[Remake][1.6.4|1.7.10|1.10.2][Patreon][IRC|#IC2-Classic|EsperNet] IC2 Classic by Speiger
Hi Speiger, I love IC2 Classic, and I'm just wondering. Is it possible to maybe add a config option to make the Mass fabricator a little more gregtetchy, as in require scrap to work instead of using it to amplify, and maybe a config option to change the EU requirement for UU-matter? This would make me so happy
Well Exact values i would not allow but a energy requirement multiplier would be no problem at all. So you could set it 1% of what it is or 2000% of what it was.
About the scrap why not.
For which mc version is that request?
Well Exact values i would not allow but a energy requirement multiplier would be no problem at all. So you could set it 1% of what it is or 2000% of what it was.
About the scrap why not.
For which mc version is that request?
I'm playing the 1.7.10 version. Thanks
ok i put it on to my 1.7.10 todo list.
But that list actually pretty empty and it will take a bit of time until i work on that list again.
Its dependent what reports i get the next time or when i put work next time into it.
(I usually do updates every 1-2 months after the last update if there is something on to my todolist)
i hope you dont mind.
Sounds good! Thanks again
Cable Loss doesn't work like intended. In both Versions of IC2C.
If you have a 6 Bock long Copper Cable (extremely common earlygame case, if you don't have enough Diamonds!) and a Batbox (Packets worth 32 EU/t) you would expect it to lose 1/32nd of the EU when powering Machines on that Line, since it is Packets worth 32 EU and you lose 1 EU.
HOWEVER, this doesn't apply. You actually lose up to 50% of the Energy if you do that! That is HALF of the Energy! I physically tested that on the Server and it has proven to be right. I was only able to smelt 3/4 the amount of Items that I could usually smelt in an Electric Furnace, because it consumes 3 EU/t, and loses 1 EU/t, reducing the Batbox output Voltage to 4 EU/t, and making the loss 25% in this Case, instead of the proper 3.125%!!!
After thinking about that Problem I remembered that Player once left a comment in the injectEnergy Function of the IC2 Enet API specifically this comment:
"It's highly recommended to accept all energy by letting the internal buffer overflow"
But I know that IC2C doesn't let the internal Buffer of Energy Sinks overflow, causing Cable loss to be far more Random and very specific to the Machines. But it gets worse. Another example of an earlygame pre-fibre Tier is the setup of Advanced Machines at an MFE using Gold Cable. As in follows
MFE + a few Gold Cables powering Redstoned Advanced Machines. Said Machines will consume exactly 1 EU/t, however thanks to Cable loss in Gold being there for very short distances, you end up losing 50%, 66.6%, or even 75% of the Energy just to keep the Machines of a regular Workshop redstoned with 1 EU/t, meaning they waste a shitload of Energy, despite the Voltage being 128, therefore the loss being supposed to be 1/128th of the Power and not more than half of it!
This is a very common earlygame Setup, even Razzokk still has one of those at his Base. This Bug causes people to have to use twice the amount of (for example) Solar Panels or Turbines, just to keep their Adv Machines running, if they don't have enough Diamonds for Glass Fiber, or if they wanna use their Diamonds on enchanted Pickaxes instead of Glass Fiber.
I think this happened when you and earlier also immibis tried to port the IC2 Enet over to the new API without checking what exactly will happen if you introduce Cable Loss to the broken IC2 EXP API.
Or to be precise, "injectEnergy" may return an integer containing leftover Energy, but it is actually a boolean of "if the packet got accepted or not", and any other usage than as a "boolean" in the implementation of IEnergySink (so "accept all or nothing of the Packet") will result in a terribly huge amount of Cable loss that wasn't there in the ancient Versions of IC2 at all!
Just to give a answer to that and people not knowing what i did do after i read this:
Greg and i had a big talk about it. We had a ruff descusion.
The result of it. Yes its an issue. But its something that will hurt performance badly.
And at the point where you reach that issue noticeable, you already have a sufficent overflowing power source.
Because if you cant run the machine activly then you shouldnt run it passivly.
