Beside from soul shards because farming creeper with chainsaw only makes them explodes and bee breeding because it need a significant infrastructure, how do I make a lot of gunpowder?
How to get a lot of gunpowder for GregTech?
Beside from soul shards because farming creeper with chainsaw only makes them explodes and bee breeding because it need a significant infrastructure, how do I make a lot of gunpowder?
Definitely not by combining redstone with coal dust -
If you have soul shards, use it properly.
You don't farm creepers from soul shards with a chainsaw. You use a CC melee turtle or a MFR mob grinder. Hell, you can do it vanilla and drop them down a shaft and collect the items at the bottom if you dont have either. -
If you have soul shards, use it properly.
You don't farm creepers from soul shards with a chainsaw. You use a CC melee turtle or a MFR mob grinder. Hell, you can do it vanilla and drop them down a shaft and collect the items at the bottom if you dont have either.What I meant by farming creeper from soul shards: It should be farming creeper for soul shards
And nope, combining redstone and coal dust doesn't work
Are you sure the recipe's not there? {Ctrl + A}
Either 4 redstone dust + 5 coal dust or 5 redstone dust + 4 coal dust, in the glowstone dust recipe style. Or is the recipe disabled in the config file?
Oh, if you have Thaumcraft, Ignis (Coal?) + Fractus (Cobble)I'm assuming that you're mass implosion compressing iridium, so you probably don't have a MatterFab, but there is a UU-matter recipe for Gunpowder.
Hint: Where does gunpowder normally come from? Part of that word gives you an answer.
Finally you can also kill Ghasts for Gunpowder. More annoying than creepers though. -
Thaumcraft route unfortunately created alumentum instead of gunpowder, and killing ghasts is not practical but fortunately the gunpowder recipe route does work
Thaumcraft route unfortunately created alumentum instead of gunpowder, and killing ghasts is not practical but fortunately the gunpowder recipe route does work
Then you did Proportions wrong. Unlock the Research for Gunpowder transmutation first.
If you like bees, austere bees in the desert+alveary, gunpowder for days
Beside from soul shards because farming creeper with chainsaw only makes them explodes and bee breeding because it need a significant infrastructure, how do I make a lot of gunpowder?
If you like bees, austere bees in the desert+alveary, gunpowder for days
Ah right didn't read that..
Hm, I used the charcoal+sulfur+saltpetre -> gun powder before I did bee breeding, sulfur and charcoal were easily obtainable while saltpetre came from sand and sandstone or K+N cells (from vanilla endermen farm->enderpearls)
Ignis (Coal?)
LOL. You'd better use cobble too
(Furnace). Or Netherrack if you don't wanna have issue with proportions. And, if you really want coal, at least use Charcoal
(Btw, I assume you have filters to do that lol) -
Farming Creepers is a good idea to get Gunpowder. Install the Hat Mod by iChun if you have problems with farming creepers.
The easiest way is using the sulfur + coal + saltpeter recipe. bear in mind that you can reduce your gunpowder consumption by using the assembly machine to make TNT, and using flint dust instead of flint when making ITNT.
You can make a cheap T5 soul shard from any other shard by forging it with any tier of creeper soul shard. If you have portal gun or gravity gun installed, you can pick up spawners and drop them on something like a torch for a 100% pig spawner (good way to unify spawners for shard consumption).
Tier 0 Creeper Soul Shard + Tier 5 Pig Soul Shard + Anvil (11 levels) = Tier 5 Creeper Soul Shard.One of many reasons why the soul shards mod is such a piece of shit.
Farming Creepers is a good idea to get Gunpowder. Install the Hat Mod by iChun if you have problems with farming creepers.
How the hell does that work? In terms of gunpowder, you could have a void age mob farm.
How the hell does that work? In terms of gunpowder, you could have a void age mob farm.
But that would be OP, because of Mystcraft. Just assume some players don't use OP mods
But that would be OP, because of Mystcraft. Just assume some players don't use OP mods
Point taken, but in defense, it beats EMC from EE2 in terms of levels of OP, Mystcraft is a bit more balanced then EE2 (plus it took me ages to find the Void page for the first time)
Just make a random flat age and wander flying around for all pages you will ever need.
MFR auto-spawner + safari net with creeper/witch + grinder = tons of gunpowder. (redstone,glowstone,sticks and glass bottles with witch)
Pfft, I can get a Superspawner like in a Void Age via building the Spawner in the Ocean. Then lighting all the Caves etc up, and making sure nothing is above Sea level AT ALL. The lower the Chunk the better the Spawner (End Farms which are 100% below level 16 and far away from the Asteroids are effective as well).
Just make a random flat age and wander flying around for all pages you will ever need.
MFR auto-spawner + safari net with creeper/witch + grinder = tons of gunpowder. (redstone,glowstone,sticks and glass bottles with witch)
Lol, i love how we removed Soul shards but got MFR instead, which has even more OP Spawners :p