It seems that whenever i use the mod or place a solar panel i crash i will try to get a crash log but the version i use is the one you said to us to use so im just wondering

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Solar Panels v3.5.1 + Quantum Generator + Solar helmets !
Minecraft crashes when game is loading.
I have: IC2 2.0.116
Adv. Solar Panels 3.3.8Crash report is here:
Minecraft crashes when game is loading.
I have: IC2 2.0.116
Adv. Solar Panels 3.3.8Crash report is here:
I believe the current advanced solars version is incompatable with IC2 experimental versions.
so when are you gona upload version for ic2 experimental i realy need it !
I would also appreciate a version working with the experimental build
I will third the motion for a build compatible with IC2 Experimental.
Crashes with industrialcraft-2_2.0.128-experimental.jar
Okay hmmm why is in title 1.118?
Quote -
Okay hmmm why is in title 1.118?
Because it's for IC2 1.118, not IC2 2.0.X
SeNtiMeL: I got a build for the IC2 2.0 ready, I will write you a PM with compiled and source code ;P
~ Greets. -
Because it's for IC2 1.118, not IC2 2.0.X
SeNtiMeL: I got a build for the IC2 2.0 ready, I will write you a PM with compiled and source code ;P
~ Greets.Please post this, I need it
I will third the motion for a build compatible with IC2 Experimental.
+1, making me 4thDown with Refined Iron
I hope the releases for IC2 2.0 are coming soon. They say there's already code out; it would be nice to have a build, no matter how experimental.
+1, making me 4thDown with Refined Iron
+1, making it 5
I tried to add this addon to my tekkit lite mod pack but it crashes. I tried several different ways to install it but it didn't work. please help me!! sorry for my english but im portuguese. Is the 1.4.7 version.
I tried to add this addon to my tekkit lite mod pack but it crashes. I tried several different ways to install it but it didn't work. please help me!! sorry for my english but im portuguese. Is the 1.4.7 version
A crash log would be helpful in determining the cause of the crash.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 194 is already occupied by immibis.tubestuff.BlockStorage@1092b61 when adding advsolar.BlockAdvSolarPanel@ff1cff
The error and how to fix is right there in that thing you posted. It clearly states that the block ID is already being used. So what does that mean? you have to change the ID in the config this is the most simple issue to fix with any mod.
I would also like to see this mod updated to allow for the newer versions of IC2.
Love you long time for 2.0 version.
Because it's for IC2 1.118, not IC2 2.0.X
SeNtiMeL: I got a build for the IC2 2.0 ready, I will write you a PM with compiled and source code ;P
~ Greets.please post the link or somethin
... really need it because of low ways to get energy
Addon updated !
ChangeLog of Advanced Solar Panels v3.3.9
+ Ported to new IC build 2.0.160 experimental and Minecraft 1.6.2 (Required Forge >
+ Now energy packets not work in Quantum Generator ! (New IC2 energy net)