[Addon 1.112] Nuclear power [1.1.0]

  • NuclearPower - mod, that changes the way nuclear reactors work. Completely!
    It adds a lot of new "nuclear staff" to the game, adds a possibility to monitor element's heat level an much more...

    Multi block structures

    P.S. Use NEI recipies, becaus recipies will change

  • How it works with GregTech and other mods that use the standard uranium ore? for example Atomic Science

    Im assuming it's ore dictionairy

  • Looks very interesting, would be very cool if i could find a way to intergrate this into my server and LP series.

  • That looks cool, but GregTech will also change the way Nuclear Reactor work on 1.5 release, and ... your postis quite hard to understand, and a bit long ^^.
    Maybe you should just add something like 10 lines just to explain what it changes, what it's cooler with ...

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • Just wanted to ask a quick question, I'm a co-host of a FTB server and this mod update just looks completely amazing. Good job man!

    Ok so, is this compatible with existing Mindcrack 8.1 worlds? Would I have issues if I installed it on our server, aside from our players needing to install it on their end? Aside from that, does anyone have any estimates of when this update will be an official part of the Mindcrack pack? Is that entirely on their end, or do they ask / let you guys know?

    Again, I just want to thank you all for the hard work you do. Really, it's amazing how your individual efforts have come together with FTB, just wanted you to know that from my perspective as a long time gamer, you guys are changing Minecraft and really taking advantage of Minecrafts potential in ways Mojang apparently can't even conceive.


    Uh, god damn it, I posted this in the entirely wrong thread, but, my words of praise go for you guys just the same! Delete this if you want, I can't seem to find a delete option.

  • This looks cools, but I'm not going to use it just yet, as my minecraft is already a bit overburdened with mods.

    :Nuke TNT: = Answer to all problems. Including that creeper camping right outside the door of your glass house.

  • That looks cool, but GregTech will also change the way Nuclear Reactor work on 1.5 release, and ... your postis quite hard to understand, and a bit long ^^.
    Maybe you should just add something like 10 lines just to explain what it changes, what it's cooler with ...

    Man I'm so excited for GregTech and all the other mods in 1.5!!!
    His machines are gonna be so awesome. Too bad that I have to start another world :/
    Oh well I kind of like the initial grind...

  • My only changes to the Reactor are Thorium and Plutonium Cells. They just get fixed in general (what would cause them to be incompatible with the Reactorplanner)

    ok lol. And when will you change the way it works ? ^^ (I mean, things such as additive liquid coolants, more realistic isotope system for cells ... unless this system won't concern Uranium, but just Plutonium and Thorium ?. An easy change would be to make water (water to steam with RC) cooling down cells, so it would buff these ^^ (and be more "realistic": it would be primary and second cooling systems).

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

    Edited once, last by MatLaPatate ().

  • You have to implement forge dictionary for gregtech thorium and yours to coexist, same goes to making components - couldn't make a depleted isotope cell with RP ingots
    some bugs - like heat bus storage module has a cap. of 12000, while it should have 120000

  • No, Greg just uses that naming convention in his dusts/ores/everything to allow compatibility with other mods that actually use the ore dictionary. Unlike some people he cares about mod integration with other mods and balance between mods.

    • Official Post

    Wow ^^ so he has to ask your permission to allow them to work together?

    I just wanted to make sure, that no Typos are happening. I hate it when people like Soaryn decide to misspell OreDictNames (yes, I'm talking about "Aluminum").

    Also I added these OreDictNames to my List long time ago (when I added Thorium and Plutonium Dusts).