[MineTweaker-Scripts & Mod-Configs] Let's Greg other mods!

    • Official Post

    recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:clock>), [

    You've closed the brackets of the addShaped, you want this:

    recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:clock>, [

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Try this not using a


    after the clock

    recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:clock>, [
    [<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:28086>, <ore:plateGold>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:28086>],
    [<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:26086>, <minecraft:comparator>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:26086>],
    [<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:22>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:27086>, <gregtech:gt.metatool.01:16>]]);

    @ Chocohead
    Oh sorry didnt see you post :)

  • But all recipes don't work, not only the clock.
    I fix ")".
    Still don't work. The log


  • 1. remove all recipes first lines than adding them back (like i did in my scripts). Start with the first recipes and test if it works. There are too many recipes now to find an error.

    2.If it works go to the next one and so on....

    You log not shows any errors.

    What is this " // { " ?

    // --- Ender Chest
    recipes.addShaped(EnderChest, [
    [EnderEyeRod, TinyNStarDust, EnderEyeRod],
    [TinyNStarDust, <minecraft:chest>, TinyNStarDust],
    [EnderEyeRod, DenseObsidianPlate, EnderEyeRod]]);

    why you are not using Ender Chest in the remove Line too?

    with the Chest the same <minecraft:chest> instead of Chest

    If you not using the names you set in the " val " command why you add those line ?

    I think you code need a complete rework.

    @ Chocohead
    Today i am first :)

    • Official Post

    Just so you're aware, IC2 has a config to disable the enderchest recipe.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • 1. remove all recipes first lines than adding them back (like i did in my scripts). Start with the first recipes and test if it works. There are too many recipes now to find an error.

    What is this " // { " ?

    He is modifying a script I modified and gave to you.

    " // { "

    and this
    " // } "

    came on the fact that my text editor registers that as a "code block" because of the "{" and "}" but the script compiler ignores it because of the "//"
    And so I can collapse areas so I could scroll through it easier.

  • the file linked at "http://pastebin.com/cXJp58Dg" (the first one):
    He deleted

    val Lens = <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_misccraft:1>;val Bowstring = <TConstruct:bowstring>;val Torchberries = <TwilightForest:item.torchberries>;

    This is the reason I explicitly started that section with "Change unless Mod is installed"
    (Not "Delete unless Mod is installed)

    However he calls these at:

    // --- Beaconrecipes.addShaped(Beacon, [[<minecraft:glass_pane>, Lens, <minecraft:glass_pane>],[<minecraft:glass_pane>, NetherStar, <minecraft:glass_pane>],[DenseObsidianPlate, DenseObsidianPlate, DenseObsidianPlate]]);

    // --- Dispenserrecipes.addShaped(Dispenser, [[StoneRod, IronPlate, StoneRod],[IronBars, Bowstring, IronPlate],[Cobble, Piston, Cobble]]);

    // --- Torch
    ////[at the bottom of "Torch"]// -recipes.addShaped(Torch * 7, [[Torchberries, String],[ImpregnatedStick, null]]);

    Edit: And how do you get these code blocks to be multiline?
    Edit: I use this Grep search pattern to find items not from Minecraft or ore the dictionary:

  • //Template Test

    //Val Definition------------------------------

    val SteamCanister = <steamcraft2:ItemCanisterSteam>;
    val BrassPlate = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:17301>;
    val IronIngot = <minecraft:iron_ingot>;
    val BrassIngot = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11301>;
    val SteelPlate = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:17305>;
    val SteelIngot = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11305>;
    val WoodRotor = <IC2:itemwoodrotor>;
    val SteelSprocket = <steamcraft2:ItemSteelParts:1>;
    val BronzeIngot = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11300>;
    val SmallBronzePipe = <gregtech:gt.blockmachines:5121>;
    val SmallSteelPipe = <gregtech:gt.blockmachines:5131>;
    val CastIronShaft = <steamcraft2:ItemMachinePart>;

    //Original Recipe Remove----------------------
    //Steam-Powered Jetpack
    //Clockwork Mechanism
    //Brass Chestplate
    //Brass Helmet
    //Brass Greaves
    //Brass Boots
    //Remove OP BrassGoggles