And if i am fixing that i would run into much bigger problems. The enet itself is a minefield. And greg and i did think of a lot of possible solutions.
Still none of them were better then the current one.
This is a very common earlygame Setup
And at the point where you reach that issue noticeable, you already have a sufficent overflowing power source.
Early game power generation must be quite powerful
Early game power generation must be quite powerful
Since the comment was about using gold cable to power machines that need 1EU/t if inactive one would guess that there is enough power behind to run them actively. Otherwise there is another issue besides the energy loss. Placing advanced machnies and powering them with redstone is something people won't do if they don't have the energy to use them.
Bug Report 1.7.10 + Adventure Mode. Scaffolds are not placeable on Leftclick in IC2-Classic, but they ARE placeable on Leftclick in IC2-Exp (meaning I will not fix it on GT6 Side like I said earlier, since it works on IC2-Exp).
This can be fixed easily by creating a custom Material instead of using Material.wood or Material.iron for the Scaffolds, and then doing setAdventureModeExempt on said Custom Material.
IC2Exp does it different then you think. They just said Every Block htat has ItemBlockIC2 (which is every Block in IC2Exp (+-a couple)) can mine scaffolds no matter of the material. So you can mine iron scaffolds with wooden scaffolds.
Hello! First, i wanna say that i love your mod. I started playing it (1.7.10) for nostalgia like a week ago, but there's one thing I miss. Enchantable drills. You could enchant them back in the MC1.4.7 IC2 version, is it possible for you to add that? Thanks for your time and keep it up!
Hello! First, i wanna say that i love your mod. I started playing it (1.7.10) for nostalgia like a week ago, but there's one thing I miss. Enchantable drills. You could enchant them back in the MC1.4.7 IC2 version, is it possible for you to add that? Thanks for your time and keep it up!
Electric Enchanter is the only way to do it. So you have a bit of an Extra Gap to do it.
Its a more XP effiecent way of Enchant it costs eu but you use XP points instead of XP levels which saves you in the long run a lot more XP.
my minecraft crached with the error message:
Error: cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ic2/core/block/machine/tileentity/TileEntityStandardMachine
You use a addon that requires IC2Experimental. I assume somehting like adv machines / solars.
IC2Classic has compact solar & adv machines intigrated
I am using a generator to power a bat box.
Generator works and charges bat box when I place charcoal into the generators lower slot in the interface.
In the IC wiki I read that the generator should take items into the bottom side and place those items in the lower slot. This is how the generator worked in Tekkit Lite.
Currently, anything I pipe to the under side of the generator is placed in the upper slot of the generator. And the generator runs out of fuel and stops.
Is there some detail I am missing here or is this the way it works now?
Thought about upgrading to a newer version of IC, I have not checked to see if they have the same issue yet. It looks like IC v 2.2 is compatible with MC v 1.7.10.
Thats it.
Have a generator, piping charcol to the bottom side like I did many times in tekkit lite. Now using tekkit legends. IC2.Classic.Version.
The fuel all goes in the upper slot in the generator which doesn't work.
Posted a more detailed version but it got deleted....not sure where to post anything here.
This is not Nuclear or agriculture , maybe it qualifies as electric.
Block Usage
To use, place one of the compatible fuels in the lower slot. The generator will output power at a rate of 10 EU/t. It will supply power when connected to machines via cables, or if a machine is adjacent to it. It is commonly used to power basic 32 EU/t machines such as the Batbox or the Electric Furnace. You can also charge RE Batteries by placing them in the top slot. For BuildCraft/RedPower piping purposes, the bottom slot's input is the bottom side, and any other side will go in the top.
"For BuildCraft/RedPower piping purposes, the bottom slot's input is the bottom side, and any other side will go in the top."
Ok, I missed that this was for IC2 classic. I tried fueling a generator in IC2 experimental and had no problems, but I can't vouch for Classic.
hmmm ok need to see if some version of not classic will run in 1.7.10
industrialcraft-2-2.2.828-experimental loads the generator correctly, but the solar arrays are gone...........great.