Could you please upload the archived reactor planner? Somehow I can't open (download it from) that website.
No, because A. I can't find the licensing details for Talonius's planner, and B. Chocohead already attached a copy to this post.
Also, my native language is not English so I am very likely to have some problems trying to explain exactly what I mean without misunderstanding. Therefore, I'm going to clarify again - to my understanding, it means the usable ability of venting heat.
I don't know what your native language is, but if there is someone else on the forum who speaks the same language, perhaps having them act as an interpreter might work better, because I'm sorry to say that this doesn't clarify anything for me.
However, perhaps part of the confusion comes from ambiguity in what is meant by "venting", which the IC2 Wiki may be partly to blame for - see the below taken from https://wiki.industrial-craft.…tle=Overclocked_Heat_Vent
Self Venting Rate refers to the amount of heat the Heat Vent will vent from itself per reactor tickHull Venting Rate refers to the amount of heat the Heat Vent will remove from the reactor hull per reactor tick
Component Venting Rate refers to the amount of heat the Heat Vent will remove from adjacent components per reactor tick
The heat handled by Self Venting and Component Venting is transferred to coolant for a fluid reactor (or just eliminated for an EU reactor), but the heat handled by Hull Venting is stored in the component (at least initially - some of it may be self-vented, component-vented by neighbors, or transferred by exchangers), so I dislike calling that "venting".
I think I can add a "Predictions" tab with the following details:
1. Heat generated by fuel rods (split into how much is fed to the reactor vs. how much is fed to neighbors).
2. Heat pulled from the reactor by various components.
3. Theoretical maximum venting (potentially into coolant).
Actual used cooling is harder to predict (or at least I haven't thought of a reliable, universal way to make my program do it) - perhaps this example will help to demonstrate:
Until the left vent breaks (at 333 seconds), the right vent will be idle, but afterwards it will operate at full speed and give the reactor 2084 more seconds before it explodes.
Since your complicated design only feeds heat to the reactor, I thought that replacing the rods and reflectors with heat-capacity plating and starting the reactor with really high heat would allow the max HU output to be used to calculate the actual used venting, but that gave 1282 HU/t, which would correspond to 641 used venting, while simulating it as an automated reactor showed your manual calculations of 640 venting per reactor tick were spot-on - it ran for at least 357 cycles (based on components replaced) without going below 6000 heat or over 7280, and average output was 1280.00 HU/t. I'm not sure how it peaked at 1312 HU/t (26240 HU/s) output though (at about reactor tick 315 according to CSV data). Also note that the following components continued to have fluctuating output during the cycle: Advanced Heat Vent (R0C3), Advanced Heat Vent (R0C7), Component Heat Vent (R1C3), Component Heat Vent (R3C1), Component Heat Vent (R3C7), Component Heat Vent (R4C0), Component Heat Vent (R4C4), Component Heat Vent (R4C6), Advanced Heat Vent (R5C0), Advanced Heat Vent (R5C4), Component Heat Vent (R5C7), Advanced Heat Vent (R5C8)