Nope, Osmium should be even rarer than Iridium, so it would be a good End Game material, so expensive that it would justify UUM production. And so Level Storage would make your game last much longer
[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Btw SpwnX, the huge post I made with Chemistry asked recipies suggestion, which I asked partially for you. I'm disapointed
Oh, and I forgot Liquid Transposer as well (which is, to me, a Container/Liquid or Liquid/Container Transposer, considering Cells, Bottles JetPack, the old IC2 almost useless Cans and the Tools/Pack I suggested already are Containers).
I think this one may also work as a "Filter" (for Lava, Oil, IDK what or in case of different kinds of water are implemented. Even an enhanced CoalFuel "Crafter" (makes 1.2 Hydrated Coal Cells out of 1 Coal Dust and 1 Bucket of water). -
Btw SpwnX, the huge post I made with Chemistry asked recipies suggestion, which I asked partially for you. I'm disapointed
Oh, and I forgot Liquid Transposer as well (which is, to me, a Container/Liquid or Liquid/Container Transposer, considering Cells, Bottles JetPack, the old IC2 almost useless Cans and the Tools/Pack I suggested already are Containers).
I think this one may also work as a "Filter" (for Lava, Oil, IDK what or in case of different kinds of water are implemented. Even an enhanced CoalFuel "Crafter" (makes 1.2 Hydrated Coal Cells out of 1 Coal Dust and 1 Bucket of water).tbh i was lazy to read it. give me some time...
@edit : by chemical recipes you mean random reactions that yields useful stuff?
I couldn't think of anything, really. Most metals are harvested from ORES. -
Nope, I meant synthesis of anything that might be useful in GT, from foods to Fuels, PlasticS, Chemicals for the IG, lubrificant (could be used to boost some machines, tools ...), better reactions to get Metals, alcohols, drugs ... anything. You know, Chemistry!
CH4 + 3 Cl2 = CHCl3 + 3 HCl
CHCl3 is chloroform, a powerful anesthesic, apply it on a living thing and it will be knocked out for hours (some minutes in MC).
Sidenote : Its vapor is used to quickly knock out a person, for... whatever reason. -
First: Make Metal Tools requiring an actual workbench:
A (possibly MultiBlock) thingy requiring Bronze, Crafting tables and Furnaces (as Metals you use for tools can't be bended by humans hands/tools while being cold). The thing would require Coal for you can craft anything in it and the processing time would be short (3 secs maxi) but interrupted if you leave the GUI.
You may also use this structure for repairing tools and of course make the plates. (the recipies for plates in the crafting table would be removed).As a buff to all it would nerf, upgrading the thingy with an Anvil would make the recipes a bit more efficient (like Ingots/Plates leaving nuggets when used for a craft).
Secondly, because making RE Battery to require an Electrolyzer isn't possible, add a new battery needed to Craft Tools, BatBox and, BatPack obtainable from the Electrolyzer.
This and making Centrifuge/Electrolyzer requiring Steel would make Electric Tools a bit higher level, and might be a reason to keep normal Refined Iron for very basical machines.Last but not least, Large Miner:
The Large Miner would be a MultiBlock Miner, that would dig a much bigger area. It makes be upgradable with Advanced OV Scanner to dig up to something like 32*32 (because MultiBlock would mean longer to setup as well).
Its upgrades may also affect its efficiency: Fracking Upgrades to be able to use Fracking Tools (Ik, you ignored that suggestion), Overclockers ...
Also, it may have an "Engine Hatch". The Electric one would be the slower/less efficient one (especially if you upgrade it to get the speed the others naturally have): 2 blocks per sec and 128EU/t without upgrades. Then would be a Steam Engine (just feed it with steam, more efficient) and a Combustion Engine, way faster and way more efficient. The speed given by that engine may also depends on the Fuel (SemiFluid Fuels<DieselS<Gasses). Why not even a Nuclear Engine(anyway, I think electricty/Steam might already work ^^).
Some of its stats (or just the numbers of upgrade it can accept) migt be increased by the Level of the Casing machines.
As a balance side (because I hate quarries for being "set and forget"), it would consume tiny bits of Steel (not for fracking, but fracking would need a huge supply of chemicals/water instead as well as a lot more energy), require a huge maintenance that may be reduced to something just a bit more frequent than MB gens by the use of Lubrificants. This would be a Byproduct of Oil Refining (why not needing the Thermal Cracker).
On an unrelated note, those may also be consumed by some Maintenance Tools (easily implementable, logical, and making Oil refining a bit more useful)
Also, an Idea that I got on the way: Mobile Miner: a miner that can move itself on flat gounds, consume Fuels (the one you want, Coal, Diesel, Nuclear ...), works like a normal Miner but DOESN'T NEED to be dismantled/reset up all the time. Animations when moving are not needed but would be AWESOME (I'd suggest tracks). Maybe on Rail (Cart) or on Road blocks ? (Another byproduct of Oil, LOL)
SpwnX: And what machine would you use for that ? The Chemical Reactor ? Does it releases energy ? The Idea is to make my suggestions having recipies as well, aka content
@Greg: Would you agree, that the Mobile Miner would be easier to implement than the "Mining Vehicle" I suggested ages ago ?
Those miners should also use water, say, a bucket per block mined. I need more ways to spend the water I drain from oceans
That's what fracking is for :D.
SpwnX: And what machine would you use for that ? The Chemical Reactor ? Does it releases energy ? The Idea is to make my suggestions having recipies as well, aka content
Chemical reactor. I think we need a better chemical reactor (aka more slots), to allow us to have reactions with more than 2 reagents and more than one product.
