Ill tell you the point....
For the Sexual Thrill and nothing more!
Ill tell you the point....
For the Sexual Thrill and nothing more!
I think Monazite is a good idea, since Calclavia replaced it with awesome Textures.
Is it that Fortron Ore thingy I saw in Kanes OreDict Log?
@bove Yes, I think it is.
Greg, can you do something with centrifuge? When it working is produces lags, not very much, but still it is annoying if you take into account that it usually working all the time because of time-consuming recipes.
UPD. Found config option that disables animation, now everything ok. Sorry for bothering.
Could you change the ID configurations to just use two values: smallest ID value and largest ID value, for Blocks and Items each? So it's not a hassle to change them if necessary, unlike IC2.
Config suggestion: make uranium ore blocks grind/macerate into yellowcake dust (quite a lot of it, due to mainly getting U-238 from the AS centrifuge). Only available if Atomic Science is installed.
Config suggestion: make uranium ore blocks grind/macerate into yellowcake dust (quite a lot of it, due to mainly getting U-238 from the AS centrifuge). Only available if Atomic Science is installed.
Use Yellowcake dust instead of sugar in the Cake recipe and get a Radioactive Cake
A suggestion: Liquid Molecular Separator
= Industrial Centrifuge,
= Industrial Electrolyzer
This yields an Unpackaged Molecular Separator
After that you must put it in the assembler with an Advanced Machine Block, Steel Machine Hull, Aluminium Machine Hull, or a Brass Machine Hull and supply 15 000 EU.
By default it can accept up to 128 EU/p.
The recipes correspond to existing ones from the Centrifuge and Electrolyzer. Energy costs is reduced by 10% from their original cost as an incentive.
Any recipe that either consumes liquid or produces liquid is moved to the Liquid Molecular Separator. They consume/produce their respective liquid values (e.g. Glowstone Dust = 250 mB of Energized Glowstone, Redstone Dust = 100 mB of Destabilized Redstone, Hydrogen Cell = 1000 mB of Gaseous Hydrogen). The 10% incentive does not apply to lava centrifuging, oil centrifuging and water electrolysis.
Also add the following recipes:
Suggestion: Wiremill/Assembler Glass Fibre Cable recipe
(Unless I am hallucinating) there is currently no way of crafting Glass Fibre cables under the new GT autocrafting machines. So, my suggestion:
Wiremill recipe: 2x Electrum Ingot/Plate + 1x Diamond Dust => 2x "HV Wire"
Assembler recipe: 1x "HV Wire" + 3x Glass = 4x Glass Fibre Cable
This is designed as a replacement for the current Electrum-enhanced Glass Fibre Cable crafting recipe.
Display MoreSuggestion: Wiremill/Assembler Glass Fibre Cable recipe
(Unless I am hallucinating) there is currently no way of crafting Glass Fibre cables under the new GT autocrafting machines. So, my suggestion:
Wiremill recipe: 2x Electrum Ingot/Plate + 1x Diamond Dust => 2x "HV Wire"
Assembler recipe: 1x "HV Wire" + 3x Glass = 4x Glass Fibre Cable
This is designed as a replacement for the current Electrum-enhanced Glass Fibre Cable crafting recipe.
Fibre Wire perhaps? You could replace the normal Recipes with that:
2 Electrum Plates + 1 Diamond Dust = 4 Fibre Wire
2 Silver Plates + 1 Diamond Dust = 3 Fibre Wire
2 Redstone + 1 Diamond Dust = 2 Fibre Wire
1 Fibre wire + 2 Glass = 2 Glass Fibre Cable
Fibre Wire perhaps? You could replace the normal Recipes with that:
2 Electrum Plates + 1 Diamond Dust = 4 Fibre Wire
2 Silver Plates + 1 Diamond Dust = 3 Fibre Wire
2 Redstone + 1 Diamond Dust = 2 Fibre Wire
1 Fibre wire + 2 Glass = 2 Glass Fibre Cable
I like that way of doing it, however, it does standardize Glass Fibre cables as being 1 glass/cable (vanilla IC2 1.5 glass/cable). (not a big issue as diamonds are the more relevant resource here, but still noteworthy)
I'm request Tinkers Construct support.
At least i want way to convert "naturalAluminum" and "ingotNaturalAluminum" into GT aluminium.
Sorry, thats also XyCraft Support. Not addable.
But XyAluminum is so freaking common, Normal Alluminium would be worth less then cobble
Sorry, thats also XyCraft Support. Not addable.
XyCraft don't use "ingotNaturalAluminum" so it will be safe. Or use "ingotAluminumBrass" (2 Aluminum Brass Ingot = 3 Aluminium + 1 Copper).
Hey, to make the Iridium-Tungsten-steel blocks more resistant, I suggest that you add an Arc Welder. When the Arc Welder is right-clicked on an Iridium-Tungsten-steel block it would check if it had any adjacent blocks and, if so, "Weld" them together, connecting the textures. The welded blocks would be much more blast resistant, and would require that they be un-welded (the 2nd mode of the welder) before they could be removed by anything. The welder would require a Lapotronic energy orb, some energy flow circuits, and a few other misc. parts like steel & iridium plates to be crafted, as the Lapotronic orb would store the huge amounts of energy required to weld the Iridium-Tungsten-steel. This would make the blocks more useful for things like bases because the energy required to un-weld the blocks would make simply breaking the walls VERY impractical. As an added bonus, the walls wouldn't be as easily broken by accident-prone builders during "Interior Remodeling"
Potato/Spud gun
Uses Compressed air and Potato's to fire deadly Spuds at your foes.
If Poison potato's are used, they Poison your Enemy with Poison and Nausea.
Potato/Spud gun
Uses Compressed air and Potato's to fire deadly Spuds at your foes.
If Poison potato's are used, they Poison your Enemy with Poison and Nausea.
Don't forget: "if used by the Potato Man, will deal with additionals TNT-blast."
As for the planned Steam-converter upgrade, will it work with every kinds of machine ? I mean, I can assume using steam for Mechanical Energy or Thermal Energy (because of water enthalpy) would be more efficient, but for Electrolyzer, exctractor or MatterFab ... Btw, excluding Electrolyzers and MatterFab would be balanced since these are the one allowing energy benefits ... (with Centrifuge, wich is however different because of the lows amounts of energy it consume)