The real research is designing automated factories, not having a minigame just to be able to craft components...

Research system
I think rather than researching you should have a more tier-based line of gameplay. I know GT is doing that, but I'd like to really go from zero to hero and see my big steps. Maybe because I enjoy RTS games with a lot of eras so much
not having a minigame
The mini game part is what we look for ... Guess why they are so popular! 1) What mainly makes TC enjoyable to me is the research system.
2)I had so much fun tinkering with my IC² nuclear reactor!
3) Guess how ExtraBees&Trees is so popular as well ? -
Personally, I hate the TC Research system. It is a neat idea, but meh :p I would much rather do unique/different stuff in world instead of in a crappy GUI.
3) Guess how ExtraBees&Trees is so popular as well ?
ExtraBees is popular because with Genetic Machines you can get Fast Working Fast Pollination Nocturnal Cave-Dwelling <insert OP resource here> Bees that heal you for standing next to them for no effort, then you can start crapping out 3000 redstone per hour from one Alveary because of Frame Housing. -
ExtraBees is popular because with Genetic Machines you can get Fast Working Fast Pollination Nocturnal Cave-Dwelling Bees that heal you for standing next to them for no effort, then you can start crapping out 3000 redstone per hour from one Alveary because of Frame Housing.</insert>
It's another reason, and the reason why I hate it as well. But the bee breeding system in itself is really awesome, you can't deny it!
It's another reason, and the reason why I hate it as well. But the bee breeding system in itself is really awesome, you can't deny it!
Just disable genetic machines and you will have a nice hardmode bees that is nearly impossible to achieve a perfect bee.
What about making an experiment based research? Instead of having to take apart items, players have to craft experiments or build them in the world using blocks and items, activate them, and use specialized measuring equipment to get the research and unlock further content.
Reminds me of WoW. Craft an item everyday called "Research" which has a chance to let you discover random recipes.
That's exactly Not the idea- the idea is to have a progression based on researching the specific subjects- materials strength, ore composition, conductance, standard design, heat induction, wear and tear (and diamonds), energy crystals, quantum fields. Not just praying to the random numbers god.
Just disable genetic machines and you will have a nice hardmode bees that is nearly impossible to achieve a perfect bee.
What about the fact that xbees worldgen adds a ridiculous number of bees with Cave-Dwelling and completely devalues steadfast drones? Or their bees with +/- 5 tolerance? The acclimatiser which lets you make any bee work in any biome? The mutator that makes breeding species pretty much trivial? The Alveary frame housing that lets you make ridiculous amounts of resources from one bee? Their combs that have huge amounts of 100% centrifuge products? (Lapis comb always gives 9 lapis instead of 1 lapis 70% of the time, wtf)
+/- 5 tolerance
Best bee is Both 2 temp tolerance and Both 1 humidity with normal-normal, that'll work anywhere with cave dwelling. Extra bees can get OP very quickly, essentially as soon as you get an alvery. -
mkay, remove any xbee machine and leave just the extra species...
The only research system I would like involved you actually DOING things in the world (unlike TC4 where you just sit in a GUI doing the same puzzle over and over again), usually stuff you would normally experiment with (hmm, Im going to use iron instead of copper to transfer electricity, wait, why is the iron melting and the copper no- OMFG I JUST DISCOVERED RESISTANCE) although it would likely be hard to code. Personally I think it should be per gameworld, not player, but whatever.
@Above It isn't research if you know it all completely all ready ;P
We already have that. Hmm I'm going to use tin instead of copper to transfer electricity, wait, why is the tin vaporizing and the copper no- OMFG I JUST DISCOVERED POWER LIMITS. -
That is true but it would be cool to not be just bound to existing items. As I undersand it you should be able to research ways to envolve and change parts in your machine. To not only build contraptions but also modify them to achive something new.
to stay with immibis cable example:
you have the fairly effective low current transfer. You have the possibility to transfer ultra high currents as well for a lot of loss. so why not combining both to have a better result.
(that might be a bad example though because i know that the reason for that is the physics of electrical current and not the material.)btw is is kinda funny how you are going in disscusions that have nothing to do with the topic
We already have that. Hmm I'm going to use tin instead of copper to transfer electricity, wait, why is the tin vaporizing and the copper no- OMFG I JUST DISCOVERED POWER LIMITS.We have that but it has very little effect, ie, you still don't know WHY it does it and you still don't apply the knowledge of how it works to other things.
For example, because people associate metals with conductive material, they wouldn't guess that the most conductive material there is isn't a metal -
i dont like the idea of a research minigame. it would just artificially drag out the game by slowing down progress by making the player perform a tedious task.
Now that i think about it... a research minigame would go really well with the rest of the experimental build - also you can bash critics by saying, that they just dont like the research minigame, because it made the game "harder"
i dont like the idea of a research minigame. it would just artificially drag out the game by slowing down progress by making the player perform a tedious task.
Now that i think about it... a research minigame would go really well with the rest of the experimental build - also you can bash critics by saying, that they just dont like the research minigame, because it made the game "harder"
Research mechanics don't need to be tedious at all, its just that many examples, like TC3's, was (in my opinion).
I think we should have something like in the nuclear reactor:
-you have a machine in front of you (let's say a generator), and you can add some items to get it a bit better (I mean, better turbines, have a liquid that vaporizes better or stuff like that).Also, we could make the mod so that you don't craft something with the machine block, but you place the machine block in the world and then you add stuff in it, by opening a gui, taking your wrench, your hammer, the different cables you have, and you put your hands in the nasty motor oil of the machine.
I think that's the best way to do a research thing. -
Maybe expandable multiblock machines?