Methane (CH4) + chlorine (Cl2) = chloroform (CHCl3) + HCl (Hydrochloric Acid)
Chloroform + spray can = "stun spray" , gives slowness 10 for 5 minutes, blindness 5 for the same duration and poison for 10 seconds.
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) + Nitric acid (HNO3) can be used to make "aqua regia".Aqua regia can be used to increase yield from gold and platinum ores. (Aqua regia will dissolve only gold and platinum from ores, separating them from byproducts)
Aqua regia + gold ore = "Aqua regia - Dissolved gold" + byproducts
Aqua regia + platinum ore (sheldonite) = "Aqua regia - Dissolved Platinum" + byproducts (iridium/osmium)Aqua regia - Dissolved metal can be electrolyzed for metal (more than other process) + aqua regia (less than initial)
Reading a highly regarded scientific french review, I just learned that scientists found a new way to process Iron, by electrolyzing a 1200/1600°C liquid (mostly Iron but also Calcium, Aluminium and Magnesium oxydeS) instead of using tons of Coal (and releasing tons of CO2. Too bad the I.B.F doesn't output Liquid Metals
This give me an Idea: What about making IBF able to melt any dust for Liquid version of a metal, which could give 1.25 Ingots in the Metal Former or something like that ? Of course it would make necessary to disable every recipies Ingot-or-DerivatedTODust for the macerator but ... we don't need it for recycling ;). Or make the Macerator give 0.8 Dusts per ingots. Or even distinguish "unprocessed" Dusts and "pure/processed" dusts.Instead of the metal former, use the already implemented Vaccum Freezer to cool the liquid metal into ingots/nuggets/blocks whatever. Could use varying amounts of liquid metal?
Gregorius modcreator unit! I am threatining you and demand immidiate answer, or suffer! Do you going to implement your own oil deposits, or what, human being? )))
Once again suggesting ...
Something quite easy to implement:
Gas Blast Furnace.
This machine would have a "Refined Iron" Tier, just like the current "first" BF (or maybe steel, anyway, as you're gonna mess up and replace RI by Steel ... :/). However it would allow you to reach much higher Heat Level, but would consume gas.
The gasses consumed could be Methane (or maybe some derivatives of it, using the Chem. Reactor) or some Byproducts of Oil ... it would also give more content to some of my previous suggestions (as the Fuel it would need could be processed with the Chemical Reactor or maybe the Thermal Cracker before uses)In the same way, such a gas could be used as a SuperFuel for Furnaces/Distillation Tower. (could be used as a Liquid)
Btw, as I talk about that, any chance of getting a high tier Fuel Furnace (higher than Iron Furn., and obviously accepting Vents, maybe with more effect like +10% eff/speed per Vent, for the sake of Whole Combustion ^^), maybe accepting Liquid/Fluid Fuels ? -
What about removing the furnace recipe for charcoal, and instead implementing your own wood burner, similar to the Coke Oven? This would produce charcoal in batches of up to a stack, but takes an entire Minecraft day (Or half of one) to process, effectively nerfing wood as a fuel source and buffing coal in the process. This would even have a realistic basis, as charcoal IRL takes a long burn time in an oxygen-deprived environment to be made.
Btw, about mining tools.
Gregorius, what about adding sonic wave emitter instead of mining lazer? It could directly turn stone and ores to dust, (dissolving the molecular ties with vibrations) and possibly can be used as a weapon. Using it versus trees can give a sawdust...
And hasmat suit. It is little wrong to me, to make a rubber suit, paint it with orange and go swimming lava. Why don't you implement "proper" hazmat suit recipe, with asbest mesh, refined glass and so on?
I know, my jokes and comments sometimes not much pleasant, but i am not the type of guy, who tries to outrage everyone, just to get satisfaction. I am not evil! ) Just trying to communicate. And my apologies, if something is wrong.
Is everything here denied? I hope not, because that would mean that I have tons of work todo...
not really, but you can check the main post with the accepted suggestions.
Greg rarely denies (by saying "no" or something), but also rarely say "yes i'm going to add that".My geothermal suggestion didnt get denied nor accepted, for example.
I know all of you guys want a little bit more realism but what about a little bit of the stargate stuff?
-Naquadah Ore, spawns only in the End and then rare. You can do all kind of stuff with it (Maybe a new Multistructure Energy Storage?)
-Liquid Naquadah, it's a side product of putting refined Naquadah in the Fusion Reactor (maybe with uu matter? don't know) to produce liquid Naquadah + Naquadria. To Produce Energy (not as high as plasma maybe?)
-Weaponized Naquadah + Naquadria for new kind of Weapons / Bombs ?
-Liquid Naquadah as BC Fuel (so 20 MJ / t for 10k ticks)
-Staff Weapons with Liquid Naquadah as Fuel (You have to fill those things up after 100 shoots, Staff is 2 or 3x stronger then the
.There are a lot of other Energy Based Weapons so this thing to root the mobs for a few seconds: Zat'nik'tel (really stupid name)Don't know you could do so much things with those things, wikis are linked so would be awesome to see a little bit stargate stuff in IC2/GT :O
Perhaps a small handheld machine that allows you to select an ore, and it will act as a compass, not to the actual ore but to the nearest biome that spawns it.
Pointing to a biome would be nice, though not all that easy to code. Just saying what (GT) ores can spawn in current biome would be nice.
How about a GT book that describes what spawns where? Yes, I know I can look it up from the API file.