It would appear we have what looks like a complete overhaul for Minecraft, which is good, but I wonder what it's going to be like in regards to the modding community. We still don't have the ModAPI but we appear to be getting a lot more

Minecraft 2.0
- Blaster
- Closed
Man, its a April Fool!
I kinda wanted it to be real though, just like today's fake TF2 update. Wanted the update to be real so badly, would make things so much easier for everybody, especially modders
(At least I only have to wait until the 23rd XD)
My apologies for this, I suspected it to be a April fools joke, but it appeared to be at the point that it wasn't. seems to be to much work to be a April fools joke.
and where I am, April fools was yesterday, hence another reason as to why I thought it was genuine. can a admin delete this thread?EDIT: Now that I think about it, Why did I not get suspicious when it said "Removed Crossbows"? and the "Horse model"?
Apparently, there is a playable version of this, since my brother has gotten a copy of it. However, it looks more sparkly than Twilight and has enough rainbow cuteness to impose diabetes within the first 5 mins. of playing. Not something I'd want to expose myself to for any stretch of the imagination...
I personally think that parts of it are April Fool's jokes (IE- Horse, Removing Fishing, Diamond Chickens, Exploding Animals, lots more) and some aren't (IE- Colored Glass, Some new worldgen, and I honestly like the chickens attacking you, lol). Like hidden hints at some stuff.
Possibly hinting toward things for 1.6, or actually for a 2.0. I personally would be disappointed at mojang if it is 100% a joke, as it looks like quite a bit of work went into making it.
That new worldgen are Coal Blocks
That new worldgen are Coal Blocks
There were the new ruins, That "require" (I mean, its minecraft, you can just break the blocks to get to the stuff) 2 people to get all the stuff in it. Also gves a way to get Mob heads.
The funny thing is that it is downloadable from, in the bottom of the page.
The funny thing is that it is downloadable from, in the bottom of the page.
Actually, The links are dead now. Sad I didn't download it yesterday when I had the chance.
Good feeling they might add color glass to Minecraft 1.6 or whatever update is next. Would be kind of cool.
Maybe its the April Fool, that people think colored Glass is an April Fool.
I love their response to all those people wanting horses. Retexturing pigs xD
@bove Thats false. Retextured pigs and cows.
I personally think that parts of it are April Fool's jokes (IE- Horse, Removing Fishing, Diamond Chickens, Exploding Animals, lots more) and some aren't (IE- Colored Glass, Some new worldgen, and I honestly like the chickens attacking you, lol). Like hidden hints at some stuff.
Possibly hinting toward things for 1.6, or actually for a 2.0. I personally would be disappointed at mojang if it is 100% a joke, as it looks like quite a bit of work went into making it.
@bove Thank you for the Link!
So there will be horses in Mc! Awesome! I always wanted a better source of flesh! -
We can now have a Findus Scandal! Yay!
Honestly, i would much prefer work on pig riding. Its unique and kinda cute/funny how you can ride piggies xD