The NPEs are fixed in the next update. They do not crash, but spam the logs.
[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Allright, time for version 5.08.13!
-Added Turbines (Only the Items, the multiblocks are not complete jet)
-Added config to disable all ic2 cables and replace them with GT cables. Other mods using IC2 cables must be Minetweaked.
-Fixed Quantum Chest null-pointer bug
-Added 180 Achievements.Could someone do a spellcheck on the .lang for the Achievements? Or maybe think about better names in some cases?
The "Find Ore" achievements are automaticly generated and change depending on the activated ores inside the config.
The Ore Discripticon does not change automaticly, but by enabling the Debug1 setting the correct ones will be written into the GregTech.log and must only be copied into the en_US.lang file. Infos about ores spawning inside other mod dimensions must be added manually. -
So I seem to be having a strange issue with version 5.08.13 and two other mods.
When I use GT 5.08.13 (And of course IC2) Realistic World Gen and Glen's Gases (With it's Core mod) it produces this strange effect:
From my completely uneducated view on how Minecraft works behind the scenes, it seems the TPS is literally 0. No sounds are played when placing blocks and entities are just frozen. The game is just at a stand still but I can still move around.
It only seems to happen when I use these 3 mods together (5 including IC2 and Glen's core mod) that it produces these results, but any other combination of these mods I use then the issue goes away.
I'd just like to clarify I'm not implying that the problem is with GT or IC2, but I thought I would post here and see if anybody had any ideas what could be causing this and if it can be fixed, or if these 3 mods used together are just incompatible.
Place your fusioncoils (or superconducting coils with mark I) like it is shown in the tooltip. "This" is the fusion reactor block itself. Hull are the fusion casings mentioned in the tooltip of the fusionreactorblock. Plasma extractor are Output Hatches. Injectors are Input hatches. Energy injectors are energy hatches. You need to have the right tier of hatches.
I've never played GT before GT5 and now I'm currently lost trying to build a fusion reactor haha. Can someone explain what exactly are the blocks referred to in the tooltip?
Try looking at the tooltip on the fusion reactor block itself. It will give you more detailed info on what blocks you need.
So I seem to be having a strange issue with version 5.08.13 and two other mods.
When I use GT 5.08.13 (And of course IC2) Realistic World Gen and Glen's Gases (With it's Core mod) it produces this strange effect:
From my completely uneducated view on how Minecraft works behind the scenes, it seems the TPS is literally 0. No sounds are played when placing blocks and entities are just frozen. The game is just at a stand still but I can still move around.
It only seems to happen when I use these 3 mods together (5 including IC2 and Glen's core mod) that it produces these results, but any other combination of these mods I use then the issue goes away.
I'd just like to clarify I'm not implying that the problem is with GT or IC2, but I thought I would post here and see if anybody had any ideas what could be causing this and if it can be fixed, or if these 3 mods used together are just incompatible.
From what i know it is likely a worldgen loop caused by the combination of Glen's Gases and GregTechs huge oreveins. I do not know a easy way to fix it. In GT6, Greg did something about that a few weeks ago, but i do not know exactly what, only that it was a lot of work.
Where's the old GTCW when you need it...I have some screenshots from the old (now deceased) wiki of the construction of an old GT4 Fusion Reactor. I'm not fully awake enough to explain them all, but with any luck looking at the screenshots will help.
Where's the old GTCW when you need it...
In a zip. I've got it all, and I'm pretty sure SpwnX does too, but all the images would have to be added to the page, as well as reconstructing them in a way that works wiki syntax wise.
From what i know it is likely a worldgen loop caused by the combination of Glen's Gases and GregTechs huge oreveins. I do not know a easy way to fix it. In GT6, Greg did something about that a few weeks ago, but i do not know exactly what, only that it was a lot of work.
And that's where it gets weird because using GT and Glen's Gases together work just fine, but when I then use RWG too (While not even using it's world type) it produces those results. And of course, if I use RWG and Glen's Gases together there is no issue and same with GT and RWG.
So it must be something specifically with these 3 mods.
And that's where it gets weird because using GT and Glen's Gases together work just fine, but when I then use RWG too it produces those results. And of course, if I use RWG and Glen's Gases together there is no issue and same with GT and RWG.
So it must be something specifically with these 3 mods.
The more worldgen mods, the more chances for problems. It is also depending on the world seed since the worldgen is random. GT, RWG and Glens Gases together likely do not go into loops all the time. Trying a few times might generate a world that works first, but allways has a chance to loop while generating more of the world. GT and Glens Gases alone allready have a small chance of looping, RWG only rises the chance a lot.
Before I install the new update (13), I see you added a config that replaces all IC2 cables with Gregtech cables.
Is this enabled or disabled by default?
I have a lot of IC2 cables in my world right now, and if I install this update, will they automatically change to Gregtech ones or do you have to enable that feature in the config and THEN the cables all change from IC2 to Gregtech ones?
I don't want my cables to become gregtech ones.
Before I install the new update (13), I see you added a config that replaces all IC2 cables with Gregtech cables.
Is this enabled or disabled by default?
I have a lot of IC2 cables in my world right now, and if I install this update, will they automatically change to Gregtech ones or do you have to enable that feature in the config and THEN the cables all change from IC2 to Gregtech ones?
I don't want my cables to become gregtech ones.
It is default disabled. Also it only replaces them in all recipes and hides them in NEI. Cables allready in world will stay.
Oh I see where I went wrong...I thought plasma extractors were the plasma generators haha. Well thanks guys I can now make my Max machine hulls haha
Blood Asp, in GT 5.07.06 all tiers Regulators in its recipe requires same circuits (advanced electronic). Is it fixed in GT 5.08?
That is not a Bug Sapient, that was fully intended. The Circuits are for the complexity of the Task and not for conducting any electricity at all. The Conveyors and Arms need to be Tier dependant since they are actually powered by that Energy.
So I seem to be having a strange issue with version 5.08.13 and two other mods.
When I use GT 5.08.13 (And of course IC2) Realistic World Gen and Glen's Gases (With it's Core mod) it produces this strange effect:
From my completely uneducated view on how Minecraft works behind the scenes, it seems the TPS is literally 0. No sounds are played when placing blocks and entities are just frozen. The game is just at a stand still but I can still move around.
I have same problems. (with gt 5.07 too)
notified to glen gases mod creators....
look at ./world/region : a lot of empty regions was created...
old version of glen gases seen works fine... -
I have some screenshots from the old (now deceased) wiki of the construction of an old GT4 Fusion Reactor. I'm not fully awake enough to explain them all, but with any luck looking at the screenshots will help.
oh thanks ! very useful !!!
I hope its always good...
but fk, I cant find europium and americium at all... is it biomes distributed ? and compatible with BOP ? or galaticgreg ?
ender is close to be totally void, I have crush lot (and lot) of chunk in nether and otherworld (with quarry+ full enchanted)
but never find it ! -
Europium, Americium and Neutronium are made with fusion, Lutethium is made with an IC2 Nuclear reactor.
So, build Mark I fusion, produce Europium, build Mark II fusion, produce Americium, build Mark III fusion.
All existing ores and where to find them is now listed in the Achievements.