To follow on from Greg, this means that with the most recent gregtech versions, I can't build ion thrusters because the iridium neutron reflectors are said debug item.

~0.7.0-534~ MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits
You can however rename a piece of Scrap to craft the Ion Thrusters using an Anvil.
I see you used a Function Call to internals of GregTech, so instead of using the API Call, you copied the API Call, causing the Game to crash on startup, when adding a Crafting Recipe where the Character 'N' == null. I fixed the Crash by making a Dummy Function, which returns a Dummy Item, which is renamed to display the Error.
Just wanted to mention that.
Oh ok. Yeah I was planning to flesh out that feature a little more later on. I copied the API call so I wouldn't have to include your api since you were complaining about that before. It just uses reflection anyway, right? -
I copied the API call so I wouldn't have to include your api since you were complaining about that before. It just uses reflection anyway, right?
Wait, why do you need to include the api files when you only need to use them during coding and never need to include them in your own jar file?
I originally meant to use a reflection call against the API, but that was a bit predictable.
Btw. a try/catch around a regular Function call would be sufficient to let it work.
Is that normal that the powertool modules drain power from Industrialcraft items, including electric jetpack? If yes, can I turn it off? It really makes it pointless to even use the powertool - three or four uses of max railgun completely drain the jetpack, and it doesn't matter if I'm wearing the jetpack or have it laying somewhere in my inventory or on the end of the hotbar. Honestly, I would love to use the powertool, since its weapons are the prime reason why I'm using the mod (nanosaber sucks with its short range, mining laser sucks with its slow moving projectiles which demolish the terrain if you miss).
Also, the item magnet doesn't seem to work. When I activate it, it causes MASSIVE LAG, but does not attract any items, even those which are right next to me.
I've been having an issue with the modular powersuits mod, where whenever I use an item from the mod my screen glitches out, how I would describe it is it spazzes massively and only let's me view through a small hole in the "glitch"
What's most frustrating about this is I can't figure out the source of it, I'm using neither a texture pack, nor optifine.
The cause as far as my knowledge goes, is it could be the portal gun, but not being a coder, I'm not sure at all. The only reason for me thinking this is if you middle click with the portal gun equipped it zooms in.
The way I have been getting past the glitch is closing my client fully, and restarting without using modular powersuits at all, which kinda sucks cuz I want flight, and I don't wanna build an ic2 jetpack or gravity suit.(I'm using the ftb unleashed pack, and have added treecapitator, configured it to be dense ores, have the display settings to be maximum resource required, but I tried changing those while I was having the issue, and it didn't help at all. I have xeno's, and better enchants activated, and one other that I can't think of the name right now.)
If it helps, with better enchants you can enchant ic2 drills, and get soul stealer and normal swords.
ok, I changed to reflect into the gregtech api as instructed..please let me know if this worked!
Two different 1.5 versions crash on bootup, pretty sure it son my end since its both versions, but anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I see you used a Function Call to internals of GregTech, so instead of using the API Call, you copied the API Call, causing the Game to crash on startup, when adding a Crafting Recipe where the Character 'N' == null. I fixed the Crash by making a Dummy Function, which returns a Dummy Item, which is renamed to display the Error.
Just wanted to mention that.
where exactly did this happen so I can fix the code and actually run both mods?
Congrats, you necroposted a Bugreport for nothing, because it has been somewhat fixed.
Congrats, you necroposted a Bugreport for nothing, because it has been somewhat fixed.
The fix isn't available for 1.5 Powersuits isn't available for 1.6.
The game crashed when I opened up the tinker table, and left clicked on the helm on the left side UI. Here is my crash report. Let me know what went wrong plz? BTW, I have used your mod for quite a while, and I love it.
Keep up the good work.
Hi, I can´t craft anything. What am I making wrong?
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecropooooooosting :O
It's intended, if I recall it correctly, modular powersuit is in beta in 1.7, so there is no crafting recipes, you need to add them by yourself ( Minetweaker ).
No, they flat out don't work and if you force the items into the game it crashes.…eleases/tag/v0.11.0.7-QMX Fork that's working sortof. You'll need thermal expansion to charge stuff, IC2 support hasn't been reenabled yet.