But a neutronium cutting board should be dense enough to slowly suck every into it, slowly accumulating mass and matter and then getting smaller for the Schwarzchild radius to take effect and then creating a black hole ( right ? )

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
If we go by that the earth and the surroundings would be destroyed. So yeah... no.
That's the hole plan, then, the only real suitable place to survive is the end, and due to it's size, it will be contested for it's territory
BTW : I've seen DireWolf20 server video, and they are using hungry nodes to make super nodes :c . they stole my idea
( Used on my unfinished modpack, I also have a dropper dropping slowly stuff in the node, dropping crafting tables and nether warts to get all the possible primal aspects, I haven't checked it lately... I know obsidian should prevent the node to suck blocks, but just in case, I've warded everything
I already have my 20 CV/t node on kirara, no thank you for that dangerous science.
You generate 20 vis a tick ( all aspects combined ) ?!?! :o And who said it was dangerous, it's warded
20 centivis (400 capacity) of all primals, worth 4 vis per second. It is an overkill node.
Isn't all this hungry node experimentation a tiny bit dangerous?
And more on topic of the suggestion thread-what about adding some programmable computers to gregtech?
Computercraft's a bit unbalanced and opencomputers seems to cause problems on my computer.
They could use power and control gregtech machines.And possibly interface with reactors and the like.
And I'd like thorium and plutonium added back in. -
plutonium is implemented, don't know about thorium, and i think there is some kind of redstone "computer" using eu for executing complex redstone circuits.
plutonium is implemented, don't know about thorium, and i think there is some kind of redstone "computer" using eu for executing complex redstone circuits.
I mean as reactor fuel.It doesn't seem to work for that.
And I mean an actual programmable computer.And I know it'd be complicated.But having actual programmable computers would be really useful-you could control a GregTech factory from your central console,and have your nuclear reactors automatically switch on and off based on your battery buffer's power levels and stuff like that.
well, you could just not use turtles and/or tweak the recipe for computers(though i have no idea how to do it, i know that it isn't hard)/ask somebody else to do it. also, redstone basically IS a computer - one you have to build first. you DO actually can control your factory from this programmable redstone-circuit-block. GT machines have redstone control/ there are redstone control upgrades for them. that plus something like project red(with the red alloy redstone cables)to make redstone transmission easy, allows you to (relatively easy) control your factory. maybe not from one block, but from a few. and complicated. but.
GregTech!And, as we know, gregtech is the probably most complicated mod in existence.
And, as we know, gregtech is the probably most complicated mod in existence.
Terrafirmacraft is pretty hard too, especially since it changes how you start the game much more than Gregtech does. -
Yeah, terrafirmacraft is awsome and would fit perfectly as early game for gregtech, but as I heard its incompatible and installing both will crash the game (something related to GT ores).
I have a suggestion about a diffrent mod: Glen's Gasses. Gregtech could add suport for it and use coal dust (or a new type of gas, just coal dust have the best properties) as pollution. If mufflers will output coal dust, no chimney = house full of smoke. Also machine that dont have space to put more gas should stop work untill space exists
I think something like that has already been suggested a few(~1000) times, and coal dust as pollution? that would be OP. CO2 as a gas, which could be processed into coal/carbon dust and oxygen would be a lot better. i think. that's greg's job to decide.
Quoted from "blub01"
And, as we know, gregtech is the probably most complicated mod in existence.Terrafirmacraft is pretty hard too, especially since it changes how you start the game much more than Gregtech does.
I don't know much about terrafirmacraft, but i doubt it adds high-tech stuff in 4 or 5 tiers, so GT is most likely more complicated.
Terrafirmacraft completely re-writes how the game is played, so defining something as high tech is pretty hard, considering just how total a total conversion mod it is. You wouldn't recognise Terrafirmacraft as Minecraft if it wasn't blockly.
I think it would be a good idea to add some advantages to fishing.
Ex. grind a pufferfish to get grin powder
Ex. Add some cheap GT random drops from fishing -
Ex. Add some cheap GT random drops from fishing
I don't know what you mean with "cheap", but it couldn't be anything not easily obtainable from other sources, or it would be quite a balance change if you add other
mods(and greg obviously encourages to use other mods as well, or he
wouldn't have so much compatibility code), because there are several
ways of automating it, for example with thaumcraft. -
Pufferfish can be used for WeedEx already, since WeedEx in GT is created via putting poisonous Brew into a Spray Can.
Greg, what about adding First Aid kits?
They could be used to heal yourself and maybe be refilable.And what about a HEV Suit Power Armor? It would fit perfectly between standard armor stuff and quantum armor, giving decent combat boni(Much better than any standard armor, but definetly not like Quantum Suit, though maybe with some of it's bonus abilities like running) and hazardous environment protection. Also, it could work with health charging stations, and bonus armor power thingies. It would effectivecly be a really expensive combination of (rechargeble) composite armor, hazmat suit and some extra features.
That sounds interesting, but it couldn't just heal for energy(oh well.. if you put a massfab/matterfab in the recipe it could), but maybe it could consume healing potions, but more effective than simply drinking them, at the cost of energy?
And if i recall correctly, there is already a nanosuit as a weakened quantum suit(and, if i recall correctly again, a crafting component of the quantum suit) in vanilla IC².
That sounds interesting, but it couldn't just heal for energy(oh well.. if you put a massfab/matterfab in the recipe it could), but maybe it could consume healing potions, but more effective than simply drinking them, at the cost of energy?
And if i recall correctly, there is already a nanosuit as a weakened quantum suit(and, if i recall correctly again, a crafting component of the quantum suit) in vanilla IC².
Kinda like that, though I think there should be Gregtech First-Aid kits for that purpose rather than potions. Also, the HEV Suit could potentially be able to heal on liquid healing potions from the health charging station rather than having it to be bottled first.
And it'd give kinda less protection than the Nanosuit but give more utilities and be more awesome instead.