About the Tinkers Construct problem (You might got linked from my Dropbox based Ingame Message)

    • Official Post

    You might have heard already, what happened recently. mDiyo attempts again to break GregTech for no reason. Last time I was able to strike back by just refusing to load a World together with it (it was nothing else than refusing to start a Game), but currently I am unable to do a proper GT release with a fix for his now even more malicious attacks. Just to make that clear, mDiyo attacked GregTech again.

    As you can see here, unless he removed it from his Github then look below, this time he is breaking my OreDictionary Handler entirely.

    So, this has several Side Effects. Such as being unable to get/process the basic Materials to ascend to the higher Tiers, such as Chrome, Tungsten, Aluminium, Stainless Steel etc.
    According to that "Explicit permission" he is linking up there, any modification of my Code has to be constructive, reasonable and is not allowed to "just break" things. Well it is not constructive to just disable my OreDict Handling, especially since it breaks pretty much everything.

    2 violations done from his Side, now to the Part of being a "reasonable" Change. Do you think it is reasonable to fuck up a whole Mod, just because it suggests to follow OreDictionary Conventions in a few Lines inside the Log, which almost nobody reads? I doubt so, and even if you don't agree with me, we still have the other 2 violations.

    His changes can cause massive Problems on your World as well. Since many Recipes are not available anymore, your whole Factory could just be stuck on now unprocessable Material, overflowing your Pipes, causing massive Lag and then eventually making your World unplayable. It could also waste your Resources, when you have an Autocrafting System, such as with Applied Energistics or even worse in case of using Logistics Pipes. Even if you fix it after either uninstalling it or downgrading it, this waste of Resources still persists and in most of the cases you dont even know exactly what got wasted, so you risk accidential cheating.

    Aside from that, I have no Idea if the "googlebus.unregister(mod);" Line actually work as mDiyo obviously intended, but if so, then It will definetly corrupt parts of your Savegame.

    I suggested to him to just not load together with GT if he doesn't like it, instead of breaking the entire Mod.

    And it is fully on mDiyos Side. I didn't change GT at all in the last few Weeks, due to other technical Problems. Luckyly I added the Public Announcement Code a while ago (shortly after the first attack), so I was able to link you to this here.

    Oh, and in case you just want to know, how to disable that Public Message popping up everytime you start a Game, .minecraft -> config -> GregTech -> DynamicConfig.cfg -> news -> "Name of said Message"=false

  • I dug through #TinkersConstruct logs for past week and apparently mDiyo found out about oredict log on 19'th. On 15'th there was a message from him saying he plans to silently make GT not load its detected. The whole oredict logging was just a convenient excuse for him.

    Also, there were exactly zero bugreports on the logs from past week that had anything to do with GT.

    • Official Post

    Why can he not just live with complaining at you like everyone else?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

    • Official Post

    I dug through #TinkersConstruct logs for past week and apparently mDiyo found out about oredict log on 19'th. On 15'th there was a message from him saying he plans to silently make GT not load its detected. The whole oredict logging was just a convenient excuse for him.

    Also, there were exactly zero bugreports on the logs from past week that had anything to do with GT.

    Convenient, but not valid, as we discussed in the GT thread, the ones that were defending him lost the discussion (ran out of arguments as i've took all of them down) and started insulting Greg and me.

    Why can he not just live with complaining at you like everyone else?

    Two words : Attention Whore.

  • Just to be clear, with 'most recent Version' of TConstruct you mean 1.5.0d6 (aka the development version) or 1.4.7d7 (the recommended, stable version) ?

  • Just to be clear, with 'most recent Version' of TConstruct you mean 1.5.0d6 (aka the development version) or 1.4.7d7 (the recommended, stable version) ?

    It was a very recent commit, so it should be the development version.

    By the way, you can delete this feature, it's called PeaceOfMind or something in the plugins/ directory in the TConstruct file.

    • Official Post

    Looks at mDiyo's offline stream picture http://www.twitch.tv/mDiyo. Relate it to anything?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • It was a very recent commit, so it should be the development version.

    By the way, you can delete this feature, it's called PeaceOfMind or something in the plugins/ directory in the TConstruct file.

    Ah thats good to hear, i dont get why some mod authors decide to go such strange steps. If he just wants to get rid of the log messages he could easily just asked Greg to put those logs in a file or checked the consolestream for the unwanted messages and remove them (which shouldn't take more lines than he used on this crap).

  • Also, Greg, yre you sure that it is a good idea to link to this thread via an ingame? I would not wonder if that would get aus a few craploads of raging users spamming the forum.

    I really don't care, as long they don't insult anyone (this means they will be banned), because this is all TiC's fault. ~SpwnX

  • Also, Greg, yre you sure that it is a good idea to link to this thread via an ingame? I would not wonder if that would get aus a few craploads of raging users spamming the forum.

    Considering nearly everyone that bitch about GT aren't using it themselves I see no problems.

  • hum, I see this whole thing as Character assassination, mDiyo should be banished from teh worldz, like ceiling cat might say... ceiling cat is watchings youz masturbate/breaking GT

    • Official Post

    TL;DR, mDiyo says that "Intentionally breaking Gregtech is not the goal." and "With the way it was implemented, GregTech should still function normally, minus a bit of data."

    A BIT!?! According to that Code, the OreDictHandler gets unregistered causing Recipes to not register properly, not to mention removing the Main Mod File from the Forge Event Bus in addition to that, what would cause everything after the initialization of that Stuff not to Function.

    6 666 posts Greg :3 ~SpwnX

  • GregoriousT, I formally invite you to irc.esper.net, #TinkersConstruct. We can talk about what the code does, why it does what it does, work out some of the issues, and anything else you would like to talk about. The logs will be public and posted here.

    If #TinkersConstruct is uncomfortable, we can talk in #GregTech or anywhere else you prefer.

    • Official Post

    GregoriousT, I formally invite you to irc.esper.net, #TinkersConstruct. We can talk about what the code does, why it does what it does, work out some of the issues, and anything else you would like to talk about. The logs will be public and posted here.

    If #TinkersConstruct is uncomfortable, we can talk in #GregTech or anywhere else you prefer.

    I have talked indirectly via Hohounk to your Co-Dev pillbox about all these "Issues" you have and we found somewhat of a Solution for that.

    But as I said, I cannot release a new GT Version very soon, so it might take a bit.