry (okay, it only provide renewable ressources) would need for that purpose. And green gen can be considered as Energy Collectors Mark 0 in RP. Try to spam Solar Pannels or even worth, Windmill on PvP servers (without ForceField, of course) and see what will happen. What I mean is that green gen can be considered as EMC generator, but they need particular condition to work (and since WaterBucket + Watermill have been nerfed, it's no longer so better than Solar Pannels) to work, wich are hard to deal with in PvP.
Forestry is fine as it is, except that it can get OP if you use it in conjunction of other mods like IC² + BC + RP + PC (PowerConverters or any other IC/BC energy mod)...
That's what I pointed out (or what I've tried to point out).