maybe add advanced water mill , because default ic2 water mill isnt good

[Addon v2.0_experimental for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v1.2
Since way to make them properly are complicated, I think you won't see that.
maybe add advanced water mill , because default ic2 water mill isnt good
Suggest it to GT. If it gets refused, report here. -
What happens if someone drops a nuke on the middle section of the pipe that isn't loaded by either head or miner?
Whoever drops the nuke will load the middle section, causing updates to the head/miner.
@Watermills : Someone created something already : [IC2 1.118 | MC 1.6.2] luacs1998's IC2 Addons - Compact watermills, anyone -
GT ? I dont use to expensive mods which too changed recipe other mods
@fortune, there are mods out there that make getting the book relatively trivial. At least add config to disable it.
@chunkloading, should the mining pipe be constantly checked for block updates? That doesn't sound like a good idea. Making it infinite in length would be rather OP and bad idea in general.
May I call people using Compact Solar/Mystcraft/every OP mods, not using GT and still complaining for more OPness something rude ? Because they're getting on my nerves.
May I call people using Compact Solar/Mystcraft/every OP mods, not using GT and still complaining for more OPness something rude ? Because they're getting on my nerves.
You shouldn't. Take care of yourself and most-importantly, nerves. -
Then I will say: Kris, why would you need Advanced Watermills ? They have no point without GT because of others generators bein g OP, Forestry/MFR being OP, providing free-compact energy over time etc ... Really, I think the only valid reason would be PvP and very tiny base. In which case you should use what's the most convenient and the funniest for that: Nuclear Power.
Then I will say: Kris, why would you need Advanced Watermills ? They have no point without GT because of others generators bein g OP, Forestry/MFR being OP, providing free-compact energy over time etc ... Really, I think the only valid reason would be PvP and very tiny base. In which case you should use what's the most convenient and the funniest for that: Nuclear Power.
Nuclear Power is not funny. Especially after that i've exploded my reactor today that was inside of my mainbase...Well, miners work kinda:
i'll make it work completely tomorrow. (its 11 pm where i am)
make watermill which need flow water , and need use pump , advanced water mills are mid machines and 1 water mill produce 5 eu/t
Water mill + Pump = Denied, by PHYSICS!
And 5EU/t for an advanced Watermill + a very basic setup ... LOL. Don't you want a generator that generate 32 EU/t per Cobble on its side meanwhile ???
@Nuclear: Lol. How did that ? Wasn't it contained by RS ? Not to mention that my Reactors does never blow up. Why ? Because I'm constantly tinkering with them, that I usually place a "checking vent" in (isn't used theoretically but if the reactor overheat) and that I notice within 10 sec if my reactor starts overheating.
Water mill + Pump = Denied, by PHYSICS!
Didn't you watch the Mythbusters Episode, where they busted Newtons Laws by propelling a Sailboat with a Fan mounted on said Boat facing the Sail? XD
@Greg: Sorry, but that is completly different.
SpwnX issue = Lavoisier's extended law, aka "Nothing appears, nothing disappears, everything turns into something else". Which is also true for energy.Your issue = referential (hope this exist in english). But a Fan would actually propell a Sailboat with some conditions. It seems that the Thermodynamic, so difficult to modelise in a good way, wanted to troll Newton, by making the overpressure on the Sail not to disappear (and so pushing the boat) while the one behind the boat (due to the air being taken) had been "removed" by air not coming from the Boat.
It's a bit difficult explaining that without a pic lol. -
But a Fan would actually propell a Sailboat with some conditions. It seems that the Thermodynamic, so difficult to modelise in a good way, wanted to troll Newton, by making the overpressure on the Sail not to disappear (and so pushing the boat) while the one behind the boat (due to the air being taken) had been "removed" by air not coming from the Boat.
It's a bit difficult explaining that without a pic lol.I have seen said Episode, and also they explained exactly that Effect, but you might know that I made a joke, since I have put "XD" at the end of the Sentence.
Sounds like an MS paint pic is needed.
@Greg: I know. But I wasn't entirely sure, it was disturbing AND I love telling about science.
I think I am getting pretty close to completion with my miners.
I'm sure there'll be a ton of bugs, so i will be adding some devversions in attachments for anybody who wants to test.I just need to write orepathfinding algorithm.
I think I just got it to work. It creates sooooo much lag though (64x64, 4096 block checks every tick, hehe)EDIT 2:
This thing mines so freaking deep..
And this is after 1,5 minutes of work...
I'll wait a bit and show you results of 1 cycle. I'm sure you'll be amazed
After 5 minutes of work:EDIT 3:
After new version of LevelStorage comes out, you'll forget about quarries. They suck so bad compared to adv miners. -
ye advanced miner , i hope this is mid machine , because in late best quarry and with quarry plus addon , quarry buildcraft is very very overpower