    //Greged Recipes------------------------------
    //Steam-Powered Jetpack
    [[SteamCanister, SteelPlate, SteamCanister],
    [BrassIngot, SteelPlate, BrassIngot],
    [WoodRotor, SteelPlate, WoodRotor]]);
    //Clockwork Mechanism
    [[CastIronShaft, BrassPlate, CastIronShaft],
    [SteelSprocket, null, SteelSprocket],
    [CastIronShaft, BrassPlate, CastIronShaft]]);
    //Brass Chestplate
    [[BrassPlate, null, BrassPlate],
    [SmallBronzePipe, SmallBronzePipe, SmallBronzePipe],
    [BrassPlate, SmallBronzePipe, BrassPlate]]);
    //Brass Helmet
    [[BrassPlate, SmallSteelPipe, BrassPlate],
    [BrassPlate, null, BrassPlate]]);
    //Brass Greaves
    [[BrassPlate, SteelPlate, BrassPlate],
    [SmallBronzePipe, null, SmallBronzePipe],
    [BrassPlate, null, BrassPlate]]);
    //Brass Boots
    [[SmallBronzePipe, null, SmallBronzePipe],
    [BrassPlate, null, BrassPlate]]);

    I was really surprised to see so little interaction between Steamcraft2&Gregtech.
    SC2, with some slight tweaks, could make GT steam age (which is often considered a painful transition from stone age to Electro-magical age) a much better feature to experience.
    Actually I'm having quite a pleasant time with these two on my steampunk themed world.
    The latest version of both mods however, doesn't seem to cooperate quite well. Some of the plates and ingots from GT5 are not recognized by SC2 and thus making some key items not craftable.

    And so began my first try on minetweaker. I managed to correct the direst problems and slightly altered the crafting recipes for Brass Suit, making it steel-dependent and substantially more expensive. And I disabled the crafting recipe for brass goggles because it simply is overpowered. I added two wood rotors into the steam-powerd jetpack recipe to make it more convincing ;)

    This is the best I can do, for now. I hope this crude script could find its way to someone who needs it.
    BTW, I could really use some examples showing how to add gregtech metatools into crafting recipes.

  • Hi guys can you help me one more time? :D

    One guy said me to change String to <minecraft:string>, but it doesn't work. Now it works like this http://savepic.ru/8007361.gif. Why vanila torch recipes exist? Also, can't craft a torch with a coal and a stick.
    I also tried do like this
    recipes.addShaped(<RealisticTorches:TorchUnlit> * 4, [

    [Coal, <minecraft:string>],

    [Stick, null]]);
    It doesn't work too.
    Also, this code works fine with Enviromine, but I decided to use torches from Realistic Torches and so I'm here :\
    I told about it to Realistic Torches's autor but he said several players use minetweaker with his torches.

  • I think it is because you're using a shaped recipe, that means you need to specify all crafting components (even if there is nothing in that crafting slot), so it would be:

    recipes.addShaped(<RealisticTorches:TorchUnlit> * 4, [ [null, null, null],
    [Coal, <minecraft:string>, null],
    [Stick, null, null]]);

  • Hello, i need help.

    How can I use Gregtechs Integrated Circuits in an Assembler?

    The Integrated Circuits are: gregtech:gt.integrated_circuit:6034 - but this is an unconfigurated one.

    How can i use configurated ones? 6034:1, 6034:2 ..... etc.

    I tried it like this:

    mods.gregtech.Assembler.addRecipe(<minecraft:fence> * 3, <minecraft:stick> * 3, <gregtech:gt.integrated_circuit:6034:1>, <liquid:glue> * 1000, 1200, 128);

    but this dont work.

    Thanks for help

  • So first of all you need Minetweaker 3.0.10b
    Minetweaker 3.0.10b

    For Gregtech you need GTTweaker 1.09
    GT-5.08.** & Minetweaker-3.10 Addon

    Try this code

    import mods.gregtech.Assembler;
    Assembler.addRecipe(<minecraft:fence> * 3, <minecraft:stick> * 3, <gregtech:gt.integrated_circuit:1> * 0, <liquid:glue> * 1000, 1200, 128);

    <gregtech:gt.integrated_circuit:1> = Circuits have config 1
    0 = the circuit does not consumed in the crafting Process.