[Addon v2.0_experimental for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v1.2

  • I love BC. Especially it being opensource.
    <snipped images>
    This wasn't too bad, honestly. I thought it would be a much much longer copypasta adventure, but only a few dozens lines of code. BC makes it super easy to add these tabs. Like super easy. Me wantz to use these everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

    Nice, does that include the Thermal Expansion style stuff to shove NEI out of the way?

  • MSP SHOULD have a GUI like other SPs for show its Working state and for charge tools

    It does have inventory and charge slots for sure (I copypasted all the stuff from ASP and just changed generation rate, with Sentimel's permission ofc.), it just doesn't have container/guicontainer implementation. IDK, maybe will implement, maybe won't.

    I plan to add "Manual" (or "Tutorial" it was named, doesn't matter) tab (like in TE), it will just tell you how machine work, how ISidedInventory is implemented on it (where to extract items from/put them in), how much EU it requires/generates, etc.
    Addon pretty much doesn't have any documentation, and I want to fix that.

    Duct tape, needs correction:

    And it does adopt to text's size and dynamically resize:

    Had do write some sneaky voodoo magic algorithm, but still, it doesn't quite cut the longer words.

  • GJ for manual! However the GUI of MSP doesn't work well.

    GregTech SHALL rule the world !

  • Just a teaser :P
    System.out.println(new ElementList().add(Element.HYDROGEN, 2).add(Element.OXYGEN, 1).calculateMolecularMass());

    2014-01-07 15:33:31 [INFO] [STDOUT] 18


    And now, guess what happens if I do this?
    System.out.println(new ElementList().add(Element.HYDROGEN, 2).add(Element.OXYGEN, 1).toString());

    2014-01-07 15:38:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] OH2

    Needs correction, yes. But still, kind of works.

  • So, basically what you did was the same as

    Nah, my system will be far more advanced :P
    I plan to add my own fusion reactor, and it's going to be a "mainstream" multiblock like RC Blast Furnace. IDK why, I just like them better :3

    My fusion reactor will use tremendous amounts of hydrogen; considering like 100 buckets per tick. Yeah, that's a lot of Aqueous Accumulators.

    Looking into 1.7, well..
    Network works!

    Now just basically waiting on fancy mcp names & IC2, then I can start porting LS to 1.7. This is my first major MC update survival attempt (1.5 -> 1.6 doesn't count as "major").

    EDIT 2:
    Just put LS's sources into 1.7.2 folder. Isn't too too horrible, but isn't too good too.

    2195 errors, most of them are routine. (like moving all the blocks/items from Block/Item to Blocks/Items classes, and so on).

    EDIT 3:
    Thanks to the allmighty Java Search feature of eclipse, got down to 1628 errors.

    Edited 7 times, last by mak326428: Derp, figured everything out. ().

  • oh oh!1.7 is coming!

    GregTech SHALL rule the world !

  • Nah, 1.7 is a long long road. IC2 will take a LONG time to update (my not-so-huge addon has 2200 errors, think of how much IC2 will have?). I'm just inquiring the price of what i can do right now (change method/field names to newer, remove block/itemIDs, change initialization stuffs, redo networking, etc.).
    FML made network stuff so much easier. You just register your channel, write a codec (a thing that decodes incoming from network bytes into separate unique packets) and you're done.

    BTW, if anybody knows, how do we add localizations in 1.7? LanguageRegistry doesn't work, not seeing any other alternative other than hacking vanilla... (in StringTranslate just hack a map that contains all localizations (via reflection), but, like I said, it's hacky and I don't like hacky.)

    Also, what happened to fluids? All the classes seem to be commented out, idk why. Thinking like forge is not quite ready for production, so, as always, have to wait.

    • Official Post

    Does that mean, we could get a world of uranium blocks...?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • You can even have an ocean map made of UUM.

    You don't understand, this is MUCH worse than UUM. With IV you can get almost any raw resource. (diamonds; certus quartz; gold; iron; copper; tin; coal, etc.) 819 mB of IV = diamond; 13 buckets of IV = Iridium Ore;
    Of one gets this page, it basically means infinite resources forever... Need to look into Mystcraft and see if it provides api for blacklisting fluids.

    Going to add a tank that's infinite. Like GT's quantum tanks are not nearly infinite, I've filled two up in my previous world (256 pumps in a MystCraft world all getting max power FTW).
    Debating if I want to use long; if I do it's still not infinite. BigInteger? Yeah.

  • You don't understand, this is MUCH worse than UUM. With IV you can get almost any raw resource. (diamonds; certus quartz; gold; iron; copper; tin; coal, etc.) 819 mB of IV = diamond; 13 buckets of IV = Iridium Ore;
    Of one gets this page, it basically means infinite resources forever... Need to look into Mystcraft and see if it provides api for blacklisting fluids.

    Going to add a tank that's infinite. Like GT's quantum tanks are not nearly infinite, I've filled two up in my previous world (256 pumps in a MystCraft world all getting max power FTW).
    Debating if I want to use long; if I do it's still not infinite. BigInteger? Yeah.

    At this rate, you may as well store it on the cloud.

  • I'm currently reworking Quantum Saber. Now, when you craft it, it comes with Looting III. (IC2 has Iridium Drill which comes with Fortune, so I don't feel about it...). Added new texture (it now sparkles like nanosaber); and when you hit any mob, it will hit ALL the mobs in 6x6x6 cuboid around the mob you hit.
    Also, Quantum Saber deals 30 damage (15 hearts), which ignores armor. I hardcoded it for quantum & nano armor, so that you get 1 heart of damage in full quantum set, and 5 hearts (half-dead) in nano armor.
    Now I feel I should make it more expensive, as two iridium plates is as simple as a pie to get.

  • I'm going to check this mod out for the next couple of days. I'm looking for something that expands on IC but not insane hard but at the same time adding new harder tech to the game at a reasonable amount.

    Check out Our Brand New GT New Horizons Server .:Here:.
    Check out Our Brand New GT New Horizons Let's Play Series .:Here:.

  • Thanks, Kane! Really loving your videos BTW.
    There's one problem though, insufficient documentation. Most of stuff is pretty intuitive, but when it comes to IV and machinery, that's where confusion begins. If you have any questions, PM me, I'll be more than happy to answer.