If you want new features for the IC2_experimental really bad, dev-0.2 is in the attachments. (my versioning is as follows:
dev0.1 -> dev0.2 -> dev1 -> dev2 -> rc1 -> rc2 -> release, however i really did not find time for "release" stage...)
Don't try to mess with powersyncs, wireless conductors and superconductors, you were warned! (they are still broken, i honestly don't know what to do with superconductors, their behaviour seems shenanigans to me).
Like always, report bugs in this thread or on github.. I'm sure that with experimental support comes a ton of bugs.

[Addon v2.0_experimental for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v1.2
@matlapalate if you dont like overpower mods , dont use these , simple
Very much people like Myscraft and symbols , "all world diamond ore" , "all world gold ore" , "all world iron ore" , I dont like very op mods (like style Mystcraft, Computercraft , Energy Manipulation - old EE2 ) and have not problems with op mods, but I dont like nerfed mods (gregtech)
mak , ooooops
mak , ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Don't do that.Time: 04.09.13 18:43
Description: Initializing gamejava.lang.RuntimeException: Tried to recreate an item id (31741 / shifted:31997) for an item which already exists as makmods.levelstorage.item.ItemLevelStorageBook@7499f436. Check your config and resolve the conflict.
at forestry.core.config.Config.getOrCreateItemIdProperty(
at forestry.plugins.PluginCore.registerCrates(
at forestry.plugins.NativePlugin.doInit(
at forestry.plugins.PluginCore.doInit(
at forestry.core.ForestryCore.postInit(
at forestry.core.ForestryClient.postInit(
at forestry.Forestry.postInit(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods(
at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( OK I repaired this
EDIT 2 : Haven't day without crash
EDIT 3: Multicore Solar have a fancy texture -
mak , ooooops :D<
<spoiler snipped>
EDIT: OK I repaired this
EDIT 2 : Haven't day without crash
EDIT 3: Multicore Solar have a fancy texture
On 3rd: i'm planning on redrawing it. i'm not happy with it at all. -
maybe redraw icons items in NEI because only enchanced lappack is pretty
EDIT: wireless power sync no work , wireless conductor work but dmg me(stupid feature)
If you want new features for the IC2_experimental really bad, dev-0.2 is in the attachments. (my versioning is as follows:
dev0.1 -> dev0.2 -> dev1 -> dev2 -> rc1 -> rc2 -> release, however i really did not find time for "release" stage...)
Don't try to mess with powersyncs, wireless conductors and superconductors, you were warned! (they are still broken, i honestly don't know what to do with superconductors, their behaviour seems shenanigans to me).
Like always, report bugs in this thread or on github.. I'm sure that with experimental support comes a ton of bugs.hmm, works good so far but I do have one comment: could you respect the IC2 config choice for q-sprinting with your gear? aka: I like using the control key and I change the IC2 config to reflect this.
Hello, I have some advises for u, I think u can add a key like F or what, to turn on/off the AOE kill function from ForceField ChestPlate, cuz sometimes i really dont want to use that function, so i have to unequip the ForceField ChestPlate, that's very inconvenient. And another advise is I hope u can make the Tesla Helmet can automatic charging, just like Ultimale Hybrid Solar Helmet from Advanced Solar Panels mod, u can just make a recipe like let the Tesla Helmet to craft with MultiCore Solar Panel or something. And I have a question, how much current can flow through the Superconductors? Ok, Last thing! I really like this mod, especially that Quantum Ring, imagine when I having the Quantum Ring and equip the Modular Power Suits! How cool it is!!!!
hm mak ? you delete portable teleporter
hm mak ? you delete portable teleporter
No, i didn't. That is a ID conflict. Why didn't it throw an exception and crash your game? Well, there's a reason. Some items may be overwritten by blocks and items in other mods (or in the same mod if config is borked). Delete LevelStorage.cfg in your /config directory, it will dynamically create a new config with no conflicts, although it might be critical for other items/blocks inside of my mod.. My item-initialization system is extremely convenient and dynamic-based (to register an item, give it a name and do all that stuff you just need to add one single line of code to the LSBlockItemList class, init-system will pick it up and do all that init-stuff) however it does some really funky stuff when i add block/item. It's really hard to explain...@Ook:
Okay, i'll add that.FrozenElite30:
1) Another keybinding? Maybe. However I think that people's keybindings are already used up and it will be rather inconvenient. I'll see what i can do.
