Great, now we will have to tell people that Couldrons are incompatible and so will get labelled as witch-ist.

Bored? Random IC2/Forum chat
- SirusKing
- Closed
So they are rebooting Stargate. As a movie triology. Done by the director that made the 1994 Stargate movie who thinks his movie is better than SG1 and somehow made a movie about cowboys and aliens that sucked. What else could they do wrong?
Starting work on making a simple thermometer for the reactors that emits a redstone signal when the reactor is at a certain temp. hopefully a 1-block mod. I have experience with Java. I do not have experience with forge or minecraft code. This will be interesting.
Who still remembers Transformers' the Movie?
And soon™ i'll release a shitty aplha of the electric-beacon mod that i'm coding
I myself am coding something- an original game. I'm not good at it now, but I'm gonna keep trying. I still am learning Python.
Just a tip Scott, when your coding, remember that you have to be extremely specific for what you want the program to do and how to do it.
For guitarists, smoke over water
For pianists, chopsticksFor modding minecraft...the multicolored block
That moment you realise you ate far too much
the following fits because i am making a mod out of 'boredom'
how would one go about
A)checking to see if a block adjacent from "block_X" is a reactor(or chamber)...and
B)make a proper call requesting the heat of the reactor hull?I've wracked my brain on this for a while but so far have been unfruitful.
By the way, has Greg implemented Stargates yet? Or is he still waiting for HL3 to make them?
I still am learning Python.
I'm kinda resisting the need to learn Python due to my ArcGIS stuff. But if I do hopefully land a job with a surveying group, I know I'm going to have to learn it anyway, lol...
I'm kinda resisting the need to learn Python due to my ArcGIS stuff. But if I do hopefully land a job with a surveying group, I know I'm going to have to learn it anyway, lol...
Are you planning on working for the USGS then? I had an uncle who worked as a surveyor for the majority of his career, I always thought that it was crazy how he would update the markers and such even in the most desolate places
A few weeks ago....
-In the school library, coding my game's save function-
Me: I can't figure out what the error is... -scrolls down-
Friend: It looks fine to me....
Me: Huh.... -scrolls down more-
Me: Ahah!
Friend: what is it?
Me: ..... "player_Health_Saved=...."
Friend: Yeah?
Me:..."(str(player_Health_Saved))." -facepalms-
Both: -laughing our asses off-The little things are the ones that get you.
Weather just knocked out the internet for a few minutes. Damn weather!
<3 thunder
I wonder whether the weather will be sorry about it
Whether or not the weather is sorry is altogether irrelevant, since clouds are not clever and thus have no sentience whatsoever. However, If you are the professor to a zephyr, you may want to say they do anyway, so you don't appear as the aggressor and cause the clever zephyr any displeasure (even if they are lesser :p ).
Didnt you have a lightning rod?