Would you like to see more ores, alloys, and elements in Industrial Craft? 32
Yes, add as many as possible. (3) 9%
Yes, a few more would be nice. (15) 47%
No, its perfect the way it is. (13) 41%
No, there is too many already. (1) 3%
Okay, so I personally love the real life element that industrial craft has added with the extra ores such as copper, tin, and uranium. But I have always wanted to see more. I personally would add 50% of the periodic table of elements if I could. I would love to be able to have iron, aluminum, tin, copper, platinum, silver, lead and some other metals added in with some of the other items from the periodic table such as silicon ect ... I would also love to see gems such as ruby, diamonds, emeralds, ect added in as well. Now i know that red power adds some of this, but to be honest, its more of a pain in the butt to use red power and industrial craft together, they both have copper and tin ores. And personally I hate managing 3 mods separately and much rather manage one mod. Now im not creating this topic to suggest anything, or try and tell people to stop adding red power. I am genuinely curious if people would like to see more different ores, elements, and gems.