As you can see, the block with the end's environment texture is the "nothing block" that kills you in no time and destroys your item. This block was all around me, above me and under me, and I'm at the corner. And at this point of the game, since it finished loading the dimension 1 second before this happened, my game was still loading the world aroung (= few fps lags for a few seconds which I couldn't take because of this death coming so quickly). (This post isn't there for any purpose, I've found fun to show people the last few seconds of my OP TC gear o/)
*DNR stands for "Did not ragequit" if you didn't know o/. Also, RIP keda's chicken that died with me during this sad day.

[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
That must have been pretty painfull to lose a mining laser
That must have been pretty painfull to lose a mining laser
The mining laser was one of the cheapest item I had. Right after my death, I've respawned, took a break, went back to kirara and crafted one right before putting any armor on. My void tools were maxed out to sharp X loot IV for the sword, my pick was eff VII silk touch I unbreaking III (I've used a TC glitch regarding arcane enchantement which is now fixed so I can't recover my stuff). My boots of the traveller had haste IV. I didn't go beyond eff VII and haste IV since the difference was really ridiculous beyond that point. These are the most valuable items I've lost. The pearl I'm holding in the middle is the boss' reward. I've lost it. I've also lost a nano saber which was in my inventory (not shown up on this picture since we can only see the items on my hotbar) and a void aspected primal staff (I can't find a way to get void caps now that the TC glitch has been fixed : You can't input wands from the bottom of the arcane table as of 4.2.2 and I can only manage to get the thaumium aspected primal staff. I need 155 vis with void robe armor and thaumaturge's boots to get the void capped primal staff, the best crafting sceptres from TC only go up to 150 vis). I've also lost a few hoven backpacks filled with goodies I've raided from the dungeon and of course some of keda's roasted chicken.
So, the worst thing you lost was keda roasted chicken, right
, and how did you used a glitch for getting super enchants ? But my biggest question is, can't you craft thing with high vis cost with vis reduction amor ?`
EDIT : And it's Keda Fried Chicken ( KFC ) not Keda Roasted Chicken ;P
I've been wondering if Gravitation Suit mod was ever considered to be added to the server. Sorry in advance if this topic was already brought to discuss, searching the thread returned nothing.
From what I've seen most people generally use Thaumcraft gear as late-game one due to the simple fact that after being enchanted it's superior to anything industrial can offer like mining drills, jetpacks etc. I've found it rather curious for an industrial server so decided to ask. -
So, the worst thing you lost was keda roasted chicken, right
, and how did you used a glitch for getting super enchants ? But my biggest question is, can't you craft thing with high vis cost with vis reduction amor ?`
EDIT : And it's Keda Fried Chicken ( KFC ) not Keda Roasted Chicken ;P
He already uses vis reduction armour, void armour gives reduction, too(though goggles of revealing might give more than the hood does). -
I've been wondering if Gravitation Suit mod was ever considered to be added to the server. Sorry in advance if this topic was already brought to discuss, searching the thread returned nothing.
The answer for that one is no, I'm afraid.
+1 for gravitation suit. We can still change the recipes to make them use gt's superconductors..
You guys rock. If you want to help, I am trying to make some more progress on the guide:…ech-survival-guide.60130/ -
Are you tired of the crystal growth accelerator that may not be the most efficient way to grow your seeds? Try this : (I can't select some text to put a link into it with my phone). It adds a pattern encoder which allows shift clicking on NEI's [?], which is kinda pointless, and a crystal growth chamber, which you can put into your system and that will drain 100 ae/t to work, it'll not drain out power when it doesn't have any work to do. I know Greg adds his own recipes for the crystals, one crystal takes 50 seconds (if I recall correctly). With this device you can grow up 27 crystals at once and it'll take 30 seconds to grow them all.
With 4 crystal growth accellerators it is faster i think, and you can grow a virtually infinite amount(as many as possible without killing the server) at once.
With 4 crystal growth accellerators it is faster i think, and you can grow a virtually infinite amount(as many as possible without killing the server) at once.
Which isn't efficient. The growth chamber is faster, will never kill a server because of too much items and more efficient since you can input and output things out without worrying picking up or setting up a tricky system to collect them. Also, unless you're generating a ton of power, you must switch on / off the accelerators whereas the chamber is automatic and doesn't have any passive drain. Your argument is invalid
Isn't half the fun of AE2 coming up with wacky designs to get round problems (not just crystal growth accelerators, but things like channels too)?
Afaik you can use GT autoclave to grow crystals.
Quoted from "blub01"
With 4 crystal growth accellerators it is faster i think, and you can grow a virtually infinite amount(as many as possible without killing the server) at once.
Which isn't efficient. The growth chamber is faster, will never kill a server because of too much items and more efficient since you can input and output things out without worrying picking up or setting up a tricky system to collect them. Also, unless you're generating a ton of power, you must switch on / off the accelerators whereas the chamber is automatic and doesn't have any passive drain. Your argument is invalid
I don't know how much the crystal growth accellerator uses out of my head, but you can grow a virtually infinite amount of crystals at once, meaning that everything with a processing limit is less effective. And, by the way, at least my reason for playing modded minecraft is that i like building complex setups to get something.EDIT: I think it would be nice to have the mods updated in the latest update highlighted in the OP. just went through my mind a second ago.
Isn't half the fun of AE2 coming up with wacky designs to get round problems (not just crystal growth accelerators, but things like channels too)?
Right, but as of weeks of paying I still haven't figured out how to pick up the seeds with AE only, same goes for the automatic on / off switch for the growth accelerators.
I see the growth chamber more like a late game block (100 ae/t... Yeah) that goes around this issue.
Btw, it doesn't break the fun of AE2 which is tinkering with channels, since neither the accelerators nor the chamber take channel. The issue here is for crystals only, the channel part isn't concerned at all.Afaik you can use GT autoclave to grow crystals.
Which takes up 50 seconds / seed from what I recall... At this point you better use the water pool solution since the gt way is the most inefficient way speaking of speed. I'll do the math about eu consumption when I'll get back from school, meaning that I'll be able to see the recipes, but I guess that even the IV autoclave will not be enough to produce large numbers of crystal in the same given time than the accelerators method, and of course will use a huge amount of power. The growth chamber stays the best solution.
Sorry about taking a break everyone, but I had some personal problems in life. It seems that I am now radically outdated in the mods, but I have a brand-new really fast internet, so it should be fun to come on again.
Sorry about taking a break everyone, but I had some personal problems in life. It seems that I am now radically outdated in the mods, but I have a brand-new really fast internet, so it should be fun to come on again.
Ah.. Well unless you've done really bad things, you're still whitelisted, go grab the Mods on the op as well as the config and you can play
Which takes up 50 seconds / seed from what I recall... At this point you better use the water pool solution since the gt way is the most inefficient way speaking of speed. I'll do the math about eu consumption when I'll get back from school, meaning that I'll be able to see the recipes, but I guess that even the IV autoclave will not be enough to produce large numbers of crystal in the same given time than the accelerators method, and of course will use a huge amount of power. The growth chamber stays the best solution.Energy wise its bad, but its for convenience. You don't have to deal with seed entities, water and whatever wonky thing of AE2.
Energy wise its bad, but its for convenience. You don't have to deal with seed entities, water and whatever wonky thing of AE2.
Which is why the growth chamber is better. You don't have to deal with entities, it requires 6 accelerators so I assume it is as fast as 6 accelerators and might be a way more interesting to use energy wise.