2) Did you read previous comments? I was already planning on doing that. In dev-0.2 version (which i already uploaded) you have Multicore Solar Panel which outputs 2048 EU/t. My plan is to add an upgrade for tesla helmet that will function identically to AdvancedSolarPanels' Ultimate Solar Helmet except for that it would generate 2048 EU/t instead of 512. (but have a crazy recipe too!)
3) Superconductors: in newest dev-0.2 version they are broken, i'm trying to fix them.
They can handle up to 2147483648 EU/t.(2 to the power of 31)
4)Okay, for now, diretime, after it i'll get to work on LS.
when i uninstall forestry I see new items , helmet and portable teleporters, other items change id , my enchanced lappack change in electric magnet , atomic disasambler change in quantum ring
when i uninstall forestry I see new items , helmet and portable teleporters, other items change id , my enchanced lappack change in electric magnet , atomic disasambler change in quantum ring
Look at forge log for "conflict". It tells you what IDs are in conflict. Find those IDs in conf files and change them. You might need to offset them by 256 to get the proper ones. -
hm i cant find 317xx id in forestry so when i change id 317xx in level storage , item helmet and portable teleporter disapear.
And one suggest maybe add configurable key fly because dobule tap block my fly in "gravi chest" and block me fly in "fly ring - mod energy manipulation" -
No, i didn't. That is a ID conflict. Why didn't it throw an exception and crash your game? Well, there's a reason. Some items may be overwritten by blocks and items in other mods (or in the same mod if config is borked). Delete LevelStorage.cfg in your /config directory, it will dynamically create a new config with no conflicts, although it might be critical for other items/blocks inside of my mod.. My item-initialization system is extremely convenient and dynamic-based (to register an item, give it a name and do all that stuff you just need to add one single line of code to the LSBlockItemList class, init-system will pick it up and do all that init-stuff) however it does some really funky stuff when i add block/item. It's really hard to explain...@Ook:
Okay, i'll add that.FrozenElite30:
1) Another keybinding? Maybe. However I think that people's keybindings are already used up and it will be rather inconvenient. I'll see what i can do.
2) Did you read previous comments? I was already planning on doing that. In dev-0.2 version (which i already uploaded) you have Multicore Solar Panel which outputs 2048 EU/t. My plan is to add an upgrade for tesla helmet that will function identically to AdvancedSolarPanels' Ultimate Solar Helmet except for that it would generate 2048 EU/t instead of 512. (but have a crazy recipe too!)
3) Superconductors: in newest dev-0.2 version they are broken, i'm trying to fix them.
They can handle up to 2147483648 EU/t.(2 to the power of 31)
4)Okay, for now, diretime, after it i'll get to work on LS.
will automatic charging add into quantum ring? I really really like it! and I got a question yesterday, how to use Tesla Rays? Shift+Ctrl is not working anymore???
will automatic charging add into quantum ring? I really really like it! and I got a question yesterday, how to use Tesla Rays? Shift+Ctrl is not working anymore???
2) There is a special keybinding for shooting tesla rays. R by default, you can configure it if you want.EDIT:
LOL. My addon is actually bigger than EE3...…nge-3/graphs/contributors…orage/graphs/contributors -
omg , bigger really ? ee3 is now 3 items
I hope you aren't using lines of code as a measure to judge what's "bigger". Generating a whole lot of lines doesn't mean a thing if other person can do much more in significantly lesser amount of them. Their code will be generally easier to maintain to boot
My addon is actually bigger than EE3...
You're mod also is better at retaining EE2 features -
omg , delete dmg dealer in wireless conductor, this is dmg me in quantum armor and have super range.
Hm ? helmet have not night vision -
Maybe u should add night vision into tesla helmet and quantum ring, and add a keybinding for it, just use like shift+v to turn night vision on/ off, another is why dont u add the enhanced diamond drill into the quantum ring? just let the enhanced diamond drill to replace the energetic infused matter orb in crafting, and use M+right click to change the drill's modes
I think it would make more sense to add the Atomic disassembler into the Quantum ring instead.